
jūn lǐ
  • military salute;honors
军礼 [jūn lǐ]
  • (1) [honors]∶旧时指军中的礼仪

  • (2) [military salute]∶军人的礼节;军中的礼节

军礼[jūn lǐ]
  1. 他进来,行了个军礼,向主教走去。

    He entered and advanced to the Bishop , making a military salute .

  2. 好象死者带着宽大的肩章出现在他眼前,逼得他几乎对他行了个军礼。

    Death appeared to him with large epaulets , and he almost made the military salute to him .

  3. 卫兵向将军行了个漂亮的军礼。

    The guard saluted the general smartly .

  4. 士兵行了军礼,长官回了礼。

    The soldier gave a salute and the officer returned it .

  5. 他行军礼时碰起鞋后跟来象舞蹈家一样熟练。

    He clicked his heels as perfectly as a dancer does .

  6. 难道你不知道该给军官行军礼吗?

    Don 't you know that you should salute officers ?

  7. 上尉喀嚓一声立正,向上级军官行军礼。

    The captain clicked his heels together and saluted his superior officer .

  8. 当上校来到时士兵们都向他行军礼。

    The soldiers saluted the Colonel when he arrived .

  9. 他挺直了身子,向那位妇女行了个军礼,把书递了上去。

    He stood straight , saluted and held the book toward the woman .

  10. 婚礼、葬礼、圣餐仪式.军葬礼,(对元首等的)军礼

    The marriage , burial , communion , etc service ( full ) military honors

  11. 他行了军礼,往前走了一步,接着又停下,注视着军官。

    He saluted , took a step forward , stopped and regarded his officer .

  12. 一个皇家海军陆战队射击组执行了三炮军礼,最后有一位号手也吹响了(送别)军乐。

    Royal Marine firing party offered a three-gun salute , a bugler the Last Post .

  13. 他这是在行纳粹军礼。

    He 's giving the Nazi salute .

  14. 如果你还想,我会教你第一次行军礼。

    You still want to do this , I 'll sell you your first salute .

  15. 士兵向军官行军礼,在军队里这是一种普遍习惯。

    It is a universal custom for a soldier to salute his officer in the army .

  16. 尼姆觉得哈里·伦敦就差要给他敬一个漂亮的军礼了。

    Nim had the feeling that Harry London was restraining himself from snapping off a smart salute .

  17. 他能和人们聊天互动,回答公众的询问,和大家握手,还会行军礼。

    He can chat and interact , respond to public queries , shake hands and offer a military salute .

  18. 他的部下向他行了军礼&虽不十分符合规格,但还可以过得去。根据以下条款的规定

    His staff gave him military courtesy-not very rigid , but enough . Upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth

  19. 战友们发现,副连长已经泪如雨下,但给黄小郎的,却是一个标准的军礼。

    Arms found that the deputy company commander had succeeded , but the small yellow Lang , it is a standard ceremony .

  20. 当我们从意大利国旗和欧盟旗帜下走过时,门口的两位宪兵向他行了一个正规的军礼。

    As we passed beneath the flags of the Italian Republic and the European Union , the twocarabinieriat the door gave him a formal salute .

  21. 他给了他们每人一枚六便士铜钱,拍了拍他们的脑袋。他们必恭必敬挥着帽子,行着军礼,走了。

    He gave them sixpence apiece and a pat on the head , and they went off with much respectful swinging of caps and touching of forelocks .

  22. 检阅时,女王会在菲利普亲王的陪同下,乘坐上马车,不时抬手向队伍行军礼。

    The queen , accompanied by the Duke of edinburgh , will ride in a carriage during the parade and will take the salutes from a temporary stage .

  23. 曾两次夺得奥运会冠军的羽毛球运动员林丹在某种程度上是更具争议的人物。他入过伍,曾以在领奖台上敬军礼闻名。

    The two-time defending badminton championLin Dan is a somewhat more divisive figure . A former member of the ChineseArmy , he was known for saluting on the podium .

  24. 在经历了包括军礼和红地毯的官方欢迎仪式后,布什总统与乌克兰总统尤先科在乌克兰首都基辅展开会谈。

    After a formal arrival ceremony , complete with military honor guard and red carpet , President Bush and Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko got down to business in the Ukrainian capital .

  25. 春秋时战争指导思想出现由崇尚军礼到推崇诡道的转变,有其深刻的背景因素。

    Spring and Autumn Period , when the guiding ideology of the war there from " advocates a military salute " to " respect sly Road " changes , there is a profound background factors .

  26. 春秋时期战争中的军礼,具有明显的过渡性特征,在保留西周时军礼的部分形式和精神下逐渐衰落。

    Spring and Autumn Period in the war , " salute ", clear transitional characteristics , while retaining some of the Western Zhou Dynasty , when a military salute the form and spirit of a gradual decline .