
  • 网络legionary;Legionari;Legionnaire
  1. 军团士兵在凯旋归国时,不肯服从执政官的命令。

    The legionaries , on their victorious return , refused any longer to obey the consuls .

  2. 给罗马部队甲了更多的军团士兵,使他们有点小强。

    Added more legionaries to Roman parties , made them a wee bit stronger .

  3. 谁选择了澳洲新西兰军团士兵这个名字来形容澳大利亚和新西兰的军队?

    Who chose the name ANZAC to describe Australia and New Zealand Troops ?

  4. 和新加州共和国军队不同,军团士兵不按军衔而是按作战经验进行编制。

    Unlike the NCR Army , Legionaries are not organized by rank but by direct combat experience .

  5. 级别的晋升依据简单的论功行赏&如果一个军团士兵能再作战中证明自身价值,他就会晋升。

    Advancement in ranks is purely merit based-if a Legionary proves himself in combat , he will be promoted .

  6. 有时特使也会采取什一抽杀法:每报数到第十个的军团士兵就会被其长官击杀作为惩罚。

    It is also possible that the Legate will invoke decimation , where every tenth legionary will be beaten to death by his comrades as punishment .

  7. 我的梦境从来都不会改变,我只有一个梦:数量超乎想象的燃烧军团士兵像深红色的地平线包围着我,战争在远处打响。

    Mine do not . I have one dream : A crimson skyline envelops me as Legion , numbering beyond comprehension , battle in the distance .

  8. 古代史料往往忽视无名的军团士兵,青睐伟大的领袖,斯特劳斯则突出描述了坚定的恺撒老兵们的作用。

    In contrast to the ancient sources , which tend to ignore nameless legionaries in favor of great leaders , Strauss foregrounds the role played by Caesar 's hardened veterans .

  9. 他是我军团的士兵。

    He 's a soldier in my regiment .

  10. 军团的士兵受到的训练使他们会在所有状况下服从他们的长官;

    Soldiers in the legion are trained to obey their superiors in all situations ;

  11. 不知道是哪个军团的士兵们。

    Soldiers , naming no legions .

  12. 三角洲军团的士兵是来自所有军事部门的精英成员,他们在经过严格的身体和心理素质的筛选之后,要接受六个月的集中训练和专门训练,以应对大量充满危险和不确定因素的情况。

    Delta Force soldiers come from the elite of all branches of the military , and are carefully screened both physically and mentally before entering an intensive six-month training course to be versed in - and specially trained for - a multitude of dangerous and volatile scenarios .

  13. 这两个军团的许多士兵都有醉酒和言语污秽的毛病。

    Many of these soldiers were guilty of drunkenness and profane language .

  14. 在星期二,皇家威尔士军团第一营的士兵站成一排给他们的老军团山羊,WilliamWindsor一个完美的军方欢送仪式。

    Soldiers with the1st Battalion of the Royal Welsh Regiment lined up on Tuesday to offer a full military send-off to their aging regimental goat , William Windsor .

  15. 在军团里人命不值钱&能一直混下去的军团士兵都是些神人。

    Life expectancy in the Legion army is low-any Legionary who can survive extended service is a formidable opponent .