
Liáo nínɡ dà xué
  • Liaoning University
  1. 1958年-2003年SCI(科学引文索引)收录辽宁大学论文统计与分析

    SCI Statistic and Analysis of Articles about Liaoning University from 1958 to 2003

  2. 日,美国印第安纳州立大学代表团访问辽宁大学。

    May16-19 , Indiana State University delegation visited Liaoning University .

  3. 字母“C”的处理也参考借鉴了辽宁大学校徽的局部元素;

    The special effect of the letter C borrows certain ideas from the school badge of LU .

  4. 历史变迁1948年辽宁大学的前身商业专门学校在沈阳建立。

    Glorious History 1948 The predecessor Shenyang Commerical College was set up .

  5. 辽宁大学行政办公自动化系统设计与实现

    The Design & Achievement of Liaoning University OA System

  6. 辽宁大学人口研究所

    Institute of Population Research of Liaoning University

  7. 辽宁大学负责审查申请人的全部材料,请将全部申请材料邮寄到辽宁大学。

    Liaoning University would investigate all application materials and please post all application materials to Liaoning Unviersity .

  8. 辽宁大学是1958年由东北财经学院、沈阳师范学院、沈阳俄文专科学校合并而成。

    Liaoning University was merged from the Northeast College of Finance and Economics , Shenyang Teachers'College and Shenyang Russian College in1958 .

  9. 辽宁大学发端于1948年11月东北人民政府在沈阳建立的商业专门学校,建校之初即招收四年制本科生。

    One of its predecessors is Shenyang Commercial College set up by the People 's Government of the Northeast in November.1948 .

  10. 2003年夏天,他在辽宁大学开始了学习,直到他和妻子决定搬去沈阳。

    In 2003 , he began studying in the summer at Liaoning University until he and his wife finally decided to move to Shenyang .

  11. 为了更好了解中国,我还花了两年时间(2006年至2008年)在沈阳的辽宁大学学习中文和政治。

    To better understand China , I also spent two years ( from 2006 to 2008 ) studying Chinese and politics at Liaoning University in Shenyang .

  12. 卢民间交流的桥梁作用。”孔子学院的学生尼永姆齐扎·吉尔达今年9月将赴中国辽宁大学留学。

    hey also study in China to help boost people-to-people exchanges . " Niyomunkiza Gildas , a student from the Confucius Institute , is set to study at Liaoning University in northeast China this September .

  13. 经过半个多世纪的艰苦努力,辽宁大学已经成为一所具备文、史、哲、经、法、外、艺、理、工、管等多学科的辽宁省唯一的综合性大学,是国家“211工程”重点建设的院校之一。

    In the course of over half a century 's development , Liaoning University has grown into a multiple-discipline comprehensive university , embracing Chinese language and literature , history , philosophy , economics , law , foreign languages , art , natural science , engineering and management . It is one of the state key " Project 211 " universities .

  14. 辽宁科技大学管网GIS系统的建立

    Establishment of pipe network GIS system in University of Science and Technology Liaoning

  15. 辽宁工业大学数理系;

    Department of Mathematics and Physics , Liaoning University of Technology ;

  16. 适时加强期刊的循环流通管理&以辽宁师范大学图书馆为例

    Enhance Periodical Circulation Management : Liaoning Normal University Library

  17. 量化管理在图书馆流通工作中的应用&以辽宁师范大学图书馆为例

    Quantified Management Applied in Circulating Department of Libraries

  18. 辽宁师范大学研究生孙倩很支持这项服务。

    Sun Qian , a postgraduate at Liaoning Normal University , said it was a good service .

  19. 辽宁师范大学图书馆中文图书结构及利用状况量化分析

    Quantitative analysis of the structure and the usage of Chinese books in the library of Liaoning Normal University

  20. 以辽宁师范大学2002级的360名普通男女大学生为研究对象。

    With 360 common men and women university students that LiaoNing Normal University 2002 classes is a research object .

  21. 辽宁师范大学体育系学生急性运动创伤的调查

    Investigation and Analysis of Acute Injury in Sports for the Students of Physical Culture Department in the Liaoning Normal University

  22. 对辽宁师范大学研究生锻炼态度和心理健康水平的调查与分析

    The Investigation and Analysis on the Attitude of Physical Exercise and the Level of Psychological Health about the Graduate of Liaoning Normal University

  23. 同时,本文通过对辽宁师范大学公体部随机抽取两个女生班,分别为试验班和对照班,每班30人,进行为期18周的教学实验。

    One is the experimental class and the other is contrasting class , with 30 students each class for a period of 18 weeks teaching experiment .

  24. 随机抽取辽宁师范大学的40名大学生(男生为18人),有效被试为27人(男生13人),所有被试视力(或矫正视力)正常,且均为自愿参加。

    Effective subjects were 27 randomly selected college students in Liaoning Normal University . All subjects were volunteers with normal vision ( or corrected visual acuity ) .

  25. 并以辽宁师范大学广播电视工程专业的摄录像技术课程的开展为例,对创设新的学习情境指导教学取得的教学效果的进行论证。

    For example , Radio and Television Engineering , Liaoning Normal University Professional Camera technology Creation of a new Learning situation for the guidance of teaching made to demonstrate teaching effectiveness .

  26. 在借鉴相关研究成果的基础上编制了调查问卷,对辽宁师范大学的大学生进行了现场调查,获取到一手研究数据。

    The questionnaire was prepared on the basis of research results , and was conducted a field survey of university students in Liaoning Normal University , to get the primary research data .

  27. 56个来自沈阳志成私立高中,其余的50个来自大连的辽宁师范大学附属中学。

    56 of them are from Zhicheng Private School located in Shenyang , while the rest of them come from the Senior High School Affiliated to Liaoning Normal University located in Dalian .

  28. 以辽宁科技大学材料科学与工程学院为例,探讨了在信息服务中学科知识地图的制作方法。

    Taken School of materials science and Engineering in University of science and technology Liaoling as an example , the method of making the knowledge map of subject in information service is discussed .

  29. 本研究通过对36名辽宁师范大学普通女大学生进行为期10周的健步走锻炼,观察不同运动强度对女大学生体质的影响。

    This research select 36 Liaoning normal university ordinary female university student to carry on for 10 week-long vigorously walks the exercise , the observation different movement intensity to the female university student archery target influence .

  30. 运用文献计量学的统计方法,对《辽宁师范大学学报》(自然科学版)19992003年5年间刊文和引文情况进行了统计和分析,并就有关的问题进行了探讨。

    Applying bibliometric statistical methods to count and analyse the papers . And citations used in Journal of Liaoning Normal University ( Natural Science Edition ) in thd years from 1999 to 2003.Some issues concerned were explored .