
  1. 但是这种市场波动比较大而且不可预测,使投资者面临着除汇率风险以外的股票价格风险。

    However , such markets are noticeably volatile and unpredictable , exposing investors to substantial equity price risk in addition to exchange rate risk .

  2. 借此对我国股票价格风险波动的非理性特征给予更合理的解释。

    Based on the results , the paper had given a more reasonable explanation for irrational features of price volatility in Chinese stock market .

  3. 而且,在大多数新兴经济条件下,积极的指数期货市场可能不存在,这使得外国股票价格风险管理更加困难。

    Moreover , an active stock index futures market may not exist in most emerging economies , making foreign equity price risk manage more difficult .

  4. 经典期权定价理论是建立在有效市场假设基础之上,即市场是无套利的、对数股票价格经过无风险利率折现服从一个鞅过程;这暗示在大多数场合股票价格增量应该是相互独立的。

    Classic option pricing theory is built on the basis of efficient market hypothesis , that market has no arbitrage , logarithm stock price after a discount of risk-free rate follows a martingale process ; this suggests the stock price increments in most cases should be mutually independent .

  5. 因此,如何规避股票市场上的价格风险一直是金融领域的研究热点。

    Therefore , how to avoid stock price risk has been a research topic in the field of finance .

  6. 通过把股票价格看成由无风险部分和有风险部分组成,利用有限差分法对基于支付红利股票的美式期权定价进行了研究,同时考虑了交易费用。

    Under the assumption that stocks price consists of the risky part and the risk-less part , this paper studies the pricing of American options on stocks with known dividends and transaction costs , by using the finite difference method .

  7. 最近产生的一些金融创新衍生工具(例如美元标价的MSCI台湾股票指数期货)使国际投资者管理外国股票价格风险更加的便利。

    Recently , a class of innovative derivative instruments ( such as MSCI Taiwan index ) has been created to facilitate foreign equity price risk management especially for international investors .

  8. 第四章对农业上市公司股票收益首次建立行业因素模型,研究股票价格波动(风险)的结构特征。

    In chapter four , the industry factor models of the listed agriculture company return was established for the first time so as to study the stock risk structure characters .

  9. 而股票投资面临着股利收益不确定风险和股票价格不确定风险。

    Bonds investment faces interest rate risk , reinvesting risk , breaking contract risk , and inflation risk , while stock instruments face dividend indefinite risk and price indefinite risk .

  10. 它虽然简单但是却具有丰富的内涵,常常被应用于公司股票价值的评估当中,用以判断股票价格的高低、风险的大小以及对公司未来盈利的预测。

    It is simple but abundant in connotation , and is usually used in the evaluation of stock value of the corporation to judge the stock price , risk and the prediction for the earning in the further .

  11. 第四部分采用自相关分析方法、GARCH族模型来研究上市商业银行股票收益与波动的相关性、聚集性、杠杆效应及股票价格波动风险与收益之间的关系。

    The fourth part is a auto-correlation method using GARCH family model to a listed commercial bank stock returns and volatility correlation , aggregation , leverage and stock price volatility of the relationship between risk and return .

  12. 股指期货作为资本市场上的一个新生事物衍生于股票交易,其存在对于促进股票价格信息流通、稳定股票交易价格、转移股票价格风险具有重要意义。

    As a newborn product of the capital market , stock index futures derive from stock transaction . The transaction of stock index futures can promote circulation of stock price information , stabilize stock price , transfer risk in stock transaction .