
nèi bù jīnɡ jì
  • internal economy
  1. 最后,在分析的基础上提出了青海省内部经济协调发展的对策和建议。

    Finally , proposed the Qinghai Province internal economy coordinated development countermeasure and the suggestion in the analysis foundation .

  2. 不利的方面是高储蓄低消费会分别导致内部经济失衡和外部经济失衡。

    The bad side is : high saving and low consumption can let to unbalance of the internal economy and the external economy .

  3. 稳定的汇率政策通过促进出口、FDI和提高财政政策的有效性来调节内部经济,成为我国经济增长的关键因素。

    Stable exchange rate has improved the export , FDI and the efficiency of China 's expansionary fiscal policy , which help China 's economic growth greatly .

  4. 三是受内部经济二元结构与外部国际竞争的制约;

    The third is internal dualistic economic structure and outside international competition ;

  5. 浅谈企业集团内部经济责任审计

    A Simple Explanation of Business Group Internal Financial Responsibility Auditing

  6. 欧洲共同体内部经济活动一般工业分类

    General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the European Community

  7. 国际贸易与区域内部经济发展

    The International Trade and the Region Internal Economic Development

  8. 高校内部经济责任审计的特征与风险防范

    The Features and Risk Prevention of Economic Liability Audit inside Universities and Colleges

  9. 高校内部经济责任审计刍议

    Comments on auditing economic responsibility in colleges and universities

  10. 长三角城市群内部经济关系的实证分析

    Empirical Analysis on the Internal Economic Relationship of Yangtze River Delta City Group

  11. 其次,促使西欧内部经济重心由地中海沿岸转移到大西洋沿岸;

    Second , it urged the transfer of the economic center of Western Europe .

  12. 内部经济失衡和外部经济失衡是相互影响和相互依赖的,二者既有内在一致性,又有冲突性。

    Internal imbalance and external imbalance are interactional and interdependent , they have consistency and conflict .

  13. 汇率是影响内部经济均衡和外部经济均衡的关键变量。

    Foreign exchange rate is a vital variable which influences the balance of ex-economy and im-economy .

  14. 论企业内部经济责任审计

    On Auditing enterprise internal economic responsibilities

  15. 对于中国来说,我们应该首先解决内部经济问题,谋求自身的经济发展和福利最大化。

    In China , we should first solve internal problems , for economic development and welfare maximum .

  16. 企业内部经济核算制

    Economic calculation system within business

  17. 纪检监察工作与内部经济责任审计工作之间是相互支持、相互配合的工作。

    College discipline supervision and the internal economic responsibility audit should mutually support each other and mutually coordinate .

  18. 辽宁虽然是我国东部沿海比较发达的省份,但同样存在内部经济区域之间的差异问题。论文试图系统和深入研究90年代以来辽宁区域经济差异问题。

    Liaoning is Chinese more developed eastern coastal provinces , but also the existence of internal economic disparities between regions .

  19. 并就肃南县内部经济发展及生态保护建设方面从中观和宏观进行了设计。

    On the internal economic development and ecological protection and construction from concept to design a macro for Sunan county .

  20. 加强卫生经济管理,理顺医院内部经济管理运行体系。

    Strengthen the health economic management and make the operation system of the economic management inside the hospital in order .

  21. 高等学校内部经济责任审计工作是一项主要的经济监督与评价活动。

    The auditing job of economic responsibilities in colleges and universities is a major activity for economic supervision and appraisal .

  22. 汇率在开放经济的各变量中居于核心地位,是影响内部经济均衡和外部经济均衡的关键变量。

    The exchange rate is the core variable in an open economy which influences the balance of ex-economy and in-economy .

  23. 提出了各种内部经济损失、外部经济损失的计算内容和计算方法;

    The items and methods of calculating the internal economical losses and external economical losses are proposed in this paper .

  24. 由于银行监管和内部经济资本配置的需要,操作风险度量是商业银行操作风险管理的一项重要内容。

    Owing to banking regulation and internal economic capital allocation , operational risk measurement is very important to operational risk management .

  25. 高校内部经济责任审计具有审计对象双重性、审计内容广泛性、审计结果作用多元性、审计高风险性等特征。

    The economic liability audit inside universities and colleges is characteristic of object duality , content extensiveness , result multivariance and riskiness .

  26. 群决群众后顾之忧,进行外部、内部经济补偿;

    External and internal economic compensation should be given to the farmers so as to solve their fear of attack from behind ;

  27. 实践表明,合理的产业分工与协作网络,是推动区域内部经济不断发展的基础和动力。

    Practices show that reasonable matching industrial division and cooperation network are the foundation and motion of the sustained regional economic development .

  28. 此时的长三角经济圈,在外部市场萎缩的困境下,加速内部经济转型,寻找新的经济增长点是当前的主要方向,而将消费者服务业发展作为现代经济发展的新增长点是合理可行的。

    At this moment , the shrinking market needs to accelerate internal economic restructuring and to find new points of economic growth .

  29. 高等教育产业化是经济发展的客观要求,它体现在产业内部经济效益和社会经济效益上。

    Higher education industrialization is objective demand of economical development and embodies internal economical benefit and social economical benefit of the industry .

  30. 这就是革命的中国、抗日的中国应该建立和必然要建立的内部经济关系。

    Such are the internal economic relations which a revolutionary china , a China fighting Japanese aggression , must and necessarily will establish .