
  • 网络civil society;Citizen society;civic society;civilsociety
  1. 但是,中国公民社会和慈善方面的权威谢世宏(ShawnShieh)称,不要指望中国的慈善遗产可以企及安德鲁愠芸基(AndrewCarnegie)或洛克菲勒家族,至少目前还不能相提并论。

    But do not expect a charitable legacy to match those of Andrew Carnegie or the Rockefellers , at least not yet , said Shawn Shieh , an authority on Chinese civil society and philanthropy .

  2. 多年来,越来越多的欧美学生选择公共政策硕士(MPP),而非传统的MBA,因为他们在寻找提供政府、公民社会和媒体方面培训的课程。

    For years , growing numbers of students in the US and Europe have been opting for a Master of Public Policy ( MPP ) over the traditional MBA as they search for a course that trains students for government , civil society and the media .

  3. 科技让公民社会变得更加强大这是任何“铁拳”都无法掌控的

    Technology is empowering civil society in ways that no iron fist can control

  4. 一个大规模、稳定且富裕的中产阶级对于公民社会很重要;

    A large , stable , prosperous middle class is important for civil society ;

  5. 公民社会让我们更强大

    We 're strengthened by civil society

  6. 他认为,一个“公民社会”应该允许普通公民参与协作重大项目。

    He proposes a " citizen society " that would recruit ordinary people to collaborate on big projects .

  7. 公民社会组织还呼吁在内阁增加女性和年轻的政治人士的人数。

    Civil society groups have also called for strong representation of women and younger politicians in the Cabinet .

  8. 这些因素的维系,要依靠一个强大的公民社会,以及有民主监督的责任制度、运行良好的政府。

    Those things need to be sustained by a strong civil society and democratically accountable , well-run government .

  9. 他们包括公民社会团体负责人、妇女权利捍卫者和发展项目负责人。

    The others include heads of civil society groups , women 's rights defenders and leaders of development projects .

  10. 不过,朝鲜缺乏能够把这种不满情绪引导到有益的政治行动上的公民社会机构。

    But the country is bereft of civil society institutions capable of channeling that discontent into constructive political action .

  11. 随着这一法案,之后诞生了《选举权法》等美国公民社会不可或缺的重要法律。

    Which was soon was followed by the Voting Rights Act and other laws that now are part of U.S. civil society .

  12. 在世界很多国家甚至包括美国的一些盟国公民社会都遭到了压制

    In capitals around the globe including , unfortunately , some of America 's partners there has been a crackdown on civil society

  13. 与此同时,公民社会领导人呼吁齐贝吉和奥廷加任命一个较小的内阁,避免挑选有腐败记录的政治人士担任内阁成员。

    Meanwhile , civil society leaders have called for the leaders to appoint a smaller Cabinet and to avoid picking politicians with records of corruption .

  14. 在那些仍然向着更大的经济繁荣和更成熟的公民社会摸索着前进的国家,艺术和文学给人的感觉是它们是重要的。

    The art and literature of those countries that are still finding their way towards greater economic prosperity and civic maturity feel like it matters .

  15. 但是他说,美国是一个“奋发和坚韧”的国家,它的公民社会是这个国家最大的优势之一。

    But Kiai said the U.S. is a nation of " struggle and resilience " and that its civil society is one of the country 's greatest strengths .

  16. 然而,如果企业要将公民社会争取到他们这边来,活动人士必须能够相信企业不会侵犯他们的隐私,也不会限制言论。

    But if companies are to win civil society over to their side , activists must be able to trust them not to violate their privacy or restrict speech .

  17. 但是,公民社会组织敦促两位领导人顶住组建成员较多的大内阁的诱惑。他们表示,资源用在开发项目上可能会更好一些。

    But civil society groups have urged the leaders to resist the temptation to form a large Cabinet , saying resources could be better spent on things like development projects .

  18. 在这种模式下,企业和“公民社会”团体平等地与政府坐在一起,就互联网的未来做出决策。

    Here , business and " civil society " groups take a seat at the table on equal terms with governments to make decisions about the future of the internet .

  19. 私营企业和公民社会在非洲各地发挥着日益重要的作用,它们要求政府承担责任,建立更公平、更开放、更公正的经济和社会。

    The private sector and civil society are playing an increasingly important role across Africa in holding governments accountable and demanding fairer , more open , more just economies and societies .

  20. 尼亚姆韦姆是全国行政大会理事会的执行主任、兼全国公民社会大会的领导人,全国公民社会大会倡导将内阁的职位减少到21个。

    Cyprian Nyamwamu is executive director of the National Executive Convention Council and a leader of the National Civil Society Congress , which has advocated reducing the number of Cabinet posts to 21 .

  21. 在中国政府打击在它看来非法的公民社会活动的过程中,外国非政府组织受到了尤为严重的冲击,包括最近一名瑞典人权活动人士遭到逮捕。

    Foreign non-governmental organisations have been hit especially hard by a crackdown on civil society activity that China 's government deems illegal , including most recently the arrest of a Swedish human rights activist .

  22. 我喜欢柏林远远超出北京,因为它有活跃的公民社会、博物馆更好、住房更便宜、心态更开放也更宽容,当然雾霾也要少得多。

    Of the two , I vastly prefer Berlin : It has a vibrant civil society , better museums , more affordable housing , a more open and tolerant attitude , and of course much less smog .

  23. 我们准备与公民社会接触;让扶持良好治理、自由选举和自由媒体、更广泛的受教育机会、更强大的健保体系、宗教包容以及人权所需的基础更加巩固。

    We 're ready to engage civil society to strengthen the foundations needed to support good governance , free elections , and a free press , wider educational opportunities , stronger healthcare systems , religious tolerance , and human rights .

  24. 如果就连民主国家也不能被信赖为开放互联网的守护者,那么企业和公民社会必须通过基于保持网络空间自由且互联互通的共同承诺的过程,约束所有政府的权力。

    If even democracies cannot be trusted as stewards of an open internet , the power of all governments must be kept in check by companies and civil society through processes based in a common commitment to keep cyber space free and interconnected .

  25. 不过,印度以及一些公民社会团体表示,内罗毕会议的结果对于世界上的穷人是一个打击。他们提出,多哈回合至少在文字上注重发展,抛弃多哈回合说明世贸组织背叛了最贫穷的成员。

    India and civil society groups , however , said the result in Nairobi was a blow to the world 's poor , arguing that by walking away from the Doha round , which put at least a rhetorical emphasis on development , the WTO was betraying its poorest members .

  26. 印尼是亚洲最富有活力的国家之一。人民把热情和理想相结合,在这个国家建立了自由和公正的选举制度、自由的新闻媒体和朝气蓬勃的公民社会。妇女在印尼政府中发挥了显著作用。

    Indonesia is one of Asia 's most dynamic nations , where human energy and aspiration combine to help lead the country to a free and fair system of elections , a free press , a robust civil society , and a prominent role for women in the Indonesian Government .

  27. 从NGO分别对政府、公民、社会所承担的责任进行分析比较,明确其公共责任。

    NGO , respectively , from the government , citizens , the responsibility of society to carry out analysis and comparison , clear their public responsibilities .

  28. 公民政治社会化是政治文化实现的过程。

    Civic political socialization is the process of fulfilling political culture .

  29. 同时,还提出了加快公民在社会体育中角色融合的若干建议。

    Some advices about how to accelerate the fuse of role .

  30. 它培养学生承担公民与社会责任。

    It prepares students to meet civic and social responsibilities .