
  • 网络Garden Party;Park Jam
  1. 其她人喜欢把朋友们带到公园去派对。

    Others like to take their friends to the park .

  2. 我们明天受邀到公园参加烤肉派对。

    We 're invited to a grill party in the park tomorrow .

  3. 一开始,这对金童玉女过着令人头晕目眩的空中飞人生活,经常出入纽约54俱乐部(Studio54),参加公园大道的各种派对,不断来往于欧洲和美国之间。

    At first the glamorous couple lead a dizzying jet-set life , whirling through Studio 54 , Park Avenue parties and constantly criss-crossing the Atlantic .

  4. 但在两千多名剑桥大学学生在一个公园里举办狂欢派对,喝得酩酊大醉,上演了一出“愚蠢或被误导的闹剧”之后,警察和医护人员不得不出手干预。这些学生在公园里脱裤喧哗、到处呕吐、烂醉如泥。

    However , the police and paramedics were forced to intervene following the " stupidity or misguidedness " of more than 2000 Cambridge University students who caused carnage during a riotous party in a public park where they stripped off , vomited and drank themselves unconscious .

  5. 伦敦奥运会的准备工作已步入新阶段,下月就将竖起“倒计时500天”标牌。而这幅奥运“全景图”展示的场景是美味的草莓和奶油、公园野餐、街头派对、以及漫长、慵懒的夏夜户外活动。

    The ' overlay ' vision , as organizers move into a new phase of the preparations with the ' 500 days to go ' mark coming up next month , is strawberries and cream , picnics in the park , street parties and long , lazy summer evenings outdoors .