
  • 网络public governance;Public administration;public management
  1. 超越官僚制:新公共治理的原则与架构

    Surpassing Bureaucracy : The Principle of Framework of New Public Governance

  2. 这对我国公共治理共识的形成提出了更高的要求。

    That put the formation of public governance consensus to higher requirements .

  3. 公共治理视野中的公共物品供给

    Provision of Public Goods in the View of the Public Governance

  4. 我国乡村公共治理空间构建的政治分析

    Political Analysis of the Construction of Rural Public Governance Space in China

  5. 公共治理理论视角下的政府审计环境

    Government Auditing Environment under the Perspective of Public Governance Theory

  6. 公共治理视阈下高等教育管理的政府责任

    Government Responsibility in Higher Education from the Perspective of Public Governance Theory

  7. 公共治理理念:公共危机管理的关键因素

    Public Administration Idea : the Key to Public Crisis Management

  8. 教育公共治理的公共性是否衰退

    The Publicness of the Public Governance of Education has Declined or not

  9. 试论现阶段我国改善公共治理的主要任务

    Primary Discuss on the Main Task of Improving Public Governance

  10. 国际视野中的性别失衡公共治理:比较与借鉴

    Public Governance on Sex Imbalance from International Perspective : Comparison and Reference

  11. 公共治理与财政扶贫资金漏出问题研究

    Study on Public Governance and Leak-out of Financial Anti-poverty Fund

  12. 构建和谐社会的根本在于公共治理的和谐。

    Building a harmonious society lies in the harmony of public governance .

  13. 软法是公共治理的主要凭借。

    Soft law is the main measure of public governance .

  14. 城市管理创新导向:从政府管理到公共治理

    The Creation Orientation of Urban Management : from Government Management to Public Governance

  15. 网络状公共治理:合作与共治

    Network Public Governance : Cooperation and Common - governing

  16. 环境公共治理模式下的参与&回应型行政体制

    The Administrative System of " Participation-Response " Under the Environmental Public Governance Model

  17. 论公共治理视野中服务型政府的建设

    On the Construction of the Service-oriented Government from the Perspective of Public Governance

  18. 公共治理理论对我国构建和谐社会的启示

    Inspiration Of The Public Governance Theory To Build A Harmonious Society In China

  19. 公共治理在基本药物供应体系建立中的意义

    Significance of Public Governance in the Construction of Supply System of Essential Drugs

  20. 教育的公共治理:现代性的境遇及其超越

    Public Governance of Education : The Predicament of Its Modernity and Its Transcendence

  21. 公共治理理论及其引发的变革

    Public Governance Theory and Changing in Public Sectors

  22. 公共治理视角下的公众参与建设图书馆

    Public Governance from the Perspective of the Social Force to Participate in Library Construction

  23. 论分散化的大学公共治理

    On the Distributed Public Governance of the University

  24. 新媒体事件:话语权重构与公共治理的转型

    New-Media Events : the Reconstruction of the Right-to-Speak and the Transformation of Public Governance

  25. 从网络广告监管到网络广告治理&公共治理的视角分析

    From Supervision to Governance : on Internet Advertisements from the Perspective of Public Governance

  26. 公共治理视阈下的城市社区业主维权

    The Rights Protection Movement of Urban Property Owners From the Perspective of Public Governance

  27. 欧盟的社会对话与公共治理

    Social Dialogue and Public Governance of European Union

  28. 四是构建公共治理结构,为独立学院发展搭建平台;

    Structure public governing framework , form a platform for the development of depended-college ;

  29. 论我国行业协会的社会功能&以公共治理理论为研究工具

    The Social Function of the Chinese Trade Association & With the Theory of Public Governance

  30. 公共治理中的责任结构分析

    On the Responsible Structure of Public Governance