
  • 网络Liuheng Island
  1. 经鉴定,六横岛泥沙滩潮间带共有底栖生物27种,其中软体动物占40.8%,多毛类和甲壳类各占29.6%。

    By bioassay , there are 27 species of benthons at silt beacher of tide areas in Liuheng Island , among which molluscs amount to 40 . 8 % , polychaetes and crustaceans 29.6 % respectively .

  2. 六横大桥工程是舟山市南北连岛工程的又一组成部分。已列入舟山市公路水运交通建设规划(2003&2010)以及舟山市普陀区六横岛交通规划(2004~2010)。

    The Liuheng Bridge Project is another component of Zhoushan South-to-North Islands Connecting Project , which has been listed in the ' Zhoushan Communications Construction Project of Highways and Waterways 2003-2010 ' and ' Liuheng Island Communications Project of Putuo District of Zhoushan 2004-2010 ' .