
guān xì dài cí
  • relative pronoun
  1. 你不能相信片面之词。在themanwhocame这一片语中who这个词是关系代词。

    You must not believe an ex parte statement . The word ` who ' in ` the man who came ' is a relative pronoun .

  2. 关系代词也用来把两个句子结合起来。

    A relative pronoun is also used to join two sentences together .

  3. 关系代词that与which的功能之辩

    Comparison of the Different Functions Between the Relative Pronouns That and Which

  4. 关系代词作主语他来自一个很贫穷的家庭。

    He came from a family which was very poor .

  5. 限制性定语从句中关系代词as,which和that的比较研究

    The Comparative Study of Relative Pronoun As , Which & That'in Restrictive Attributive Clause

  6. 按照提示回答以下问题,省略关系代词。

    Write answers to these questions using the prompts and omitting the relative pronoun .

  7. 关系代词和关系副词引导定语从句。

    Relative pronouns and adverbs introduce attributive clauses .

  8. 关系代词、从句、副词

    A relative pronoun , clause , adverb

  9. 英语关系代词AS用法探讨

    On the relative pronoun as in English

  10. 这里需要一个关系代词吗?

    Is a relative pronoun necessary here ?

  11. 关系代词引出定语从句。

    Relative pronouns introduce adjective clauses .

  12. 他获得了金牌,这是全家的光荣。(关系代词作宾语,代表整个句子)

    She was awarded a gold medal , which the whole family considered a great honour .

  13. 用来指例如关系代词和从属连词之类的词,用以使句子成分变成从属成分。

    Used of words such as relative pronouns and subordinating conjunctions that serve to subordinate sentence constituents .

  14. 我们知道,that通常用作关系代词引导定语从句,that在从句中作主语或宾语。

    As we know ," that " is usually used as a relative pronoun , introducing attributive clauses .

  15. 另外,英语中的关系代词有时可充当人称代词起衔接作用。

    Besides , relational pronouns in English sometimes can function as personal pronoun to perform the cohesive role .

  16. 关系代词‘who’之后,我们获知更多关于那位男人的资料,也就是:那男人赢得比赛。

    After'who ' , more information about the man is added , i.e. , the man won the game .

  17. 但是在决定用哪个适当的关系代词或副词时,汉语的正面作用不明显。

    In determining which relative pronoun or adverb to choose , the positive influence of Chinese is not obvious .

  18. 本文从语义、语法学的角度探讨关系代词as,which和that在定语从句中的用法。

    This paper explores the usage of relative pronoun As , which That from the angle of semantics grammar .

  19. 谈关系代词that,which,as在定语从句中用法的异同

    Analysis of the Differences about the Relative Pronoun " that , which , as " Used in the Attributive Clause

  20. as在医学英语中是个常见词,它既可作关系代词和关系副词,又可作连词、介词、副词,涉及面极广。

    The word as can be used not only as relative pronoun and adverb , but also as conjunction and preposition .

  21. 这种定语要遵循“关系代词指哪个词,定语从句就修饰哪个词的原则”。

    This type of attributive still obey the principle that the attributive clause modify the word which is referred to by relative pronoun .

  22. 不但包括传统的连词、介词、感叹词、副词,还包括汉语里所没有的关系代词、关系副词(统称为关系词)。

    It includes not only the traditional conjunctions , prepositions , interjections , and adverbs , but also the relative pronouns / adverbs that are absent in Chinese .

  23. 然后让学生翻译句子,说出其特点,说出省略的关系代词。

    Ask the students to translate the sentence and find the characteristic of it . ( Are there any attributive clauses used in the sentence ? What relative pronoun is omitted ?)

  24. 基于音系部分的属性,文章认为关系代词是音系式上的一个复现代词,而这种复现策略又可推广于其他语言的相似案例。

    Based on the property of the phonological component , this thesis claims that a relative pronoun is a resumptive pronoun at PF , and this resumptive strategy can extend to many other similar cases cross-linguistically .

  25. As一词有多种用法,其中一个重要用法就是它可用作关系代词引导定语从句,既能引导限制性定语从句,又能引导非限制性定语从句。

    As is a word with different usages , one of which is that the word can be used as a relative pronoun and introduce an attributive clause ( a restrictive attributive clause or a non-restrictive attributive clause ) .

  26. 动词隐含因果关系在代词解决中的作用及时间进程

    The Role and Time Course of Verbs ' Implicit Causality in Pronoun Resolution

  27. 以大学生为被试,通过三个实验来探讨动词隐含因果关系在代词解决中的作用及其时间进程。

    The role and time course of verbs implicit causality in pronoun resolution were examined through three experiments .

  28. 理想认知模型中的转喻照应和凸显原则对于名词性间接回指具有很强的解释力,语篇转喻模式中的转喻关系对于代词性回指和零型回指也具有较强的阐释力。

    The metonymic model in the Idealized Cognitive Model and the salience principle can explain the nominal indirect anaphora and that the metonymic relationships in the textual model of metonymy have a strong power in the explanation and interpretation of pronominal indirect anaphora and zero anaphora .

  29. 本文在生成语法原则与参数理论的框架内对自然语言关系结构中复指代词的分布以及由此引起的语义差异进行了探讨。

    On the basis of the research of the previous person , this article compared the demonstrative pronouns : " every " and " each " on the syntactic and the semantic plane .

  30. 由关系代名词引出的句子。用介词和关系代词whom/which完成句子。

    Use a preposition and a relative pronoun , whom / which , to complete the following sentences .