
jiān zhí jiào shī
  • part-time teacher
  1. 有,我在北京师范大学做兼职教师。

    Yes , I am a part-time teacher at Beijing Normal University .

  2. 有,我业余在南京教育学院做兼职教师。

    Yes , I am a part-time teacher at Nanjing Teacher 's College .

  3. 澳大利亚TAFE教学组织形式的主要特点是:实施用户选择的学员组织方式,专兼职教师结合、一切以学员为中心安排教学环境和教学时间等。

    Australia TAFE teaching organization mode has an obvious typical , which takes a student organization mode called custom-choice , combines full-time teacher with part-time teacher and arranges teaching environment and time at student-center etc.

  4. 民办高校兼职教师管理研究

    Research on Management of Part - time Faculty of Private College

  5. 我只是这个学院的兼职教师。

    I 'm only a part time teacher in the institute .

  6. 美国高校兼职教师的现状

    Present Situation of Part - Time Faculty in American Universities and Colleges

  7. 高职院校有效发挥兼职教师作用的策略研究

    Strategic Research of Part-time Teachers ' Effect at the Higher Vocational Colleges

  8. 美国社区学院兼职教师特点分析

    A Study on Characteristics of the Part-time Faculty in American Community Colleges

  9. 关于民办院校兼职教师使用与管理的思考

    Thoughts on the employment and management of part-time teachers of non-governmental universities

  10. 如何管理与支持高职院校英语兼职教师(英文)

    Management and support of part-time English teachers at higher vocational colleges ;

  11. 高校兼职教师群体的形成背景及特征分析

    Analysis on the Forming Background and Characteristics of Part-time Faculties in HEIS

  12. 论地方高校兼职教师管理模式的构建

    Construction of Part-Time Teachers ' Management Mode in Local Colleges and Universities

  13. 对兼职教师的管理也成为教师队伍建设所要解决的另一个难题。

    Meanwhile , management of part-time teachers becomes another problem to solve .

  14. 美国高校兼职教师使用状况研究

    Study on the Use of Part - time Faculty in American Higher Education

  15. 拓宽兼职教师来源渠道;

    Broaden the source of part - time teachers ;

  16. 高校兼职教师队伍建设探析

    On the Administration of Part - time College Teachers

  17. 大规模培训干部背景下兼职教师队伍建设的思考

    The Team Building of Part-time Teachers under the Background of Large-scale Cadre Training

  18. 对高职院校兼职教师队伍的若干思考

    Thinking on the Rank of the Part-time Teachers of Higher Vocational Education Colleges

  19. 论产学合作教育中兼职教师队伍的建设

    Studies on the Building of Part-time Teachers ' Ranks in the Cooperative Education

  20. 民办高校兼职教师中的道德风险及其规避探析

    On the Circumventing Moral Hazard of the Part-time Teachers in the Private Universities

  21. 江西高职院校兼职教师队伍建设研究

    Study of the Development in Part-time Faculty in Higher Vocational Colleges of Jiangxi

  22. 政策不配套,兼职教师问题多;

    ( e ) Not matched policy . Part-time teacher has many problems ;

  23. 临床教学基地兼职教师培训的问题与对策

    Problems and counter measures of training clinical concurrent teachers

  24. 对外汉语兼职教师培训模式新探

    A New Training Model for Part-time TCFL Teachers

  25. 提高教师的专业技术水平,加强兼职教师队伍建设。

    Increasing special technique level of teachers and strengthening construction of part time teaching stuff .

  26. 美国高校大规模使用兼职教师之状况分析

    The Popular Use of Part-time Faculty in American Universities and Colleges : Causes and Problems

  27. 消除兼职教师在学校上课就是打工的想法。

    The elimination of the idea of " work " part-time teachers in the school .

  28. 护理本科院校兼职教师现状的质性研究

    A qualitative study about the present conditions of nurse clinician - educators in university settings

  29. 高职教育兼职教师队伍建设的理念和策略

    The Cognition and Strategy of the Buildup of the Part-time Teachers Contingent in Higher Vocational Education

  30. 从宏观和微观两个层面探寻兼职教师发展的路径选择。

    From the macro and micro levels to explore part-time teachers choose the path of development .