
  • 网络philosophy of science and technology;Philosophy of Scientific Technology;PH.of Science & Technology
  1. 恩格斯对科学技术哲学的重大贡献

    Engels ' Great Contribution to the Philosophy of Science and Technology

  2. 科学技术哲学在山西公路交通中的应用

    Application of Philosophy of Science and Technology in Highway Traffic

  3. 技术问题始终是科学技术哲学关注的重点。

    Technology has been the focus of Philosophy of Science and Technology .

  4. 科学技术哲学与计算机科技人才培养

    Philosophy of Science & Technology and Cultivation of Computing Students

  5. 中国科学技术哲学的演进与定位

    The Evolution and Orientation of Philosophy of Science and Technology in China

  6. 从科学技术哲学角度看金属固态相变

    Understanding metal solid state phase by science technic philosophy

  7. 全球化与当代科学技术哲学观

    Globalization and Contemporary Philosophy View on Science and Technology

  8. 全球化时代的科学技术哲学学科定位

    The Position of the Philosophy of Science and Technology in the Age of Globalization

  9. 20世纪中国科学技术哲学简述

    An Overview to Philosophy of Science and Technology in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century China

  10. 1987年-2008年中国科学技术哲学学科建设概述

    Construction and Development of the Disciplines " Philosophy of Science and Technology " in China , 1987-2008

  11. 从科学技术哲学的角度概要地阐明了钢的整合系统及其复杂性。

    The complication of integrated system of steel was described in the view of science and technology philosophy .

  12. 从三大期刊看我国科学技术哲学的发展趋向

    Study on the Developing Trend of Contemporary Philosophy of Science and Technology from the Quantitative Perspective of Three Journals

  13. 经过20多年的发展,科学技术哲学学科建设已初具规模,并取得了丰硕的成果。

    After 20 years ' development , the disciplines of Philosophy of Science and Technology has taken shape , and got fruitful achievements .

  14. 科学技术哲学于20世纪20年代末30年代初开始在中国传播,经历了起伏发展过程。

    Science philosophy began its promulgation in China in the late 1920s and early 1930s in 20th century , and have undergone through undulating development .

  15. 前苏联科学技术哲学界把客观事实作为衡量科学技术正误优劣的惟一标准,而排斥价值判断;

    The thesis points out that the evaluation standard of science and technology by Russian philosophical academia has changed , from objective judgment to valuation judgment .

  16. 对信息哲学本质的揭示使哲学研究面临又一次的转向,信息哲学将成为科学技术哲学的一个新的范式。

    Because revealing the philosophical essence of information makes philosophy research face a new turn , it will be a new mode on philosophy of science and technology .

  17. 本文考察和分析了科学技术哲学学科发展的历史与现状;

    By reviewing and analyzing the history and the present situation of science & technology philosophy , we have established the emphasis and the content of our research .

  18. 科学技术哲学探索科学与技术的假设、基础、方法和内涵,以及其社会影响。

    The Philosophy of Science and Technology is concerned with the assumptions , foundations , methods , and implications of science & technology , together with their social effects .

  19. 工程与技术、工程伦理学与技术伦理学的关系如何,是我国科学技术哲学领域关注的问题之一。

    The relation between engineering vs technology and engineering ethics vs technology ethics is one of the concerns among the field of philosophy of science and technology in China .

  20. 我们需要学习科学技术哲学知识,把握抽象图书馆学理论的实质,就此问题做进一步探讨。

    We need to learn the philosophy of science and technology knowledge , grasp the abstract theory of library science in lunwen114real terms , to explore this issue further .

  21. 科学技术哲学的发展为科普的发展奠定了理论基础,从科学技术哲学和科学社会学的角度审视科普发展规律,意义重大。

    It is significant to carefully examines the law of development to popularization of science and technology from the angle of the science and technology philosophy and sociology of science .

  22. 建立在科学技术哲学和技术社会学的基础上,对技术发明的研究及社会对其造成制约的各个因素进行分析。

    This article is talking about a study of social factors restrict the progress which a new technological invention can develop , that base on philosophy of science and technology and sociology of technology .

  23. 本文试图从马克思主义科学技术哲学的一个视角,即工具理性的层面来探究当前全球性生态危机的成因,以及走出危机、走向可持续发展的可能性与现实性的问题。

    In this article , it is major to study the cause of global ecological crisis , the path to go out of the crisis , the possibility and reality of coming to sustainable development .

  24. 尤其值得指出的是,论文从学术研究主体、学术研究对象、学术研究载体三个纬度上归纳了当代科学技术哲学的发展趋向,即向专业化的纵深发展;

    This thesis achieves originality in that it induces the contemporary features of philosophy of science and technology by scientific quantitative analysis from the perspective of the research subjects , the objects and the carriers .

  25. 大学生实施素质教育是一项复杂的系统工程,要做好这项工程,就要充分发挥科学技术哲学在大学生素质教育中的作用。

    Students implementation of quality education is a complex and systematic project , To do this project well , we must give full play to the technology philosophy in college students in the role of quality education .

  26. 认为经济学范式下的技术创新研究和科学技术哲学的技术创新的研究都具有局限性,缺乏对技术创新过程化、发生化的本质的认识。

    This paper points out that not only has the research under the economic paradigm but that in the fields of philosophy of science & technology got some limits by which the understandings of the essence of technological innovation were lacked .

  27. 本文从自然辩证法到科学技术哲学转变的必然性、科学技术哲学学科建设已取得的成果,特别是从学科关注和研究的内容方面进行探讨,说明科学技术哲学学科内部存在诸多分歧。

    This paper discussed the inevitability of disciplines changed from ' Dialectics of Nature ' to ' Philosophy of Science and Technology ', and the achievements of Science and Technology Disciplines of Philosophy , especially the aspects of concern and research .

  28. 从自然辩证法到科学技术哲学的发展既是学科自身发展和学术规范性的必然结果,也是与国际学术接轨和交流的内在要求。

    The development from Dialectics of Nature to the Philosophy of Science and Technology was not only resulted from the self-development of academic disciplines and academic normative , but also because of the inherent requirement of contacting and exchanging among international academic world .

  29. 探讨知识管理与技术创新的相关性,不仅具有深刻的理论意义,而且还具有紧迫的实践意义,从科学技术哲学的角度来研究更是一个全新的角度。

    A study on the correlation between the knowledge management and the technology innovation , not only has profound theoretical significance , but also has immediate practical significance , and it is also a new angle from the perspective of philosophy of science and technology .

  30. 以山西公路交通为例,从科学技术哲学的角度对公路交通与科学技术的关系及相互作用做了分析,并指出拥有高科技的公路交通有助于人的全面发展。

    Taking Shanxi highway traffic as an example , the paper makes analyses of the relationship and inter effect between highway traffic and science and technology , and points out that highway traffic with advanced science and technology is helpful for the full development of human being .