
  • 网络hybrid fund;balanced fund;Commingled funds;hybrid mutual funds
  1. 同时可以从实证结果中发现,债券型基金的表现比股票型和混合型基金更好,这可以用债权型基金具有更好的避险特性来解释。

    At the same time from the empirical results found that the performance of bond funds than in equity and hybrid funds better , which can be debt hedge funds have better features to explain .

  2. 实证分析结果显示,我国股票型和混合型基金的收益都超过了市场基准的收益,基金经理基本上都具备较强的选股能力,但是不具备明显的时机选择能力。

    The results of the empirical analysis indicate that the yields of the stock funds and mixed open-ended funds are better than the market average . Fund managers show fairly good performance in their stock selectivity , but obvious weakness in market-timing .

  3. 我国当前出现了一股进行证券投资基金投资的热潮,这股热潮主要是投资于股票型和混合型开放式基金。

    There has been an upsurge in securities investment funds , which mainly consists in investment in stock funds and mixed open-ended funds .