
  • 网络values;Value system;Value Chain
  1. 我们的价值体系和他们的并不相同。

    Our value system does not match with their value system .

  2. 生存质量(QualityofLife,QOL)是指不同文化和价值体系中的个体对于他们的目标、期望、标准以及所关心的事情有关的生存状况的体验。

    Quality of Life ( QOL ) is the experience of aim , expectation , standard and other things they are concerned about by people have different culture and value system .

  3. 随着我国加入WTO,西方教育抢滩登陆势必对传统的道德观念和价值体系造成强烈的冲击。

    With our country 's entry into WTO , western education may bring great impact on our traditional moral ideas and value systems .

  4. WTO框架下的电子商务法律与一般意义上电子商务法律不太相同,其囊括的电子商务法律问题限定在它特殊的贸易规则和价值体系中。

    E-commerce law under WTO framework is not the general sense of e-commerce law , which includes the legal issues of e-commerce limited in exceptional trade rules and in exceptional value system .

  5. 而中国固有的传统行政文化与WTO的原则及价值体系却有诸多难以相容之处,这决定了观念的变革是艰难的,也是必然的。

    However , there are many conflicts between Chinese traditional administrative cultures and WTO 's systems of principles & values , which determines that although the reforms are inevitable but will be tough .

  6. 原有的价值体系迅速分化和重新组合。

    The existing value system is split up and reconfigured rapidly .

  7. 论社会发展的价值体系及其结构之选择

    On Value System and Choice of Value Structure in Social Development

  8. 中国职业经理人诚信价值体系探究

    The Study of China Professional Handlers ' Honesty and Credit System

  9. 依法治国与法律价值体系的重构

    Rule of Law and the Reconstruction of a Legal Value System

  10. 任何社会都有其独特的核心价值体系和文化认同。

    Any society owns its unique core value system and cultural identity .

  11. 如何更好的对大学生进行社会主义核心价值体系教育?

    How to better educate university students with the socialist core value ?

  12. 摘要社会主义核心价值体系是建设和谐文化的根本。

    A core value system of socialist is building a harmonious culture .

  13. 抗震救灾精神是社会主义核心价值体系的伟大实践

    Aseismatic Spirit is the Core Value System of Socialist Practice

  14. 本文从5个方面剖析了档案管理伦理:它是一种关于权力、义务关系的规范体系;是一种关于档案管理的价值体系;

    The article dissect the ethic of archives management from five aspect .

  15. 试论我国社会工作价值体系的构建

    About Building the Value System of Social Work in China

  16. 坚持核心价值体系,就是坚持正确导向。

    Persisting core value system is persisting correct direction .

  17. 社会主义核心价值体系实践转化的机制研究

    Procedure Studies on Practical Transfer of Socialist Core-value System

  18. 三者共同组成内涵丰富的证据价值体系。

    The three make the value system of evidences .

  19. 验证了商业银行客户价值体系模型。

    Verify commercial bank customer value system model .

  20. 创业文化包括价值体系和环境系统两个方面。

    Entrepreneurial culture includes two interactional parts , the value system and the environment .

  21. 宪政有自己的价值体系。

    Constitutional government is of itself value system .

  22. 它是我们公司的价值体系的,重要组成部分。

    It 's really a huge important part of our company 's value system .

  23. 群己关系是任何一种文化价值体系都环绕着的中心问题之一。

    The group-self relation is such a central issue that each culture-value system surrounds .

  24. 当代我国历史文化遗产价值体系的构成

    The Formation of Value System in the Protection of Chinese Historical & Cultural Heritage

  25. 但是有机食品很受欢迎,它的价值体系也岌岌可危。

    But organic food is so popular that its value system is in jeopardy .

  26. 设计批评在设计价值体系中的作用及其评价标准

    Function of Design Criticism in the System of Design Value and the Criterion of Evaluation

  27. 本文是对高校大学生社会主义核心价值体系教育问题进行的研究。

    This article is a socialist core value system of college students conducted education research .

  28. 生物体是一个价值体系;

    Organism is a Value System ;

  29. 以文明文化创新为基础,把握社会主义核心价值体系建设的发展性;

    Take civilization and culture innovation as basis , grasping the development of the system building ;

  30. 多元价值体系下的行政指导

    Administrative Guidance under the Multi-Value System