
xīng qǐ
  • rise;emergence;arise;spring up;be on the upgrade;grow up
兴起 [xīng qǐ]
  • [arise;rise] 因感动而奋起

兴起[xīng qǐ]
  1. 这个修订是在绿色市场兴起时出现的。

    The revisions come at a time when green marketing is on the rise .

  2. 近来,手机的兴起使零售业的再创造变得更加复杂。

    The rise of the mobile phone has recently added a new level of complexity to the process of retail reinvention .

  3. 在这位领导人的周围兴起了一场异乎寻常的个人崇拜。

    An extraordinary personality cult had been created around the leader .

  4. 新商家在这一地区蓬勃兴起。

    New businesses thrive in this area .

  5. 午饭后她突然兴起,决定洗个澡。

    After lunch she decided on impulse to take a bath .

  6. 共识政治很可能再度兴起。

    Consensus politics could easily come back into fashion .

  7. 她相信这不过是他一时兴起。

    She did not suspect that his interest was just a passing fancy .

  8. 该项体育运动的兴起意味着制定更加严格的安全规则的呼声更高了。

    The boom in the sport 's popularity has meant more calls for stricter safety regulations

  9. 窗帘是一时兴起买下的。

    The curtains were an impulse buy .

  10. 电影公司趁着刚刚兴起的恐龙热正忙着赶拍怪兽电影。

    Studios are rushing out monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for dinosaurs .

  11. 人们普遍认为,科学的兴起是宗教衰落的部分原因。

    It is accepted wisdom that science has been partly responsible for the decline of religion .

  12. 那时正是地理学真正开始发生改变、许多新观念兴起的时候。

    It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in

  13. 民主经历了内战和庞大工业体系的逐渐兴起仍然幸存了下来,并且艰难挺进了20世纪。

    Democracy survived the Civil War and the developing industrial leviathan and struggled on into the twentieth century .

  14. 在这个工业区兴起了一座新城市。

    A new town has grown up in this industrial district .

  15. 对房地产市场一时兴起、并不成功的介入

    A brief and unsuccessful flirtation with the property market

  16. 新生事物蓬勃兴起。

    New things are springing up vigorously .

  17. 例如,在美国和欧洲,因特网的兴起导致读者对自己国家之外的新闻关注度下降。

    In the U.S. and Europe , for example , the rise of the Internet has led to a declining consumption of news from outside the reader 's borders .

  18. 我想可能有一些苛刻的工作日程,或是社会的焦虑在加紧兴起一项未知的运动。

    I guess that there 's probably some demanding work schedule , or social anxiety around stepping up to help for an unknown sport .

  19. 然而,在过去20年中,由于手机、电子邮件和社交媒体的兴起,与家人的联系和对家人的依赖大大增加。

    In the past two decades , however , continued connection with and dependence on family , thanks to cell phones , email and social media , have increased significantly .

  20. 社交网络的兴起使得患有罕见疾病的人更容易相互联系,也感觉不那么孤独了。

    The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with uncommon diseases to connect with each other and feel less alone .

  21. Facebook和MySpace这类社交网站助长了“工闲”一族的兴起,“工闲”一族在社交网站上的“好友”也许就是他们的生意伙伴或同事。

    Weisure has been fueled by social networking sites like Facebook and MySpace , where “ friends ” may actually be business partners or work colleagues .

  22. 疫情激发了5G、人工智能、智慧城市等新技术、新业态、新平台蓬勃兴起,网上购物、在线教育、远程医疗等“非接触经济”全面提速,为经济发展提供了新路径。

    COVID-19 has fueled the boom of new technologies , new business forms and new platforms such as 5G , artificial intelligence ( AI ) and smart cities , and accelerated the development of a contact-free economy like online shopping , online education and telemedicine .

  23. 这正是这些国风动画在中国兴起的原因。

    This is why these guofeng animations are rising in China .

  24. 从那时起,男女平等受教育的现象开始迅速兴起。

    From then on , feminist studies on literature boomed .

  25. 然而,随着网络的兴起,各种各样的问题也接踵而至。

    However , some problems also boom with the development of Internet .

  26. 不管你怎么定义,“智慧相亲”这种不紧不慢、决意走高雅路线的相亲方式已经开始在世界各大城市兴起。

    Whichever , intellidating — an unhurried , decidedly highbrow approach to mating — is catching on in big cities around the world .

  27. 这个词的兴起与英国的国际名厨奥利弗和高登·兰西在英国电视厨艺节目的广泛流行有关,在这类节目的启发和影响下,越来越多的男性把烹饪当作其最大的兴趣爱好,而奥利弗和兰西也成为了“性感美食家”的代表。

    The rise of the word is related to the rise of iconic celebrity3 chefs like Jamie Oliver and Gordon Ramsay whose British TV series are hugely popular and inspirational for a growing number of men to see cooking as a great hobby , making Oliver and Ramsay great role models for gastrosexuals .

  28. GPS(全球卫星定位系统)是随着现代科学的发展而兴起的先进导航、定位技术。

    Global Positioning System ( GPS ) is advanced navigating and positioning technology based on modern science .

  29. 但是随着Internet的兴起,ISDN获得了新的发展机遇,它是目前真正可广泛实用的一种较高速的远程接入方式。

    With the rising of Internet , ISDN obtains its new opportunity as a practical high-speed remote access method .

  30. 正在迅速兴起的移动计算(MobileComputation)技术,结合个人数字助理(personalDigitalAssistant)这一便携式地理信息系统(PortableGIS)的应用产品,已经得到广泛的应用。

    The technical product combining rapidly popularized mobile computation technique and the portable GIS of personal digital assistant ( PDA ) has been widely used nowadays .