
jiān róng xìng
  • compatibility
兼容性[jiān róng xìng]
  1. 实时注意客户FTP上的兼容性列表和质量警报

    Monitor daily customer FTP site for Compatibility Matrix & Quality Alerts .

  2. 遵守并执行有关数据安全、浏览器兼容性,以及残疾人使用方便等方面的工业标准。

    Complies with industry standards for data security , browser compatibility , and accessibility .

  3. 种植体Core-Vent由具有生物兼容性的材料做成,可直接固定在颌骨,在牙科术语中称为“骨结合”。

    Core-Vent Implants , made from biocompatible materials , can become directly attached to the jaw-bone . In dental terms this is called " osseointegration . "

  4. 微软在数年前破坏了VisualBasic的兼容性。

    A few years ago , Microsoft broke compatibility for Visual Basic .

  5. 基于行为描述的Web服务组合兼容性检查

    Web service composition compatibility checking based on behavior description

  6. WINDOWS操作系统中多种文件系统及在双重启动中的兼容性

    Multi-file System in Windows Operating System and the Compatibility of Double Startup

  7. FLASH存储器的编程模式与兼容性研究

    Study on FLASH Memory Program Mode and Compatibility Compatibility of nimodipine

  8. 更新XMLschema(向上兼容性)

    Evolve the XML schema ( upward compatibility )

  9. 地铁高精度GPS控制网及其起算点兼容性分析

    The Analysis of Precision and Compatibility of Fixed Initial Points of Metro GPS Control Network

  10. 系统表已成为兼容性视图,其类型为“v”。

    System tables are available as compatibility views and have a type of'v ' .

  11. 试论PWM系统电磁兼容性设计的基本方法

    Basic method of EMC design for PWM system

  12. PCB板设计与电子产品的电磁兼容性

    Print Circuit Board designing and the EMC of electronics products

  13. 对非HLA仿真系统的HLA兼容性改造的研究

    Research on HLA Compatibility Reconstruction of Simulation Systems Not Basing on HLA

  14. net作为支撑平台,使得系统的可扩展性和兼容性较差,不灵活。

    Net as the platform of Geographical Office Automatic System , which made the System lack of extension , compatibility and flexibility .

  15. 理论与实践表明利用该技术可以使车站平面CAD系统探作更加灵活、简便,并可以提高代码重用性和兼容性。

    Both theory and practice show that the new technology can improve efficiency of manipulation , code reusing and compatibility .

  16. Mozilla浏览器对Office文档兼容性访问技术研究与实现

    Technology investigation of mozilla browser call on office document compatibility

  17. 通讯设备电磁兼容性(EMC)的结构设计

    Construction Design in Electromagnetic Compatibility ( EMC ) of Communication Equipment

  18. Web服务组合有利于信息共享和应用协作,但必须解决服务兼容性问题。

    Web service composition is beneficial to the information sharing and the application coordinating , but there is the problem of service compatibility to be solved .

  19. 当某些特定的访问机制和API包含在这些组件中的时候,将直接影响他们的兼容性。

    Portability of the components is directly affected when specific access mechanisms and APIs are included in the components .

  20. ERP系统的开放性和兼容性为两者融合提供了可能。

    What 's more , the open and consistence of ERP make the integration of ABC and ERP possible .

  21. PCB作为电气功能的承载体,其电磁兼容性更加不容忽视。

    As a carrier of electrical function , electromagnetic compatibility of PCB should not be overlooked .

  22. 电磁兼容性(EMC)试验自动测试系统的研制

    A Design of EMC Automated Test System

  23. 指出了科技期刊在排版录入中的一些常见错误。就word软件与北大方正排版系统兼容性进行了探讨。

    This paper points out some common errors in typesetting and recording of science periodicals and discusses the compatibility of Microsoft Word with Beida Founder typesetting system .

  24. DB2是由IBM公司研究开发的一种关系数据库,拥有很好的兼容性、可用性和健壮性。

    DB2 is a database system which was developed by IBM company , it has good compatibility , usability and robustness .

  25. 信息电子产业企业合作RD动机新探&对产品兼容性和互通性的追逐

    Study from a New Angle on Motives for Cooperative RD in Information and Electronic Industry

  26. 如果非常熟悉Matlab,那么Octave就是一个很好的选择,因为它努力实现了与Matlab的兼容性。

    If you 're familiar with Matlab , then Octave is a good choice because it strives for compatibility .

  27. 但NAT协议和支撑VPN的IPSec协议在兼容性上存在先天性的不足。

    However , NAT support VPN , IPSec protocol and protocol compatibility exist in congenital deficiencies .

  28. J2EE技术具有平台无关性,可以在Windows、Linux等不同操作系统上进行移植,还具有良好的兼容性。

    J2EE technology is platform-independent nature , can be Windows , Linux and other operating systems on different transplantation , also has good compatibility .

  29. 考虑到MEMS加工工艺兼容性:温度检测采用热敏电阻;气压检测采用应变电阻法检测。

    Considering MEMS processing compatibility , Pt resistance is used to measure temperature and strain gauge to measure the pressure .

  30. IBM没有对这些产品进行测试,也无法确认其性能的精确性、兼容性或任何其他关于非IBM产品的声明。

    IBM has not tested these products and cannot confirm the accuracy of performance , capability , or any other claims related to non-IBM products .