
yì huà
  • alienation;dissimilation;catabolize;heterization;Entfermdung
异化 [yì huà]
  • (1) [dissimilation]∶同类事物演变成不同类的

  • (2) [alienation]∶哲学用语,指将自己拥有的东西转化成同自己对立的东西

异化[yì huà]
  1. 异化现象普遍存在,体育运动也不例外

    The phenomena of alienation are widespread . Sports are also alienating .

  2. 马克思集中论述了劳动的异化,强调它令人厌恶的方面

    Marx concentrates on the alienation of labour and emphasizes the invidious aspects .

  3. 电子穿梭物质对异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原过程的影响

    Effects of electron shuttle on dissimilatory iron reduction in paddy soils

  4. 异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原及其在污染治理中的作用

    Dissimilatory Fe ( ⅲ ) Reduction and its Applications in Contaminants Treatment

  5. 细菌的异化Fe(Ⅲ)还原指以Fe(Ⅲ)为末端电子受体在无氧条件下氧化有机物的产能过程,在生物地球化学循环中起着重要的作用。

    Dissimilatory Fe (ⅲ) reduction is the important process in Biogeochemical cycle .

  6. 当企业从事跨国营销活动时,则会面临标准化营销(standardizedmarketing)与本土化营销(或称差异化营销adaptedmarketing)战略的选择问题。

    While engaged in international marketing activities , enterprises will face a choice of standardized marketing strategy and the strategy of adapted marketing .

  7. 最后得出XY汽车公司产品战略应实施差异化战略和创新战略,并提出了战略实施和控制措施。

    In the last place , the writer drew a conclusion that XY Automotive Company should implement differentiation strategy and innovation strategy to make the product strategy , and put forward strategy implementation and control measures .

  8. 结果表明,微生物异化还原铁氧化矿时,NTA,AQDS在初始阶段显著加速铁氧化物的还原,但也加速磁铁矿的生成,阻碍反应继续进行;

    The results indicate that in the process of dissimilatory metal reduction , NTA and AQDS can accelerate the speed of ferric oxides reduction and magnetite generation in the initial stage , but magnetite production prevents further iron reduction .

  9. 交往的异化迫使人们去思考、研究交往合理性问题。

    Communicative dissimilation urges people to think and research communicative rationality .

  10. 第二部分,着重考察弗洛姆的异化理论。

    The second part mostly sees about Fromm 's dissimilation theory .

  11. 行政伦理失范,是行政权力的一种异化现象。

    Abnormal administrative ethics is a dissimilation phenomenon of administrative power .

  12. 当代美国犹太文学中的异化主题及其世界化品性

    Contemporary American Jewish Literature : Theme of Alienation and Cosmopolitical Implication

  13. 论科技期刊编辑的思维方法技术的异化&当代日本建筑的技术表现

    On the Modes of Thinking of Science and Technical Journals Editing

  14. 越来越多的企业关注服务创新,并通过服务创新实现差异化竞争。

    More and more enterprises pay special attention to service innovation .

  15. 索尔·贝娄小说的异化内涵

    A Simple Discussion on the Alienation of Saul Bellow 's Novel

  16. 土壤微团聚体中氧化铁的异化还原能力

    Potential of dissimilatory iron (ⅲ) reduction in the soil microaggregate

  17. 面对这种异化,法律应该做些什么?

    Facing this kind of variance , what should the law do ?

  18. 基于产品差异化模型的品牌忠诚效应

    Research on brand loyalty effect based on the model of product differentiation

  19. 浅议儒家伦理思想在遏制竞技体育异化中的作用

    On the Influence of the Ethics of the School of Confucian Thought

  20. 实施差异化发展战略,构建区域一体化新机制;

    Carrying out discrepant developing strategy , forming new area integration system ;

  21. 此时才是媒介公共领域异化的开始。

    This is the start as the alienation of media public sphere .

  22. 威廉·布莱克;诗歌翻译;归化;异化;影响因素;

    William Blake ; poetry translation ; domestication ; foreignization ; influencing facto .

  23. 竞技运动中的竞争与异化原因的探究

    Exploration of Competition and Cause of Alienation in Sport

  24. 组合、套利和资本市场的均衡特征&对资本市场均衡异化现象的一种解释

    Portfolio , arbitrage and equilibrium characteristics of capital markets

  25. 到了中世纪,基督教被权力和欲望彻底异化。

    At the Middle Ages , Christianity was transformed by power and desire .

  26. 集团异化与国家地理研究的理论思考

    Group alienation and theoretical thinking of national geography study

  27. 实行差异化激励能提高留住人才的激励效果。

    Implementing differential incentive can increase the effectiveness in measures for talents retention .

  28. 论村民自治异化及其法律治理

    The Jurisprudential Research on the Alienation in the Course of Self-governance by Villagers

  29. 城市灯光环境的科学界定与异化倾向

    Scientific Definition for Urban Light Environment and Alienation Tendency

  30. 解决竞技运动异化问题的建议、途径与方法

    Suggestions , Ways and Methods to the Solution of the Competitive Sports Alienations