
  • 网络insider threat;Internal Threat
  1. 最近出现的许多研究报告强调了内部威胁的日益增长。

    Study after study of late has emphasized the increased insider threat .

  2. 内部威胁安全体系结构及关键技术研究

    Research of Security Architecture and Key Technologies for Insider Threat

  3. 总部位于美国犹他州的初创企业OakleyNetworks等公司选择从人的方面入手,以求解决内部威胁问题。

    Oakley Networks , a Utah-based start-up , is one of several companies that have sprung up to combat insider threats by addressing the human side of the equation .

  4. 埃塞俄比亚航空(EthiopianAirlines)一架客机周一被企图寻求庇护的副驾驶劫持,此事表明,尽管反恐努力持续多年,全球航空业仍然面临着一个安全不确定因素,那就是内部威胁。

    The hijacking Monday of an Ethiopian Airlines jetliner by a co-pilot seeking asylum illustrates a security wild card still facing global aviation despite years of efforts to combat terrorism : the inside threat .

  5. 但是,传统的方法无法解决系统的内部威胁。

    However , traditional methods can not solve internal system threats .

  6. 基于操作网的内部威胁检测模型研究

    The Study of the Insider Threat Detection Model Based on Operation Net

  7. 内部威胁:科学家被控窃取行业机密

    Insider threat : Scientist accused of stealing trade secrets

  8. 网络信息系统的内部威胁模型研究

    Insider Threat Model Research of Internet Information Systems

  9. 在系统安全性方面,内部威胁被认为比外部威胁具有更高的严重度。

    In system security , internal threats are considered of higher severity than external threats .

  10. 一种可扩展的内部威胁预测模型

    A Scalable Predicting Model for Insider Threat

  11. 内部威胁检测感知系统由信息收集层、检测层、感知层和响应层等构成。

    The system consists of information collection layer , detection layer , sense layer and response layer .

  12. 紧接着分析这些模型的优缺点,并提出内部威胁检测感知系统。

    After making the comparison regarding their limitations , our insider threat detection and sense system is given .

  13. 本文论述了如何利用蜜罐技术来检测、标识及收集来自内部威胁的信息。

    This presentation discusses how honeypot technologies can be used to detect , identify , and gather information on the insider threats .

  14. 内部威胁给信息系统的安全性带来了极大的危害,是信息系统安全风险的主要来源之一。

    Insider threats bring great harm to the security of information systems , which is one of the main sources of security risks .

  15. 例如,为了防范内部威胁,限制用户只能访问这些资源需要履行工作职能。

    For example , to protect against the insider threat , restrict users to access only those resources necessary to perform their job functions .

  16. 为了防范内部威胁,许多企业已开始加大努力,对可能招募的新人进行背景调查。

    In order to stop insider threats at the door , many companies have stepped up efforts to conduct background checks on potential recruits .

  17. 同时,由于引入了惩罚和奖励机制,模型能够应对网络的内部威胁,提高网络的稳定性。

    Due to the introduction of punishment and reward mechanism , the model able to respond to the internal network threats and improves the network stability .

  18. 随着信息安全研究工作的深入,内部威胁这一看似新颖实际上却已长期存在的问题逐渐引起了人们的重视。

    As the research on information security goes in depth , people gradually attach importance to insider threat , which seems new but actually exists for a long time .

  19. 集群技术已有比较成熟产品可供选择,但是费用投入也较高,且内部威胁依然存在。

    The cluster technology has had some mature products to choose , but the expense invested in it is relatively higher , and the threats from the campus network are also existed .

  20. 为了更好地辅助管理人员对信息系统安全策略配置的系统化认识,对具有代表性的内部威胁的分类和建模方法进行了分析研究,并比较了各种方法的优、缺点。

    To better help system administrators for systematically understanding the deployment of information system policy , the analysis and comparison of representative approaches in classification and modelling methods for insider threat were conducted .

  21. 最大的问题是中国的领导者是否会继续展示他的灵活性在边界问题上当中国变成了一个世界强大的力量时,和有内部威胁时。

    The big question , then , is whether Chinese leaders will continue to show flexibility on border issues as China becomes a greater world power , and as it stamps out internal threats .

  22. 在信息安全领域,内部人员威胁(InsiderThreat)已经成了一个日益严重的问题。

    In information security field , insider threat has been an increasing important problem .

  23. 这个国家的权力结构正受到来自内部的威胁。

    The power structure of the country was being threatened from within .

  24. 这份备忘录问道:“你们有内部人员威胁方案或者那样一种方案的基础吗?”

    The memo asks : " Do you have an insider threat programme or the foundation for such a programme ?"

  25. 网格系统面对各种威胁,包括来自系统外部的威胁和内部的威胁。

    Grid system is facing all kinds of threats that include threats from the inner of system and threats from the outer of system .

  26. 相比于来自因特网的威胁,来自信息系统内部的威胁有很多不同之处并且处理起来更为困难。

    Compared with the threat through Internet , insider threat to information systems has a lot of differences and may be more difficult to deal with .

  27. 公务员作为公权力的直接行使者,其个人合法权益跟普通公民一样也会受到来自行政系统内部的威胁,包括了行政机关和上级领导人员的侵权。

    Although direct implementers of public authority , civil servants are faced with equal threats with ordinary citizens against their legal rights and interests from inside the administrative system , including the torts by administrative organizations and their superiors .

  28. 在本文的第四部分,在竞争环境方面,本文通过利用SWOT模型,对成都平安面对的内部、外部威胁和机会进行了分析。

    In the forth part , in terms of the competitive environment , it analyses the internal and external threats and opportunities of Chengdu Ping An by the means of SWOT model .

  29. 信誉模型也存在内部的安全威胁,即错误推荐。

    Reputation model also has inner threat that is false recommendation .

  30. 内部争论已威胁到政府的稳定。

    Internal arguments had threatened the stability of the government .