
  1. 论公共职位的资源稀缺与配置方式

    On the resource scarcity and allocation pattern of public positions Public Relations

  2. 就是他说服我参加公共职位竞选。

    He is the one that talked me into running for public office .

  3. 斯韦恩大法官判决道:我们政府的理论是,所有公共职位都是信托机构。

    The theory of our government , ruled Swayne , is that all public stations are trusts .

  4. 我说,在我看来好莱坞女演员也是一个公共职位。

    I said that I would have thought that being a Hollywood actress would have felt like a public position .

  5. 公共部门职位管理研究

    Post Management in the Public Sector

  6. 根据为期四年的紧缩计划,至多1.5万个公共部门职位可能被裁减,而削减力度最大的将是福利金和面向长期失业者的救济金。

    Up to 15,000 public sector jobs are at risk in the four-year savings programme , while the largest part of the cuts will fall on welfare payments and benefits for the long-term unemployed .

  7. 本文全面论述了公共部门职位管理的意义,深入分析了影响公共部门职位管理的主要因素,并系统提出了公共部门职位管理的一般程序和方法。

    This paper also elaborates the significance of the post management , presents an in-depth analysis on the factors affecting the post management , and systematically proposes the general procedure and methods for it .

  8. 学习能力最佳的人,会被精选出来深造,最后承继,公共领袖的职位与责任。

    The best of them are winnowed out to pursue further study and eventually assume positions of public leadership and responsibility .

  9. 此外,与私营部门的工作相比,公共部门的职位被视为是有吸引力的,巴西65%女性持这一观点。

    The public sector is also seen as an attractive alternative to the private sector , with 65 per cent of women in Brazil .

  10. 公共关系经理职位为众多求职者所瞩目,必将引起其他经理或极富经验的专家和技术人员所追捧,这显然会导致激烈的竞争。

    Public relations manager jobs are highly coveted and will be sought by other managers or highly experienced professional and technical personnel , resulting in substantial competition .

  11. 同样的,布朗作为国库大臣总领公共财政的职位可能比布莱尔要稳固,后者的名字在大门上方悬挂了10年。

    Similarly , Mr Brown 's cavalier management of the public finances as chancellor of the exchequer may stick instead to Mr Blair , whose name was above the main door for a decade .