
  • 网络stock credit
  1. 虽然国内学者曾有过股份信用的表述,但从未见到系统的研究。

    Some native scholars did describe the credit characteristic of equity , but systematical study is still absent .

  2. 在股份信用维护即投资者保护方面,法律是重要的,而且,法律的执行更为重要。等等。

    Laws and regulations are of great importance for equity credit maintenance and investors insurance , while the more important factor is the execution of laws and regulations .

  3. 论文的创新之处主要有:(1)提出股份信用并进行系统论证。

    The principle innovation of the dissertation is manifested in the following points : ( 1 ) brought forward the concept of ' equity credit ' and gave a systematical discussion ;

  4. 传统理论强调信用即借贷,否定股份的信用特征。

    The traditional theory emphasized that credit was simply the ' debit and credit ' concept , and denied the credit characteristic of equity .

  5. 光明乳业股份有限公司信用风险管理研究

    Research on Credit Risk Management of Bright Dairy Co. , Ltd

  6. 我国股份制银行信用风险预警与防范机制研究

    Research on Credit Risk Early-Warning and Prevention System of China 's Joint-Stock Banks

  7. 同时,加入了对某国有股份制银行现行信用评级系统的实证分析,并与内部评级法的要求进行了比较分析,利用案例来进一步说明内部评级法对于信用风险评级的优越性。

    Meanwhile , an empirical analysis about the current credit rating system of a state-owned shareholding bank is introduced within the paper .

  8. 但是在深化农村信用社改革的过程中,部分股份合作制农村信用社的合作基础正在丧失。

    But during the course of deepening reformation of rural credit cooperative , part cooperation foundation of share-cooperation credit cooperatives is losing .

  9. 信用卡行为评分数据量庞大,全国性股份制银行的信用卡发卡量在千万级别。

    Credit Card behavioral score huge amount of data , the national joint-stock bank credit card issuing volume of 10 million level .

  10. 第三章首先明确了股份制商业银行信用风险的内涵、种类和特征,强调了特有成因划分为制度性成因和技术性成因的现实意义,并分析了信用风险背后所反映的深刻的社会矛盾。

    The meaning , sorts and characteristics of credit risk for JSCB are defined first . Based on the division of systemic techniques causes , the deep social conflicts which lead to produce all these risks are studied in chapter three .

  11. 所以,评价上市信用,既包括对上市公司作为一方当事人的股份发行中的信用要求,也包括股份转让中上市公司能否以自己良好信用为股票持有者的利益期待权提供保障。

    Therefore , to evaluate credit of listed company consists of both credit requirements in the share issuance of listed company as one party and guarantee of expectant benefit fights in stock exchange provided by listed company with its good credit as stockholder .

  12. 股东与股份公司之间的关系就是股份信用关系,投资者是授信人,股份公司是受信人。

    The relationship between stockholders and the company in question is the relationship of equity credit , in which investors are creditors , and the company is the debtor .