
  • 网络Atomic Energy Technology;Nuclear Engineering Technology
  1. 如果在美国将原子能技术用于发电,那么美国的石油业和煤炭业的垄断资本家就要反对。

    If they use of atomic energy techniques for generating electricity , the oil and coal monopoly-capitalists will against it .

  2. 查维斯表示伊朗是个主权国,因此它有享有发展和平原子能技术的权利。

    Chavez says that Iran has the right to a peaceful atomic energy industry because it is a sovereign state .

  3. 随着原子能技术的目趋成熟,核电站及其他核设施的数量和规模日益扩大。

    The quantity and scale of the nuclear power station and the other nuclear installation extend day by day , along with atomic energy technology utilized more maturely .

  4. 近年来,随着光电子技术、原子能技术、航空航天技术、光通信技术、红外技术和激光技术等尖端科技的飞速发展,光学玻璃的应用越发广泛。

    Recently , with the rapid development of advanced technology , optical glass has been widely used in photoelectron , nuclear energy , aerospace , communication , laser technology and so on .

  5. 裂纹止裂技术是当前军事应用工程、航空航天工程、船舶工程、石油工程、原子能技术、机械制造等许多领域中急需解决的重要问题之一。

    The application of crack prevention techniques is badly needed in practical engineering , because it has many practical applications such as in military affairs , space flight , aviation , shipping , oil production , nuclear engineering and machine manufacturing .

  6. 《原子能科学技术》第39卷总目次

    Annual cumulative contents of Volume 39 , atomic energy science and technology

  7. 综述了国外火力和原子能发电生产技术的发展。

    The developments of the thermal and nuclear power generating technology abroad are surveyed .

  8. 而印度认为,该协议不仅能使自己获得核原料和技术诀窍,还能获得原子能以外的敏感技术。

    India believes the deal will give it access not only to nuclear material and knowhow but also to sensitive technologies beyond the atomic arena .

  9. 年提出销毁原子弹的建议。苏联也掌握了原子能技术。苏联将原子能用于和平事业,如原子能发电。

    Soviet mastered atomic energy techniques too , Soviet used of atomic energy for peaceful purposes , such as to generate electricity with atomic energy .

  10. 国际原子能机构,作为联合国的一个重要国际组织,对世界和平、安全利用原子能起到了积极的促进作用,并且确保原子能技术的可持续发展。

    The IAEA , an international organization in the UN family , fosters the safe , secure and peaceful uses of atomic energy and helps ensure the use of nuclear technology for sustainable development .