
Lán bó tè
  • Lambert
  1. 兰伯特用力推了勒克韦尔一把,把他送上了路。

    Lambert gave Luckwell a hefty shove to send him on his way .

  2. 兰伯特指的是英国一些古老的建房互助会,包括北岩银行(NorthernRock)、Halifax和Bradford&Bingley。

    Mr Lambert referred to some of the old UK building societies , such as Northern Rock , Halifax and Bradford & Bingley .

  3. 据公开文件显示,该公司首席执行长安东尼兰伯特(AnthonyLambert)曾飞到北京与中石化高管会面,后者随后也曾到访加拿大。

    Chief Executive Anthony Lambert flew to Beijing to meet Sinopec executives , who then came to Canada , according to public filings .

  4. 这种情况在2010年是属实的。当时,英国工业联合会(CBI)时任总干事理查德•兰伯特爵士(SirRichardLambert)警告称,薪酬过高的程度如此严重,以至于CEO“可能被看作外星人”。

    This was true in 2010 , when Sir Richard Lambert , then head of the CBI business association , warned it was so out of line that CEOs " risked being treated as aliens . "

  5. 英国工商业联合会总干事理查德o兰伯特(RichardLambert)表示:“很多人都会震惊地发现,这个城市比英国其它地区的失业率都高,同时雇主又越来越难以找人填补高技能职位的空缺。”

    Richard Lambert , director-general of the CBI employers ' body , said : " It will shock many to discover that the city has the highest unemployment rate of any region in the UK while , at the same time , employers are increasingly struggling to fill skilled job vacancies . "

  6. “当解放油罐车的quickest-ever出发去创建的模型,它与赛道泥跑道而不是头脑,”彼得说兰伯特,董事克莱斯勒集团英国。

    " When Jeep set out to create its quickest-ever model , it was with the race track rather than mud track in mind ," said Peter Lambert , Managing Director of Chrysler Group UK .

  7. 兰伯特在理论制图学方面开创了一个新纪元。

    J.H.Lambert initiated a new epoch in the theoretical cartography .

  8. 现代舞的表达与观众的烦恼&从兰伯特舞团的演出谈起

    The expression of modern dance and the vexation of audience

  9. 兰伯特是只羊吗?不,他不是。

    Is Lambert a lamb ? No , he isn 't.

  10. 头条新闻包括肯尼切斯尼,米兰达兰伯特和糖城。

    Headliners include Kenny Chesney , Miranda Lambert and Sugarland .

  11. 所涉及的书名,得到更正。二百多年前,兰伯特在该书中提出的透视反转,可视为像片纠正的理论根据。

    Perspective reversion can be considered as the theoretical foundation of photo rectification .

  12. 辉瑞公司完成与华纳兰伯特公司的合并。

    Pfizer and Warner-Lambert were merged as one company .

  13. 所以兰伯特经营西尔斯遇到困难,我并不责怪他。

    So I do not blame Mr Lampert for having difficulties with Sears .

  14. 但我还没有回答过巴菲特与兰伯特谁更胜一筹的问题。

    But I had not yet tackled the question of Buffett versus Lampert .

  15. 但很快谣言传出,兰伯特实际上是接受了整形手术。

    But soon came the rumors that Lambert actually underwent weight lost surgery .

  16. “你为什么想去肯塔基大学呢?”奥利佛?兰伯特问道。

    " Why 'd you go to Western Kentucky ?" asked Oliver Lambert .

  17. 年度最佳单曲:米兰达·兰伯特《OverYou》

    Single record of the year : " Over You , " Miranda Lambert

  18. “你想来看看我们的事务所吗?”奥利佛?兰伯特问道。

    " Would you like to come to visit us ?" asked Oliver lambert .

  19. 兰伯特一家喜欢他们的新居,然而有时他们会想念朋友们。

    The Lamberts liked their new home , although sometimes they missed their friends .

  20. 受害人叫卡拉·兰伯特,24岁

    The victim is Cara Lambert , 24 .

  21. 兰伯特问道,他是负责招聘的一个资深合伙人。

    Asked Oliver Lambert , the senior partner who was in charge of the recruiting .

  22. 兰伯特舞蹈团建于1926年,是英国历史最悠久的舞蹈团。

    Rambert Dance Company was established in1926.It is Britain 's dance company with long histoty .

  23. 兰伯特建议,公司应考虑将高管薪酬不只与股价挂钩。

    Mr Lambert suggested companies consider tying executive pay to more than the share price .

  24. 兰伯特是一只大狮子。

    Lambert is a big lion now .

  25. 本兰伯特的法国著名歌手,走的是一条长假期在今年夏天!

    Ben Lambert the famous French singer , is taking a long vacation this summer !

  26. 兰伯特坐在钢琴旁。

    Lambert was seated at the piano .

  27. 有此观点的并非兰伯特一人。

    This is not a lone view .

  28. 年度最佳歌曲:米兰达·兰伯特&布雷克·谢尔顿《OverYou》

    Song of the year : " Over you , " Miranda Lambert and Blake Shelton

  29. 这些是关于米兰达·兰伯特的谣言。

    These rumors about Miranda Lambert .

  30. 考威尔说兰伯特可能因为他17岁的合作伙伴有机会留下来。

    Cowell said Lambert might have given his17-year-old duet partner a chance to stay in the competition .