
lán zhōu dà xué
  • Lanzhou University
  1. 本文介绍了兰州大学最新研制的LD系列岩土胶结剂固化黄土的加固机理。

    In this paper , the consolidation mechanism of LD serial rock-soil cemedin developed by Lanzhou University is introduced .

  2. 方法对兰州大学第二医院2002年1月-2005年7月抗抑郁药的用药频度(DDDs)、销售金额等进行统计、分析。

    Methods The defined daily dose ( DDDs ) and the sales amounts of antidepressants used in The Second Hospital of Lanzhou University from 2002 to July , 2005 were analyzed statistically .

  3. 方法通过兰州大学第一医院诊治的3例患者,证实GBA病例并结合文献进行分析。

    Methods Three surgically confirmed GBA cases in our hospital were retrospected and GBA literature were reviewed .

  4. 本文介绍了兰州大学现代物理系的ZF-150型中子发生器大厅内X-γ照射量率和γ能谱测量的结果。

    This paper gives the results of X ,γ exposure rate and γ spectra measured in the hall of neutron generator of Model ZF-150 at Lanzhou University .

  5. 数学编程标记语言(MPML)是在兰州大学计算机数学实验室的数学网络计算环境项目中设计和实现的一种编程语言。

    MPML is Mathematics Programming Markup Language . It is a part of MICE ( Mathematics Internet Computing Environment ), which is designed and implemented by Computing Math Lab in Lanzhou University .

  6. 马里兰州大学合作推广服务中心的SusanTrice说,卷心菜需要六十到九十天的生长期,作物之间的空隙取决于你想要卷心菜头长成多大,一旦头部形成,任何时间都可收获了。

    Susan Trice from the University of Maryland Cooperative Extension Service says cabbage takes about sixty to ninety days to grow . She says the amount of space needed between the plants depends on how big you expect the heads to be . Cabbage can be picked any time after the heads have formed .

  7. 利用1990年11月兰州大学和离城市地面625m高南山顶的辐射和探空资料,分析和计算了烟雾层的辐射效应。

    In this paper , use the radiative and sonde data obtained in December 1990 at Lanzhou University and at the top of the South-mountain which is 625 m high to analyse and calculate the radiative effects of the smog layer .

  8. 兰州大学出版社图书分销渠道管理研究

    Study on Management of Books Distribution Way in Lanzhou University Press

  9. 兰州大学图书馆楼扩建与加固的技术处理

    Technical Treatment in Extension and Strengthening for Lanzhou University Library Building

  10. 兰州大学校史上几个重要问题的考辨

    Research and Analysis on Several Important Issues in Lanzhou University History

  11. 我毕业于兰州大学工程力学系。

    I graduated from Lanzhou University and majored in mechanical engineering .

  12. 兰州大学公用房资源的优化配置研究

    Study on Optimal Resource Allocation in Public Housing of Lanzhou University

  13. 顾颉刚关于国立兰州大学的两篇序记述略

    An Account of Two Prefaces about National Lanzhou University by GU Jie-gang

  14. 构建兰州大学出版社教材出版新模式

    Establishment of New Text-books Publishing Mode in Lanzhou University Press

  15. 兰州大学医学新生自尊及控制水平与心理健康状况

    Mental Health , Self-Esteem and Control Level of Medical Freshmen

  16. 《兰州大学学报·社会科学版》的历史回顾及办刊特色

    Journal of Lanzhou University ( Social Sciences ) - its history and style

  17. 兰州大学在这方面进行了有益的探索和实践。

    Lanzhou university has carried on the beneficial search and practice in this respect .

  18. 在此基础上,文章分析了兰州大学出版社所面临的有利因素和不利因素。

    The opportunities and threats to Lanzhou University Press are analyzed in the article .

  19. 兰州大学文科教育教学改革的思考

    Reflections on the Teaching Reform in the Education of Liberal Arts at Lanzhou University

  20. 兰州大学高水平女排运动员竞赛焦虑研究

    The Research on Race High-level Anxiety of Women 's Volleyball Athletes in Lanzhou University

  21. 大学生厌学现象的调查及分析&以2003年对兰州大学的调查为例

    Coping with study-weariness among college students Investigation and Analysis of College Students ' School-Weariness

  22. 方法在兰州大学整体随机抽取在校本科生675人进行问卷调查。

    Method a poll investigation has been made among 675 undergraduate students in our university .

  23. 马里兰州大学园区国家档案馆分馆位于艾德菲路8601。

    The National Archives at College Park , MD , is located at8601 Adelphi Road .

  24. 兰州大学学报(自然科学版)2006年第42卷总163-168期总目次

    General Catalogue JOURNAL OF LANZHOU UNIVERSITY Natural Sciences Sum 163-168 , Vol. 42 , 2006

  25. 兰州大学资源环境学院地质科学研究所;

    Institute of Geological Science , College of Earth and Environmental Sciences , Lanzhou University ;

  26. 好的,马里兰州大学的一位科学家正在探求这一答案。

    Well , a scientist at the University of Maryland is searching for the answer .

  27. 汕头大学学生通识教育的调查及分析大学生厌学现象的调查及分析&以2003年对兰州大学的调查为例

    Investigation of General Education of Shantou University Students Investigation and Analysis of College Students ' School-Weariness

  28. 本次调查研究主要采用问卷法、访谈法和日记法。被调查的对象是从兰州大学非英语专业二年级中随机抽取的500名学生。

    The subjects in the present survey were the 500 non-English major sophomores in Lanzhou University .

  29. 介绍了兰州大学最近建成的3×10~(12)n/S强流中子发生器的性能。

    A 3 × 1012n / s neutron generator built recently in Lanzhou University is introduced .

  30. 从甘肃官立法政学堂到国立兰州大学(1909-1949)

    From the Gansu Officially-established College of Politics and Law to State-run Lanzhou University ( 1909-1949 );