
  1. 这两种构造N边域曲面的方法为NURBS曲面中N边洞的填充与NURBS曲面的混合提供了一个思路。

    The two methods present a way of thinking for filling N-sided holes and blending NURBS surfaces .

  2. 在公共财政体制下,高等教育产品供给方式应实行政府主导的混合提供方式。

    This paper first puts forward that higher education expenditure should be provided through a mixed government dominant model .

  3. 结果表明:空化现象所产生的高速微射流为混合提供的主要动力;在超声波作用下,两种不相溶的液体能达到均匀混合状态。

    The result shows that : the microfluidics caused by the cavitation is the main power in the fluid mixing . The fluid mixing could be homogeneous under ultrasonic condition .

  4. 系统实现的一系列签名转换算法中包含了签名解密转换算法,为XML签名和XML加密的混合使用提供了保障;

    Decryption Transform for XML Signature was implemented , which can ensure the integration of XML-Signature and XML Encryption .

  5. 以KANE一MAY测氧仪(英国)监测氧浓度,富氧气体由DY&84氧氮混合仪提供。

    The oxygen concentration was monitored by KANE-MAY oxygen detector ( United Kingdom ), and the enriched oxygen was provided by DY-84 oxygen-nitrogen mixer .

  6. WSO2CSG提供的应用包括保护APIs、为各服务提供防火墙、保证私有数据安全访问、桥接混合云和提供安全验证等。

    Applications of WSO2 CSG include protecting APIs , providing a firewall for services , ensuring private data access , bridging hybrid clouds , and offering security verification .

  7. 混合物品提供和配置中的博弈行为研究

    Research on the Behavior Game of the Supply and Allocation of the Mixed Good

  8. 为记录和混合都提供了近场监测优良的性能和价值。

    For recording , and for mixing down both offer excellent Near Field Monitoring performance and value .

  9. 为进一步的真实网络协同混合试验提供了必要的理论基础。

    The research provided the necessary theoretical basis for further theoretical analysis and the actual remote collaborative hybrid test .

  10. 他们将一种和法国烟丝一样的混合烟叶提供给制造商,让他们加工出来。

    An American cigarette-maker gallantly offered to manufacture his cigarettes from the same blend of tobacco used in the Caporals .

  11. 最后指出这种方法属于无词典检索技术,为实现中西文信息的全文检索和混合检索提供了现实途径。

    By this methods , it is possible to realize the full-text and mixed retrieval of information in Chinese and foreign languages .

  12. 同时,CPU+FPGA混合平台提供了一种可以进行软硬件灵活划分的开发环境。

    At the meanwhile , the hybrid platform of CPU and FPGA provides the flexible environment of the division of hardware and software .

  13. 这为分析大规模的混合系统提供了一个切实可行的方法,有助于对复杂混合系统的分析与控制。

    This provides an effective method to analyze a large hybrid system and is helpful to the analysis and control of a complex hybrid system .

  14. 本文的工作为研究各种新型螺杆元件的输送和混合机理提供了一种新的方法。

    Our research work has provided a new method for the study of the conveying and mixing mechanisms of various new types of screw elements .

  15. 同时,还研究了与这种电路设计相匹配的工艺流程,为工程上更好的实现这一混合电路提供了良好的技术平台。

    At the same time , we researched the process for this circuit , which can provide a good technology platform for the mixed circuit .

  16. 有限混合模型提供了个强大、灵活以及原则性的统计方法,在许多复杂数据模型中得到了广泛的应用。

    Finite mixture models provide a powerful , flexible and well principled statistical approach and have been commonly used to model complex data in many applications .

  17. 我特意为该混合方法提供了一个算法,您可以用该算法解决约束满足问题,并用它来解决数独。

    In particular , I proposed an algorithm for the hybrid approach that you can use to solve constraint satisfaction problems , and applied it to solving Sudoku .

  18. 正确的混合将会提供对语言及你的现有商务平台的支持,并帮助你过渡到开放的,基于标准的将来的计算平台。

    The right mix will provide comprehensive support for the languages and platforms that run your business today , and help you transition to the open , standards-based computing platforms of the future .

  19. 混合云提供了大量解决方案,但是其中有很多选项可能会让企业难以针对其业务模型来创建最恰当和有益的解决方案。

    The hybrid cloud offers a vast array of solutions , but the many options can make it difficult for an enterprises to create the most appropriate and beneficial solution for its business model .

  20. 介绍莱拧搅拌的特点,并论述采用莱拧搅拌进行改造时需注意的问题,可以为化工行业物料的混合搅拌提供一种新的选择。

    The paper recommends the features of Laining Dasher and discusses some points to be noticed when dashers are used to rebuild equipments and gives a new way of material agitation in chemical industry .

  21. 实验还进一步对体系中·OH表观生成率的影响进行研究,为提高电&Fenton法深度处理制革废水和村镇混合污水效率提供了理论依据。

    The influence on apparent generation rate of · OH in this system was also studied to provide a useful parameter to improve the efficiency for advanced treatment of tannery wastewater and villages mixed wastewater by Electro-Fenton reagent .

  22. Al2O3还与SiO2产生无定形SiO2-Al2O3混合相,提供二甲醚合成所必需的酸碱中心。

    Besides , Al_2O_3 incorporates into the SiO_2 to form non-definite-shape mixture phase of Al_2O_3 and SiO_2 , which provide the acid-base sites for ether formation .

  23. 通过对定流量工况和变流量工况下流场的仿真计算,获得了流量系数μF值随球阀开度变化的曲线,为火箭发动机系统流量计算和混合比调节提供重要参数。

    The curve of the flow coefficient μ F is obtained and it changes with the opening of the ball valve . The analytic result of flow coefficient offers an important parameter to calculate the flux and regulate the mixture ratio of rocket engine .

  24. 混合经济理论提供了跨流域调水管理引入水权市场的合理性。

    Mixed economic theory provides the rationality of water right market introduced by the interbasin water transfer management .

  25. 对优化算法进行简要说明,为混合优化算法提供理论依据。

    In order to provide basic theories of hybrid optimal algorithm , the basic content of optimal algorithm are briefly introduced .

  26. 在烹饪法中,菜谱提供原料的列表,并就如何将这些原料混合到一起提供一些说明。

    In the kitchen , the recipe provides a list of ingredients and some instructions on how to mix those ingredients together .

  27. 但十胜比赛证明了与较小的电池配合使用,终极电容器能被广泛应用于为混合动力车提供动力。

    But the Tokachi race proved that ultracapacitors could be more widely used in conjunction with smaller batteries to power hybrid cars .

  28. 凸体的混合体积理论提供了统一处理各种不同的重要的几何量的方法,比如体积和表面积等。

    The theory of mixed volumes provides a unified treatment of various important metric quantities in geometry such as volume and surface area .

  29. 公私混合通过确保提供免费结核病治疗和尽量压低所有其它费用,降低患者的费用。

    PPM reduces costs to patients by ensuring that treatment for TB is free of charge and all other costs are kept to a minimum .

  30. 在工程上可以为混合动力车辆提供相关的设计指导,并能针对具体的功率变换问题提出相应的解决方案。

    Also , it can provide relative design instruction for HEV system in the practical application , and solve the actual problem during power transformation process .