
hónɡ yǔ yán
  • macro language
  1. Scheme标准定义了一种专门用来简化对其他语言进行扩展的宏语言。

    The Scheme standard defines a macro language specifically built to make it easier to make additions to the language .

  2. 尽管可以对它们进行缩写,但是GDB宏语言允许实现进一步的简化。

    Even though they can be abbreviated , the GDB macro language allows for even greater simplifications .

  3. 用来创建领域特有语言的工具通常称为宏语言(macrolanguage)。

    The tools used to create these domain-specific languages are usually referred to as macro languages .

  4. 除了在内存中缓存静态HTML页面之外,Domino还能够缓存包含宏语言(@function)公式的页面。

    In addition to keeping an in-memory cache of " static " HTML pages , Domino can also cache pages that contain macro language ( @ function ) formulas .

  5. 在其他宏语言中有时称为命令。

    This is sometimes called a command in other macro languages .

  6. 本文介绍了几种宏语言的方法,并介绍了如何改进代码。

    This article reviews several kinds of macro languages and shows how you can use them to improve your code .

  7. 采用了内联函数和宏语言相结合的方法对这些基本运算进行了优化,优化后G。

    After optimizing these basic operations with the method of combining intrinsic with macro language , the complexity of calculation of G.

  8. 被写在内建的应用程序的宏语言中的一段程序或片断。有些宏复制,有些则感染文档。

    A program or code segment written in the internal macro language of an application . Some macros replicate , while others infect documents .

  9. 有些地理信息系统也提供二次开发宏语言或二次开发库,促进了针对各领域、各专业的地理信息应用系统的二次开发研究的发展。

    Some geographical information systems also offer redevelopment macro-language or redevelopment library that have promoted to develop the research of redevelopment aim at the geographical information of each field and each special field on geographical information application system .

  10. 本文介绍在IBMPc机上实现的一个宏汇编语言集成开发环境。

    This paper introduces an integrated development environment ( IDE ) for macroassembler language at IBM-PC.

  11. 使用嵌入式SQL,数据库编程的复杂性可以通过一些宏子语言来屏蔽。

    With Embedded SQL , the intricacies of database programming are masked by a sort of macro sub-language .

  12. 为你的MFC程序添加宏脚本语言,是一个很好的源代码。

    Add to your MFC program macro scripting language , is a good source code .

  13. 成果已用于VAX-11/780机上,给我院VAX-11宏汇编语言的教学带来了很大的方便。

    The Outcome has come to use on the VAX-11 / 780 computers in SIME . It makes things easy for the students to study the VAX-11 assembly language .

  14. 在此系统上,我们根据微波遥感图像的特点,采用TMS32010宏汇编语言研制出了一个遥感图像快速处理软件库。

    In the system , according to feature of remote images , a software package of high-speed remote image processing is developed with TMS32010 macro-assembler .

  15. 本文简单介绍用显示器和打印机作图的基本方法及程序设计以及用FORTRAN和宏汇编语言开发的CRT-PRT(显示器&打印机)可编程通用显示子程序PDI。

    This paper briefly describes the principal methods about graphs display with both display and printer , as well as the general CRT-PRT programmable display routines PDI developed in FORTRAN and macro assembler language .

  16. 系统用8088宏汇编语言编程。

    The system is prer gramed with 8088 assembler language .

  17. 8086宏汇编语言与多种高级语言的通用软件接口

    General purpose software interface between 8086 macro assembly language and multiple high-level languages

  18. 谈谈8088/8086宏汇编语言模块程序设计与上机

    On 8088 / 8086 Modular Programming in Macro Assembly Language and Its Operating

  19. 基于宏命令语言的空间数据转换与质量控制研究

    Research on the Spatial Data Conversion and Quality Control Based on Macro Command Language

  20. IBM&PC宏汇编语言题库系统的设计和实现自然语言处理中的一些宏观问题之我见

    Design and Implementation of a Question-Base for Assembly Language Course ; Some Macroscopic Opinions on Natural Language Processing

  21. 介绍了8086宏汇编语言和数种高级语言通用接口的设计方法。

    Finally , a method of designing a general purpose software interface between the 8086 macro assembly language and a number of high-level languges is introduced .

  22. 本文分析了宏汇编语言和高级语言各自的优点和缺点,阐述了这两者之间建立通用软件接口的必要性;

    The advantages and disadvantages of both macro assembly language and high-level languages are analyzed , and the necessity of a general purpose software interface between them is explained .

  23. 本方法也可用于巨型文件的压缩处理。采用8086/88宏汇编语言实现。

    This method can be applied to real-time system with high fidelity , high rapidity of display and also to processing huge files with 8086 / 88 macro assemble language .

  24. 最大的特点在于高精度、宽量程、超低功耗和采用编程效率极高的宏编程语言。

    It is characterized by high accuracy , wide measurement range , low power consumption , high programming efficiency and use of macro assemble language . It is expected to be one of the ideal medical instrument for oral testing .

  25. 分析学生的社会和家庭两个宏、微观社会语言环境。

    An analysis of the macro and micro-social language environment , society and family of students .