
  • 网络Compatibility testing;ComPatibility Test;CTS;Application Compatibility Test
  1. 在开发过程中,测试是贯穿整个项目的,本论文实现了对基于OPhone平台的可视化开发工具的单元测试、性能测试,兼容性测试。以及测试计划、测试执行,测试报告等文档的完成。

    This paper implements the tests of the ODT , it consist unit testing , performance testing , compatibility testing and the test plan , test execution and the test report .

  2. 实验结果表明了小波分析在电磁兼容性测试中的有效性。

    Experimental results show that wavelet analysis in electromagnetic compatibility testing is effective .

  3. 用TEMCELL进行电磁兼容性测试的理论与实践

    Theory and Practice on Electromagnetic Compatibility Tests Using TEM cell

  4. Java相关应用技术的兼容性测试

    Compatibility Test of JAVA Related Application Technology

  5. 对于那些采用了跨平台技术开发的WEB服务软件,从理论上说向Linux平台移植应该没有问题,但是在集成到Linux平台上之前巨大的兼容性测试和局部修改工作量将要耗费大量的人力物力。

    Those web service software introduced with cross-platform technologies , theoretically speaking , can be migrated to Linux with no difficulty .

  6. 其次,一款设备要想联入Android市场,必须先经过一系列严格的硬件和软件兼容性测试。

    Second , the device must pass through a strict hardware and software compatibility suite of tests .

  7. ApachePluto是用于JSR168兼容性测试的易于使用的小型门户测试环境。

    Apache Pluto is a small and easily usable portal test bed for JSR168-compliance testing .

  8. 曙光4000A应用软件二进制兼容性测试与性能评价研究

    Binary Compatibility Test and Performance Evaluation of Some Commerce Software on Dawning 4000A

  9. 看上去Mono已经可以进行实际应用了,至少对新应用或者那些顺利通过Moma兼容性测试的应用如此。

    It looks like Mono is ready for production , at least for new applications or those which pass the Moma compatibility test .

  10. 集成电路电磁兼容性测试方法及实现

    Method Analysis and Implementation of Integrated Circuit Electromagnetic Compatibility Test

  11. 机载雷达电磁兼容性测试项目及测试方法的研究

    The Research of the EMC Test Projects and Method of Airborn Radar

  12. 本文还对系统所实现的功能作了测试,测试的内容包括功能测试、性能测试以及浏览器兼容性测试。

    These tests include functional test , performance test and browser compatibility test .

  13. 相关处理机多制式兼容性测试的初步结果

    Preliminary results of multi-format compatibility tests of CVN correlator

  14. 本文对检测系统进行了测试,测试主要包括功能性测试、性能测试和兼容性测试。

    The testing contexts contain the function test , performance test and compatibility test .

  15. 适用于电器产品的电磁兼容性测试标准

    Electromagnetic Conformity Test Standard for Low Voltage Apparatus

  16. GB/T13158-1991数字交换机的时钟和同步设备进入数字网的兼容性测试方法

    Compatibility test procedures of clock and synchronization equipment of digital switch introduced into digital network

  17. 负责整理兼容性测试报告。

    Work out compliance test report .

  18. 论述了由巴黎交通总公司组织的轨道车辆车载设备电磁兼容性测试。

    This paper discusses an EMC test of onboard systems of rail vehicles organized by RATP .

  19. 机载系统电磁兼容性测试

    The EMC Testing for Airborne System

  20. 显示设备兼容性测试

    DCT Display Compatibility Test

  21. 目前,电子产品的静电放电敏感度测试已作为电子兼容性测试的一项重要内容。

    Today , the ESD sensibility test of electronic products is an important content in the electronic compatibility test .

  22. 电磁兼容性测试就是为了检验电子设备的干扰度及敏感度是否达到相关标准要求。

    The electromagnetic compatibility test is to test electronic equipment emission and immunity whether accord with the relevant standard requirements .

  23. 电磁兼容性测试表明,模块控制器具有较好的工作可靠性和抗电磁干扰的能力。

    The EMC tests show that the module controller installed in electrical power system has good reliability and capacity of resisting disturbance .

  24. 经过几个星期的开发和兼容性测试,我们已经在几乎所有的机型上测试以确保它非常良好的运行。

    After a few weeks development and compatibility testing , we have tested it on almost all devices to confirmed that working very well !

  25. 而且,它还将在源和全局环境之间执行某些兼容性测试,而命令行则不提供这项功能。

    Furthermore , it performs certain compatibility tests between both the source and global environments , which are just not provided from the command line .

  26. 用电波暗室进行电磁兼容性测试是国际标准认可并长期使用的一种测试技术,他可以用于电磁干扰度及电磁敏感度的测试。

    Anechoic chamber for electromagnetic compatibility testing is a test of recognition and long-term use of international standards can be used for electromagnetic emission and immunity test .

  27. 最后论文介绍了医疗设备电磁兼容性测试的具体环境、测试设备、测试流程等,并简述了分析测试过程中遇到的实际问题。

    At last , the specific environment condition , test equipment and test process of electromagnetic compatibility test is introduced the problems in these tests is analyzed .

  28. 电磁兼容性测试可以尽量预防因电磁干扰直接或间接的对人体造成的伤害,对医疗设备的安全性起到重要的作用。

    Test of electromagnetic compatibility of these devices can prevent the direct or indirect damage to bodies resulting from electromagnetic interference , and it also plays an important role in safety of medical devices .

  29. 由于战场空间电磁环境日趋复杂和无线电引信系统中越来越多地采用电子器件,因此无线电引信必须进行电磁兼容性测试。

    With a more complex electromagnetic environment of the battlefield space and the wider application of electrical device in radio fuze systems , radio fuze must be carried on electromagnetic compatibility ( EMC ) test .

  30. 课题以现有材料拉伸试验机为控制对象,验证测控版性能,对测控板和由测控系统和试验机组成的机电系统进行电磁兼容性测试,总结实用电磁兼容性设计方法。

    This topic uses the existing tensile testing machine as the control object to verify the performance of the monitoring-control board and do the electromagnetic compatibility test of measurement-control board and electromechanical system which is compose of measurement-control system and testing machine .