
  • 网络Jiangxi Agricultural University;Jiangxi Agriculture University;jxau.edu.cn
  1. 大学英语与专业英语的融合&基于江西农业大学的个案分析

    Assimilation of College English and Subject-based English & A Case Study of Jiangxi Agricultural University

  2. 就加强江西农业大学社会科学研究的必要性进行了阐述。

    This paper discusses the necessity of promoting social science research in Jiangxi Agricultural University .

  3. 江西农业大学园林专业划分教学方向的可行性研究

    A Feasible Research of the Category of Landscape Architecture Education in Jiangxi Agriculture University

  4. 狗牙花叶枯病是江西农业大学花圃重要病害之一。

    Ervatamia divaricata leaf blight is one of the most important diseases in the garden of Jiangxi Agricultural University .

  5. 一种简便易行的读者满意度评价方法&以江西农业大学图书馆为例

    A Simple Easy Way to Evaluate Readers ' Satisfaction & Take the Library of Jiangxi Agricultural University as A Example

  6. 农业类高校图书馆重点学科导航系统建设探析&以江西农业大学为例

    Analysis on the Construction of the Major Subjects ' Navigation System of Agricultural University ── the Model of Jiangxi Agricultural University

  7. 本文结合江西农业大学图书馆注重地方农业文献的收藏和利用的实践感受,着重阐述了地方农业文献的特点、收集的措施和利用的做法及设想。

    The article has expounded the characteristics , method of collection and application of local agricultural documentation through practice in the library of Jiangxi Agricultural University .

  8. 最后,依据江西农业大学的实际情况,提出了进一步促进科技投入与产出可持续发展的建议。

    Finally , based on the actual situation of Jiangxi Agricultural University , proposed to further promote sustainable development in science and technology input and output of the proposal .

  9. 江西农业大学的科研活动在总体上要弱于湖南农业大学,在科研人员的科技产出效率上却占有一定优势。

    Jiangxi Agricultural University , research activities in general , weaker than the Hunan Agricultural University , the output efficiency of science and technology researchers , it plays a certain advantage .

  10. 本文还根据江西农业大学图书馆面向社会服务的实践,就有效服务社会的途径谈了几点看法。

    Theis paper has expressed the author 's opinions on the effective approaches for serving the society in line with the practices of serving the society by the Library of Jiangxi Agricultural University .

  11. 科技期刊信息调控研究&《江西农业大学学报》文献信息量分析及办刊效益调研

    Study on the Information Control of the Scientific Journals & Information Capacity of Selected Works and Analysis on Effect of the Journal of Jiangxi Agricultural University The Research Group of the Information Control of the Scientific Journals