
  • 网络Equity pledge;Share Pledge;pledge of stock rights
  1. 股权质押是近年来新兴起的一种担保方式。

    Pledge of stock rights is a rising guarantee in recent years .

  2. 股权质押制度研究

    Research on Pledge of Stock Rights

  3. NA公司融资渠道主要有两种,一是银行贷款,二是利用股权质押进行民间融资。

    There are currently two main financing channels ; one is bank loans , the other is private finance with equity in pledge .

  4. 略论债权转让论股权质押

    On transfer of creditor 's equity On Pledge of Stock Rights

  5. 第三部是股权质押的公示制度。

    The third part is the equity pledge public notice system .

  6. 股权质押法律制度若干问题探讨

    Studies on Several Issues Regarding the Pledge System of Stock Rights

  7. 股权质押基本问题研究

    Studying on the Basic Problems of the Pledge of the Share Rights

  8. 论股权质押的设立

    Discussion upon the Establishment of Capital Stock Pledge

  9. 股权质押制度的反思与重构&以制度价值为中心的考察

    The Reflection and Restructuring of Equity Interest Mortgage System : The system value oriented research

  10. 股权质押效力问题研究

    Research on the effect of shareholding pledge

  11. 股权质押的设立是股权质押制度的关键内容。

    The establishment of capital stock pledge is the key content of capital stock pledge system .

  12. 本文可分为四章:第一章是对股权质押制度的概述,分为四个部分。

    The first chapter is an overview of equity pledge system is divided into four parts .

  13. 投资者不得将其股权质押给本企业。

    Neither shall the investor pledge its equities to the same enterprise it has invested in .

  14. 股权质押合同。

    First , Equity mortgage contract .

  15. 论股权质押

    On Pledge of Stock Rights

  16. 除引言外,本文共计五章,主要为五部分内容。第一部分,股权质押概述。

    Besides the introduction , the paper consists of five parts . Part ⅰ The Equity Pledge Overview .

  17. 在该部分中,首先介绍了我国法律上对股权质押设立要件的规定;其次对我国法上有关股权设质规定作了探讨。

    In this part , it first introduces the provisions in Chinese law on the creation of share pledge .

  18. 在本部分中,首先主要论述了股权质押的概念、特征等基本问题。

    In this part , the author firstly points the fundamental issues : conception , feature and so on .

  19. 本文对股权质押这一操作性、实践性很强的法律制度作了系统的分析研究。

    This dissertation presents a systematic study on the legal system of shareholding pledge , which bears enormous practical functions .

  20. 主要涉及了股权质押所担保的债权的范围以及股权质押标的物的范围。

    Firstly , the Paper involves the secured claim Pledge range and scope of the subject matter of equity collateral .

  21. 股权质押作为一种新兴的担保方式,对繁荣市场、融通资金具有重要作用。

    As a rising guarantee mode , the Pledge system of Share Rights plays roles in market boom and financing .

  22. 本文提供了股权质押经济后果的初步证据,为相关监管部门提供了决策的依据。

    This paper supplies the evidence for the economic consequences of the stock pledge and the basis for the market regulating .

  23. 从解释论的视角论我国股权质押制度的新发展

    Research on the New Development of the System of Pledge of Stock Rights in China in Terms of the Interpretative Theory

  24. 本文对股权质押及其特性、现行《担保法》的缺陷与完善进行探讨。

    Besides the pledge of stock rights and its characteristics , the paper studies the weakness and betterment of the security law .

  25. 本文首先从股权质押中股权的概念入手,分析了股权的概念,股权的法律特征以及股权性质的不同学说。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the concept of equity , and the nature of the legal characteristics of the different theories .

  26. 最后,笔者又对股权质押限制的问题进行阐述,并列举了几种典型股权质押限制的类型。

    Finally , the author discussed the issue of equity collateral constraints , and lists several typical types of restrictions on share pledge .

  27. 与此同时,对股权质押中股权的代位物的具体形式进行了罗列。

    At the same time , a pledge of equity shares in lieu of the specific form of digital objects have been listed .

  28. 股权质押包括股份有限公司股票质押和有限责任公司的股份质押两种。

    Pledge of stock rights includes pledge of shares of companies limited by shares and pledge of stocks of companies with limited liabilities .

  29. 此部分对《证券公司股票质押贷款管理办法》关于风险防范措施进行了评价,然后指出应在股权质押设立前、设立时以及设立后适用不同的风险防范措施。

    The author holds that different measures should be made before , at the time and after the establishment of the shareholding pledge .

  30. 随着市场经济的不断繁荣,我国的股权质押制度在融资领域发挥着重要的作用。

    As the market economy continues to prosper , our pledge of the equity financing system in the field play an important role .