
  • 网络Equity fund;Stock Fund
  1. 资产管理公司newstar与tataassetmanagement刚刚向散户投资者发行了一种股票基金。

    New star and Tata asset management , have just launched an equity fund for retail investors .

  2. 欧洲投资者还可以考虑规模为4.28亿美元的汇丰GIF金砖四国市场股票基金(HSBCGIFBricMarketsEquityFund),该基金采用一种积极的定量投资策略。

    European investors can also consider the $ 428m HSBC GIF Bric Markets Equity Fund , which follows an active quantitative investment process .

  3. 根据这些建议,戴尔公司员工福监管部门设定了戴尔股票基金在员工401(k)账户总余额中占据的份额最高不超过20%的限制。

    Based on the recommendations , the Dell benefits administrators set a limit for the Dell stock fund of 20 percent of a total plan balance .

  4. 伦敦富达国际(fidelityinternational)的明星基金经理安东尼波顿(anthonybolton)也放弃自己的退休计划移居香港,推出一家中国股票基金。

    Anthony Bolton , Star stock picker at UK-based Fidelity International , has scrapped his retirement and decamped to Hong Kong to launch a China Equities Fund .

  5. 在首阶段,只有一般型股票基金、债券基金、混合基金、非上市指数基金和实物跟踪指数交易所买卖基金(ETF)才符合资格参与基金互认安排。

    Initially , only general equity funds , bond funds , mixed funds , unlisted index funds and physical index-tracking exchange traded funds will qualify .

  6. 该公司推出的绝对回报股票基金最初在西班牙和意大利发行,是第一批基于一只纯粹对冲基金的ucitsiii投资工具之一。

    The absolute return equity fund , initially available in Spain and Italy , is one of the first UCITS III vehicles based on a pure hedge fund .

  7. 美盛投资(leggmasoninvestments)亚洲主管lennielim表示,今年早些时候,当乐观情绪漫溢之时,亚洲地区投资者还乐于将大笔资金投入单一国家股票基金。

    Lennie Lim , head of Asia at Legg Mason investments , says regional investors were happy to pile into single country equity funds earlier this year when optimism abounded .

  8. 晨星公司(Morningstar)预测,亚克曼的两支基金自2008年以来已吸纳了129亿美元&除了另一家名为黑石(BlackRock)股利基金的股票基金外,这个成绩超越了所有对手。

    The two funds have pulled in $ 12.9 billion since 2008 , Morningstar estimates & more than all but one other stock fund , a BlackRock Dividend Fund .

  9. 他的目标是在65岁时实现财务自由,正因如此,他的退休计划几乎全部投资于个股、股票基金、交易所交易基金(ETF),以及类似对冲基金的一些另类投资。

    He wants to be financially independent by age 65 , which is why almost all of his retirement portfolio is given to individual stocks , stock mutual funds and exchange-traded funds , and alternative , hedge-fund-like investments .

  10. 基金分析公司理柏(Lipper)的数据显示,截至10月份美国多元化股票基金平均下跌2%,而同期标准普尔500指数上涨了1.3%。

    The average diversified U.S. stock fund fell 2 % through October , according to Lipper , compared with a 1.3 % rise in the S & P 500 .

  11. 狭义影子银行机构不包括那些不提供信贷的实体,比如股票基金,以及被整合至银行集团内部的经纪自营商(broker-dealer)的资产。

    This snapshot of the sector excludes entities that are not involved in credit provision such as equity funds , as well as assets of broker-dealers which are consolidated as part of banking groups .

  12. 理柏(Lipper)数据显示,截至今年8月13日,美国的多样化股票基金上涨18%,远高于标普500指数12.1%的涨幅。

    Diversified US equity funds rose 18 per cent in the year to August 13 , Lipper says far ahead of the SP 500 's gain of 12.1 per cent .

  13. 401K计划成员在接到有关他们的戴尔股票基金账户将进行一次性配置调整(如果超过计划总余额的20%)的特定日期的通知之后,有5个月的时间采取行动。

    401k plan members had 5 months notice of the specific date their Dell stock fund accounts would have a one-time reallocation if they exceeded 20 percent of their total plan balance .

  14. epfr每周追踪的全球新兴市场和拉美股票基金的净流入额分别比2006年的总额高出261%和205%,而全球股票型基金创下新高,吸引了近370亿美元资金。

    Net flows into global emerging markets and Latin America Equity Funds tracked weekly by EPFR were 261 per cent and 205 per cent higher than 2006 totals , while global equity funds had a record-setting year , absorbing nearly $ 37bn ( 19bn , 25bn ) .

  15. 投资者继续把大量的现金投入股票基金。

    Investors are continuing to shovel cash into their stock funds .

  16. 中国企业对股票基金的需求也很强劲。

    Equity funds have also seen strong demand from Chinese companies .

  17. 股票基金投资业务风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Stock Fund in Investment Operation

  18. 股票基金是以上市交易的股票为主要投资对象的基金。

    The stock fund views stocks on public as main investment objectives .

  19. 如今同样的命运似乎落到了积极股票基金经理人的身上。

    The same fate seems to have befallen active equity fund managers .

  20. 我国开放式股票基金的择时选股能力研究

    Research on Timely Selecting Ability of Open-end Stock Fund

  21. 去年,晨星还提名希罗为“十年最佳国际股票基金经理”。

    Last year Morningstar named Herro its international stock manager of the decade .

  22. 白天,布莱恩是私人股票基金公司的一个经理。

    By day , Brian is an executive at a private equity firm .

  23. 在全球市场中游走的美国股票基金经理事实上都是反向投资者。

    As they move among global markets , US equity managers are actually contrarian .

  24. 几乎没有谁愿意选择国内股票基金。

    Almost none has gone into domestic equities .

  25. 同一周,全球股票基金净流入为35亿美元。

    In the same week , equity funds worldwide saw net inflows of $ 3.5bn .

  26. 全球股市下跌令多空股票基金公司受到重创。

    Long / short equity managers have been hard hit by falling global stock markets .

  27. 他从事投资管理事业始于1979年,担任环球及美国股票基金的分析员及基金经理。

    He began his career in1979as an analyst and fund manager on global and us equities .

  28. 在一些股票基金中提到的老鼠仓是什么意思?

    What meaning is the mice storehouse that mentions in fund of of a few stocks ?

  29. 全球股票基金的资金流入额为400亿美元,这些基金的一部分投资对象是新兴市场。

    Inflows to global equities funds , which include exposure to emerging markets , were $ 40bn .

  30. 如今,最成功的长期和短期股票基金也在运用上述大部分技巧。

    Many of these techniques are used by the most successful equity long / short funds today .