
  • 网络profile fiber;profiled fiber;shaped fiber
  1. 多组分纤维和异形纤维是化学纤维差别化的两种主要技术,与美、日等发达国家相比,我国化纤工业存在量重质轻问题,差别化率低。

    Multi-component fiber and profiled fiber is two kinds of key technologies in differential fibers . Compared to America , Japan and other developed countries , chemical fiber industry in China faces many problems such as large quantity with lower quality and lower differential rate .

  2. 异形纤维开发的技术关键与影响因素

    Key technical conditions and influencing factors in development of shaped fiber

  3. 异形纤维截面测量中的边缘检测算法;

    Algorithm study of edge detection in profiled fibers cross-section measurement ;

  4. 纺丝工艺及截面形状对异形纤维性能的影响

    Effects of spinning technique and profiles of profiled fibers on their performances

  5. 吸湿排汗类异形纤维横截面特征研究与吸湿排汗性能评估

    The Chracteristic of Shaped Fibers and Evaluation of Their Moisture Management Properties

  6. 异形纤维/树脂基复合材料拉伸强度的研究

    Study on Tensile Strength of Shaped-Fiber / Resin Composites

  7. 异形纤维复合材料与高性能覆铜板

    Shaped fiber reinforced composites and high-performance copper clad laminates

  8. 异形纤维复合材料研究进展

    Progress in the Composites Reinforced with Profiled Fibers

  9. 异形纤维过滤器流场及阻力数值分析模型

    Analysing model for the flow field and drag of fibrous filters with noncircular fibers

  10. 纤维的包埋切片技术与异形纤维特征参数研究

    Study on the Technologies of Fiber Embedding and Cutting and Characteristic Parameters of Profiled Fibers

  11. 文中推荐的系统指标比较适合于表征异形纤维的特征。

    Systema-tic indexes recommended in this treatise are more suitable for indicating the characteristics of profile fibers .

  12. 对三角形截面进行受力分析的结果表明,复合时异形纤维的排列方式对复合材料的性能有影响。

    The mechanical analysis of triangle-shaped fiber showed that the arrangement of the special-shaped fiber has the influence on the composite .

  13. 研究重点是棉、麻等天然纤维素纤维和各种异形纤维的计算机显微图像识别。

    The research mainly deals with the algorithms for automatic recognition of the nature cellulose fiber and the classification of shaped fiber .

  14. 气囊织物用原料将向低旦单丝、细特、异形纤维及多组分化方向发展。

    The materials used in airbag fabrics will be developed towards fine yarns and LDPF , special-shaped fibre as well as multicomponent .

  15. 2,在同一喷丝板上可纺制多截面异形纤维,其喷丝孔的尺寸、纺丝温度、冷却吹风条件是影响异形纤维异形度的主要因素。

    The fibers with multi-different cross section were successfully made by the optimization of the capillary size of spinneret , spinning temperature and lateral wind .

  16. 通过以上分支毛刺消除和断裂轮廓修复,得到完整光滑的异形纤维轮廓曲线,最终为后续特征提取、识别和黏连纤维分离提供了强有力的保障。

    Through the above methods of branches and glitches eliminating and fracture contour lines repairing , a complete and smooth contour is obtained , which finally provide a strong guarantee for later overlapped fiber isolation and features extraction .

  17. SIP改性异形聚酯纤维的碱水解性能

    Alkaline hydrolysis properties of modified profiled hollow polyester fiber

  18. 介绍了以超有光聚酯切片为原料,采用熔体狭缝挤出成型技术和高速纺丝牵伸一步法工艺制取异形PET纤维的生产方法。

    The bright profiled PET can be produced by the forming technology extruded from the spinneret slit and high-speed spinning-drawing with bright polyester chips .

  19. 130℃下分散染料对异形聚酯纤维在高温高压条件下进行同浴染色时,低温型分散染料分散红3B对纤维的匀染性较好。

    The levelness of low temperature type Disperse Red 3B dye on PET fiber at 130 ℃ in one dye bath condition was better than other disperse dyes .

  20. 异形钢纤维增韧效应研究。

    The research of the toughening effect of deformed steel fiber .

  21. 异形钢纤维对混凝土增强、增韧效果显著。

    Deformed steel fiber reinforcing and toughening is notable . concrete ;

  22. 异形截面纤维特征参数测试方法的比较

    Comparison of Measuring Method of Characteristic Parameters of Profiled Fiber

  23. 中间相沥青基异形炭纤维的研究与应用

    Study and application of noncircular mesophase pitch-based carbon fibers

  24. 异形涤纶纤维在毛织物中的应用

    The Application of Non-Circular Polyester Fibres in Woollen Goods

  25. 三种异形截面纤维的歌动力学参数相差不大。

    The songs profiled kinetic parameters of three fibers nearly had no difference .

  26. 异形聚酯纤维束芯吸效应的分析

    Analysis of wicking effect of profiled polyester fiber tow

  27. 结论弹力纤维瘤内异形弹力纤维表现多样,弹力纤维染色(+)。

    Conclusions Heteromorphous elastic fibers in elastofibroma were multiplicity .

  28. 路面结构中异形钢纤维增强混凝土的弯曲性能试验研究

    Experimental Research on Bending Performance of Special-Shaped Steel Fibre-Reinforced Concrete for Pavement Structures

  29. PET/EHDPET异形共混纤维非织造布的吸排水性能

    Water absorbability and dewatering capacity of non-woven fabric of PET / EHDPET profiled blend fiber

  30. 实验结果表明,异形截面纤维的传导速率会随着异形度的提高而提高。

    The results showed that the more abnormal cross sections , the better water-transmit property of the fabric .