
  • 网络management of public resources
  1. 由于群签名的匿名性和可追踪性,使其在公共资源管理、命令签发、选举、新闻发布、电子商务等方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Group signature has abroad application foreground because of its anonymity and traceability , such as the management of public resources , issuing orders , the elections , the news release , e-commerce .

  2. 风景名胜区保护&公共资源管理的经济学原理

    Scenic Sites Conservation & An Economic Interpretation from the Public Resource Management

  3. 应用一个可操作性的分析框架,着重强调指出体制变迁对公共资源管理带来的挑战和困境,既是本文的特色,也是本研究的主旨。

    This empirical research reveals how social changes influence the management of the common pool resources and the sustainable development of the region .

  4. 埃莉诺奥斯特罗姆很想知道真实世界是如何工作的(绝大多数经济学家没有同样的好奇)。她对各种公共资源管理的案例进行了研究,从美国缅因州的龙虾捕捞业到西班牙的灌溉系统。

    Lin Ostrom had a curiosity for how the real world works that too few economists share , and studied examples of communal resource management from lobster fisheries in Maine to irrigation in Spain .

  5. 公共资源管理,介绍了办公室工作中运用到的相应工具,例如公共板、留言板等。信息发送与维护,主要是对管理工作中相关信息的维护与设置,便于了信息的交流。

    Public resource management is responsible for the allocation of all the tools , such as public boards , message boards . Information and maintenance module is used to maintain and send notices , through which people can share information .

  6. 基于E-Participation的公共信息资源管理模式研究

    The Mode Research of Public Information Resources Management Based on E-Participation

  7. 但是,HT县的公共资源交易管理改革尚不成熟,与国内一些公共资源交易管理的先进地区相比仍存在较大差距。

    However , the transaction management reform of public resources in HT County is not yet mature , there is still a wide disparity compared with the advanced domestic areas of public resources transaction management .

  8. 我国公共体育资源管理中的政府职能

    The Function of Government on Our Country Public Sports Resource Management

  9. 基于委托&代理理论的公共旅游资源管理制度分析

    Analysis of State-owned Tourism Resource Administrative System Based on the Principal-Agent Theory

  10. 试论现代档案馆与公共人力资源管理

    On modern archives and management of public human resources

  11. 我国公共人力资源管理中的思想政治教育研究

    The Research of Ideological & Political Education in Chinese Public Human Resources Management

  12. 公共信息资源管理研究

    The Management of Public Information Resource Study on the Information of Public Security Decision

  13. 对公共信息资源管理几个基本问题的探讨与反思

    The Discussion and Reflection for a Few Basic Questions of Public Information Resources Management

  14. 我国公共人力资源管理的价值论

    The Axiology of Public Human Resource Management

  15. 关于公共信息资源管理的探讨

    Discussion on Public Information Resources Management

  16. 公共人力资源管理在20世纪末的兴起是由政府再造运动直接推动的。

    The drastic rise of public human resource management in the end of20centry is power by government reform campaign .

  17. 从公共人力资源管理视角看我国公务员考录制度演变

    Analysis on the Evolution of Examination and Employment System for Chinese Civil Service from the Public Human Resources Management Perspective

  18. 政府是国家资源的所有者代表、公共资源的管理者、私人资源的保护者。

    Government is the owner of national resource , the manager of public resources , and the protector of private resources .

  19. 国际组织对一些公共资源的管理,采用参与式管理方法,并且在一些地区都有一些成功的案例。

    The International Organizations adopt method with participating style in managing certain public resources . Some successful cases exist in certain regions .

  20. 这几类签名体制在电子商务、公共资源的管理、军事命令的签发、金融合同的签署等方面有着广泛的应用前景。

    Theses signatures have a broad application prospect in e-commerce , public resource management , military orders issued and the signing of financial contracts .

  21. 政府审计是国家审计机关接受人民委托对公共资源的管理者所承担的公共受托责任的履行情况进行的经济监督行为。

    Government audit is an expression of opinion by national audit institutions , entrusted by the people , oversight the fulfillment of public accountability of public resources administrator .

  22. 现代档案馆公共人力资源管理的内容是多方面的。物的人化现象、竞争上岗的中庸化及忽视职业资格证书是管理过程中易出现的问题。

    The phenomenon of substance personalized and the doctrine of the mean in work competitions turn out to be the problem to be easily ignored in the process of management .

  23. 建立科学的培训教育体系,探索培训教育规律,是培训教育领域和公共人力资源管理开发中一个值得重视和探讨的课题。

    It is a task deserving recognition and discussion Establishing a scientific training education system and probing into training education principles in the field of training education and common human resource management and development .

  24. 本文从公共人力资源管理学视角,结合人力资源管理学、管理心理学、组织行为学理论对普通公务员的激励模式问题进行了研究。

    From the visual angle of public human resource management , this text combines human resource management , management psychology , organizational behavior theory to research the motivating model problems of common civil servants .

  25. 公共人力资源管理是政策顺利执行的基本要素之一,因此在政策执行中形成有效的公共人力资源管理有重要的意义。

    The management of public human resource is one of the basic factors in the policy implementation , so it is important to build the reasonable system of public human resource management in the process of policy implementation .

  26. 构建顾客导向型公共部门人力资源管理新模式

    Building New Model of Customer-oriented Human Resource Management for Public Sector

  27. 对公共组织人力资源管理及其特点的认识

    Cognition about Human Resources Management in Public Organization and Its Characteristics

  28. 行政伦理学在我国公共部门人力资源管理中的价值研究

    The Value of Administration Ethic on Personnel Management of Public Sectors

  29. 试论公共部门人力资源管理制度的创新

    Innovation in the Management System of Human Resource in Public Sectors

  30. 我国公共部门人力资源管理的四大问题

    Four Issues of Human Resource Management in Chinese Public Sector