
  • 网络The Scientific World View;scientific worldview
  1. 从科学世界观、人生观、计算机应用能力、外语水平、法律意识、创新能力等方面阐述了现代测绘工作者应具备的基本素质。

    This paper expounds the basic qualities that the surveying and mapping workers should possess from aspects of the scientific world view , the outlook on life , the computer application ability , the level of foreign language , the legal consciousness , the innovative ability and so on .

  2. 近代哲学是一种科学世界观,现代哲学则是一种生活世界观。

    The modern philosophy is a kind of scientific world view .

  3. 复杂性范式的兴起与科学世界观的变革

    The rising of the complexity paradigm and change of the scientific viewpoint

  4. 青少年科学世界观培养是一个重要的时代课题。

    Cultivating scientific world view of youths is an important time task .

  5. 关于科学世界观教育的三点思考

    Three points on the scientific world outlook teaching

  6. 麦克尼尔的世界历史的独特性源于他的科学世界观。

    The uniqueness of his world history construction originates from his scientific world view .

  7. 通过把握生物学知识中隐含的辩证唯物主义思想,培养学生的科学世界观;

    Holding the thoughts of dialectic materialism in the teaching material and building up students ' scientific world view ;

  8. 实际上,马克思主义哲学本身就是一个开放、不断发展的科学世界观体系。

    In fact , Marxist philosophy itself is just a scientific world outlook system , which isopen and develops constantly .

  9. 大学生树立科学世界观的障碍及其克服措施

    Talking about the Obstacles to Setting up a Scientific World View for College Students and Some Measures for Overcoming Them

  10. 天文教育在培养学生科学世界观、科学兴趣、科学思想、科学思维、科学精神,破除迷信,开拓视野,树立创新精神等方面具有独特的优势。

    Astronomical education have unique advantages in cultivating students scientific world view , scientific interest , scientific thought and scientific spirit etc.

  11. 萨根则更关注那些相信鬼怪、上帝造物论和其他与科学世界观不同的人。

    Sagan is more concerned with those who believe in ghosts , creationism and other phenomena that contradict the scientific worldview .

  12. 时代背景的急剧变化成为马克思创立科学世界观和全新政治经济学理论的经济社会根源。

    The sharp changes of epoch became the social root of Marx founding the scientific world outlook and the new political economics .

  13. 在大学物理教学过程中要充分利用物理题材,促进学生科学世界观的形成;

    To accelerate the formation of students ' scientific world outlook , we must make full use of physical material in teaching University Physics .

  14. 在近代西方哲学中,科学世界观脱离了现实生活、超越人的存在,科学成为一种超验的、抽象的存在。

    In the modern western philosophy of science , from the view of life and reality , science becomes a kind of transcendentalism , abstraction .

  15. 在这一领域拥有重要影响的黄楠森先生努力开拓创新,但他依然把马克思主义哲学理解为辩证唯物主义的科学世界观。

    Huang Nansen , with an important influence on this field , still regarded the Marxist philosophy as a scientific world outlook of dialectical materialism .

  16. 同时物理也是形成科学世界观的基础,并有助于形成良好的科学态度和工作作风。

    At the same time , physics is also the basis of forming scientific world outlook and helps to develop good scientific attitudes and work style .

  17. 必须充分利用电子媒体、网络课堂等手段,为科学世界观培养插上现代信息技术有力翅膀。

    Must use methods fully and so on electronic media , online class , inserts the present information technology powerful wing for the scientific world outlook raise .

  18. 全文共分为三部分来进行阐释和论证:第一部分:这一部分对近代西方哲学科学世界观进行梳理和批判。

    The is divided into three parts to explain and demonstration : The first part : part of modern western philosophy , the scientific world outlook and criticism .

  19. 它可以用来培养学生的科学世界观、科学态度和道德情感、献身科学的精神和爱国主义精神、树立辩证唯物主义的思想观念等。

    Through it we can raise the students ' scientific worldview , scientific attitude and moral emotions , spirits of dedicating themselves to science and patriotism spirit , and we can also set up the idea of dialectical materialism for them .

  20. 19世纪70年代以后,党报的创建活动迅速发展起来,自由报刊的说法已经被党报所代替,标志着他们以科学世界观阐明自己的舆论监督观,无产阶级舆论监督思想已经形成。

    Since 1970 , the party newspaper has developed very quickly . " Free newspapers " is replaced by " party newspapers ", which indicate they state their own supervision by public opinion and supervision by public opinion has been formed .

  21. 经典力学体系是物理学发展中的第一个高潮,也是近代工程技术的理论基础,它当中的物理方法和物理思想不仅是科学世界观形成的基础,也是学习物理研究方法的基础。

    Classical mechanics brings Classical Physics to the first climax . At the same time it is academic basic of engineering and technology . Physical method and thought in Classical mechanics redound to forming scientific worldview and studying physical researching method .

  22. 一要以树立科学的世界观为思想前提,理性看待甲型H1N1流感的客观性和严重性,探寻其发生、蔓延的原因与规律。

    First , they should setting a scientific world view as the ideology premise , regard the H1N1 of A flue in rational way , explore the resons and regulations of it 's occurrence and spread .

  23. 争取建立起科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。

    Strive to establish a scientific world outlook , outlook on life and values .

  24. 苏霍姆林斯基认为,形成科学的世界观是智育的核心;

    Su believes that the core of intellectual education is to form reasonable world view ;

  25. 这是非常出乎预料的。因为,你们知道,我在一个科学的世界观中成长。

    This one was very unexpected because , you know , I grew up with the scientific worldview ,

  26. “马克思主义哲学原理”课在我国高等教育中占有特殊地位,是对青年大学生进行科学的世界观、人生观、价值观教育的主渠道。

    The paper , on the basis of young students psychological healthy education , point out philosophical principle that psychological healthy education has to adhere to .

  27. 不仅仅是哲学领域的问题,而且是对待马克思主义这个完整的科学的世界观的现实问题。

    It is not only a matter in the field of philosophy , but a realistic point to Marxism , the integral scientific outlook of the world .

  28. 加强批判性思维的培养,有利于学生形成科学的世界观和人生观,有利于培养学生的创新意识。

    Enhancing the training of critical thinking is favorable not only for students ' forming scientific world outlook and philosophy , but for training students ' innovative awareness as well .

  29. 所以在开展团日活动时,应该加强思想政治教育,引导学生树立科学的世界观、人生观和价值观。

    As a result , when the Youth League activities are performed , more ideological and political education should be exalted , and help students build scientific outlook of the world , life and value .

  30. 这对于规范中学生的思想行为,培育科学的世界观、人生观和价值观,以及增强中学生思想教育的实效性等都具有重要的意义。

    This high school students thinking and behavior norms , foster a scientific world outlook , outlook on life and values , and enhancing the effectiveness of ideological education of students and so is of great significance .