
jià tài
  • valence state
价态[jià tài]
  1. 讨论了Ti离子价态的变化对晶格参数的影响。

    The influence of valence state of Ti ions on the lattice parameters is discussed .

  2. XPS结果表明,钯几乎全部以零价态存在。

    The results of XPS show that palladium was almost in zero valence state .

  3. 磷钼杂多酸-罗丹明B作试剂光度法测定不同价态的钒

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Valency of Vanadium with Phosphomolybdate and Rhodamine B

  4. 不同价态金属离子对DNA构象的影响

    The effect of metal ions of different valences on conformation of DNA molecules

  5. 考察了树脂的吸水动力学,在不同pH值和不同价态盐溶液时的吸液性能。

    The absorbing capacity in different salt solutions and pH solutions was studied .

  6. 超导陶瓷材料中Cu的混合价态的实验

    A Preliminary Study of the Cu Mixed Valence States in Ceramics Superconductors

  7. Fe的价态分析及其应用

    Valence state analysis of Fe and its application

  8. Tb的存在影响Eu的价态存在形式。

    The valence state of Eu is influenced by terbium .

  9. X射线荧光光谱法对钒氧化物中不同价态钒的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Valency States of Vanadium in Mixture of Vanadium Oxides by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  10. 使用碘滴定的方法来确定氧含量及Mn的平均价态。

    The oxygen content was determined by the iodometric titration .

  11. 水稻土溶液中Se(Ⅵ)的价态转化条件研究

    Condition of Valence State Transformation of Selenate in Paddy Soil Solution

  12. Fe(Ⅲ)-5-硝基-1,10-菲啰啉配合物光还原的研究及其在铁价态分析中的应用

    Photoreduction of Fe (ⅲ) - 5-Nitro-1,10-Phenanthroline Complex and Its Application in Analysis of Iron Valence

  13. 从能带计算出发,进一步定量给出了Co和O的平均价态的变化。

    Using the band theory , we have calculated the average valence states of Co and O.

  14. 铀矿物和含铀矿石中铀价态比值的X射线光电子能谱分析

    Analysis of valence state ratio of uranium in uranium minerals and uranium-bearing ores by X-ray photoelectron spectrometry

  15. 本文也对~(60)Coγ辐照场中镎价态变化的反应机理进行了一些讨论。

    The reaction mechanism of the change of Np valence states under 60Co irradiation is also discussed .

  16. 对Pr-CeO2红色稀土颜料中Pr价态及呈色机制的研究

    Valence of Praseodymium and Chromatic Mechanism of Pr-CeO_2 Red Lanthanide Pigment

  17. 采用X射线光电子能谱仪(XPS)分析了磨斑表面主要元素的组成和价态。

    The chemical states and main elements of the friction surface were investigated by XPS .

  18. 普通X射线荧光光谱法用于中太平洋富钴结壳中锰价态的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis of Valences for Manganese in Cobalt-rich Crust Samples from the Central Pacific Ocean by X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometry

  19. 这两个相互竞争的过程使得Ce的价态呈现出波动性的特性。

    The competition of the two descents results in the fluctuation of Ce valence .

  20. 高Tc超导体YBa2Cu3Ox中铜的价态研究

    On the valence state of copper in high Tc yba_2 cu_3o_x superconductor

  21. Eu,Dy共掺杂长余辉发光材料中稀土离子价态的研究

    Valences of rare earth ions in long afterglow phosphors

  22. 不同价态锰对大鼠脑和肝及心SOD活力的影响

    Effects of Manganese with Different Valence on SOD Activity in Brain , Liver and Heart of Rats

  23. Mn离子的价态变化与ZnO压敏陶瓷的V-I非线性

    Mn ion valence change and ZnO varistor ceramics V-I nonlinear character

  24. CeO2纳米粒子形成过程中Ce的价态变化

    Investigation on the variation of CE valence state during the formation of CeO 2 nanometer particles

  25. XPS和Auger能谱说明Pd和Cu均以零价态存在。

    XPS and Auger spectra indicated that both Pd and Cu were in zero-valent state .

  26. 在这两个体系中,B的引入使得化合物的磁致伸缩有所降低,且没有观察到Ce离子的价态波动。

    In the two series compounds , the magnetostriction decreases , and the valence fluctuation of Ce ions has not been observed .

  27. 由电子能量损失谱分析得知,Co离子在Na0.3CoO2·1.3H2O超导体中的价态范围为+3.6&+3.8。

    Electron energy loss spectrometry analyses show that the Co ions have valence states of around + 3.7 in this superconducting materials .

  28. 综合测试结果表明,金的价态和氧化铈载体的形貌、表面的吸附氧等都是CO催化氧化反应的影响因素。

    In summary , gold valence , cerium oxide morphology and surface adsorption oxygen are the factors on the CO catalytic oxidation reaction .

  29. Fe和Mn氧化物价态的电子探针分析已见文献报导。

    Valence state analyses of Fe and Mn in oxides by EPMA have been reported in literature ~ ( 1.2 ) .

  30. 铜的价态光电子能谱和X光引发的Auger谱分析

    Valences analysis of cupper by XPS and X-ray induced Auger spectroscopy