
  • 网络The value of the company;firm value
  1. B:企业文化就是一个公司的价值观、信仰和固有的行为方式。

    B : Values , beliefs and behaviors inherent in a company .

  2. 虚拟企业模式下DFB公司的价值创造与可持续发展

    Virtual Enterprise Mode DFB 's Value Creation and Sustainable Development

  3. 在本部分分析中,主要运用了CAPM模型对公司的价值进行了全面分析。

    In this section , CAPM model is used to give a thorough analysis .

  4. 结果表明,ST、PT公司的价值测度与综合短期利润测度存在不显著的负相关关系;

    The results show : for ST and PT companies , company value is negatively related with synthetic short-term profit , but not significant ;

  5. 贴现现金流(DCF)就是公司的价值所在。

    Discounted Cash Flow ( DCF ) will always tell you what a company is worth .

  6. 论文首先介绍了公司的价值评估体系,详细阐述了EBO模型理论以及EBO模型相对于其它价值评估模型的优越性。

    At first , the thesis introduces firm valuation framework , especially illustrating EBO model theory and its advantages .

  7. 多元化与公司的价值(Tobin-Q)不存在显著的相关关系,其原因可能是(Tobin-Q)不适应我国的证券市场环境。

    There is no significant correlation between diversification and the value of company ( Tobin Q ) . The imperfectness of capital market in our country may account for it .

  8. 这就是这个车队对我们公司的价值。

    This is the fleet on the value of our company .

  9. 其董事会表示,微软所出价格低估了雅虎公司的价值。

    Its board of directors said the price undervalued the company .

  10. 对不同的收购方来说,同一家公司的价值差别是很大的。

    The value of a company is different for different potential acquirers .

  11. 第二,公司的价值不允许他们传递坏的消息。

    Second , the values of the organization discouraged delivering bad news .

  12. 本文从分析影响上市公司的价值的多种因素出发来判断上市公司的价值。

    Many factors that affect the investment value of the listed company .

  13. 为什么今天这家公司的价值增加了这么多?

    Why is the company worth so much more today ?

  14. 是的,大量此类公司的价值被高估了。

    Yes , a lot of them are overvalued .

  15. 而究竟是哪些因素影响了公司的价值,是一个值得探讨的问题。

    So it is worthy to discuss which factors affect the value of enterprises .

  16. 将各期的现金流量折现后,可得到公司的价值。

    Corporate value can be obtained by discounting the cash flow in various periods .

  17. 它是我们公司的价值体系的,重要组成部分。

    It 's really a huge important part of our company 's value system .

  18. 网页上会显示市场现状,发展趋势和公司的价值。

    The Web site may also show market presence , trends and corporate values .

  19. 一系列被管理在一起,使公司的价值最大化的产品。

    A suite of products managed together to maximize the value of the firm .

  20. 上市公司的价值创造是资本市场健康发展的微观基础和基本动力。

    The value-added of listing companies is foundation of the development of capital market .

  21. 它的适合公司的价值和投资回报率在铭记。

    It 's ideally suited for corporations with Value and Return on Investment in mind .

  22. 这家互联网公司的价值有很大一部分在于其所持24%的阿里巴巴股份。

    Much of the Internet company 's value rests on its 24 % stake in Alibaba .

  23. 经理们必须采取措施使潜力股们相信他们对公司的价值,也就是要让潜力股们对公司忠诚。

    Managers need to take action to convince high-flyers of their value to the firm . C.

  24. 投资者认为目前俄天然气公司的价值仅为2008年的三分之一。

    Investors reckon Gazprom is worth only a third as much as it was in 2008 .

  25. 运用精明的会计手段来虚增软件公司的价值也是相对简单的。

    It is also relatively simple to inflate the value of software companies with sharp accounting .

  26. 本研究对于类似公司的价值观重构,也有借鉴意义。

    This study has some reference for the other similar companies in rebuilding the corporate values .

  27. 股票表示公开贸易的公司的价值,而它们的价格由市场决定。

    Shares represent the value of publicly traded companies and their price is determined by the markets .

  28. 这些难点主要体现在企业价值计量缺乏可靠性,缺乏有效的方法对公司的价值进行规划。

    These difficulties include lack possibility of business value and lack effective method make business value plan .

  29. 我们希望他们理解公司的价值观,并拥有自己的解读。

    We want them to understand the values of the firm , and interpret them for themselves .

  30. 我们关心的是这些事件所折射出的这些公司的价值观。

    We are interested in what these incidents tell us about the values of the companies concerned .