
nèi róng
  • content;substance
内容 [nèi róng]
  • [content;substance] 事物所包含的实质性事物

  • 图画之内容。--蔡元培《图画》

内容[nèi róng]
  1. 小说的形式和内容同样重要。

    In a novel form and content are equally important .

  2. 她的诗歌含有大量的政治内容。

    Her poetry has a good deal of political content .

  3. 报告的内容泄露到新闻界了。

    The contents of the report were leaked to the press .

  4. 布告牌上张贴了这封信的内容。

    A copy of the letter was posted on the noticeboard .

  5. 政府明令禁止泄露谈判内容。

    The government has thrown a security blanket around the talks .

  6. 这些档案按主题内容贴有色标。

    The files have labels that are colour-coded according to subject .

  7. 我们开始先来复习一下上星期学的内容。

    Let 's start by reviewing what we did last week .

  8. 这位画家在内容和手法两方面都有重大创新。

    The artist was revolutionary in both subject matter and technique .

  9. 这篇文章的题目与内容很不相符。

    The title of the essay bore little relation to the contents .

  10. 各嫌疑犯交代的内容不一致。

    The suspects ' stories just don 't match up .

  11. 她的演说之所以令人难忘,不是因其内容而是因其辩论方法。

    Her speech was memorable for its polemic rather than its substance .

  12. 围绕王室成员的飞短流长是小报的主要内容。

    Royal gossip is a staple of the tabloid press .

  13. 我仍然不明白这项工作包括哪些内容。

    I 'm still not clear what the job involves .

  14. 她的工作为她的生活增添了新的内容。

    Her job added a new dimension to her life .

  15. 学生被问到有关他们所学课本内容的问题。

    The students were questioned on the books they had been studying .

  16. 她未获准接触那些信的内容。

    She was not privy to any information contained in the letters .

  17. 这封信内容简短,措辞特别客气。

    The letter was brief , and couched in very polite terms .

  18. 日程做了精心安排,以使每一讲都没有重复内容。

    The programme has been so organized that none of the talks overlap .

  19. 游行示威是那一地区政治生活的基本内容。

    Parades and marches were the very stuff of politics in the region .

  20. 人们对电视上充斥暴力内容的忧虑日益加重。

    There is growing concern about violence on television .

  21. 我对记录内容做了扼要报告。

    I made a summary report for the records .

  22. 第一堂课是让学生了解这门课的主要内容。

    The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course .

  23. 请问你能帮我用通顺的英语来表达这信的内容吗?

    Can you help me put this letter into good English , please ?

  24. 性和暴力好像是电视剧离不开的内容。

    Sex and violence seem to be the staple diet of television drama .

  25. 章节标题有助于了解书的内容。

    The chapter headings are useful signposts to the content of the book .

  26. 报纸的这些报道尽是些流言飞语、谎言和真假参半的内容。

    The newspaper reports are a mixture of gossip , lies and half-truths .

  27. 这项内容还未成为正式法规。

    It 's not yet on the statute book .

  28. 这个报告与财务报表内容不一致。

    The report is inconsistent with the financial statements .

  29. 你能把投诉的内容写下来吗?

    Could you put your complaint in writing ?

  30. 名人和名人的私生活是通俗报纸惯有的内容。

    Famous people and their private lives are the stock-in-trade of the popular newspapers .