
  • 网络Stock Index Fund
  1. 浅析北美特殊股票指数基金

    Simple Analysis On Special Stock Index Fund of North American

  2. 贝莱德集团(BlackRock)的新兴市场股票交易所基准指数基金下跌了25%,而且大部分下跌是在去年发生的。

    BlackRock 's benchmark exchange traded fund for emerging market stocks is down 25 percent , and most of that decline came in the last year .

  3. 以指数为名有一点误导:这其实是一只跟踪撒哈拉以南地区(除南非之外)大型股票专业指数的基金。

    The name is a little misleading : This is a fund that tracks a proprietary index of the largest stocks across sub - Saharan Africa outside of South Africa .