
jūn zhí
  • military appointment;official post in the army
军职 [jūn zhí]
  • [official post in the army;military appointment] 在军队中的职位

军职[jūn zhí]
  1. 他因散漫、无礼而丢了军职。

    He 'd lost his stripes for slovenliness and cheek .

  2. 为了获得一个平民的工作他辞去了军职。

    He resigned his commission to take up a civilian job .

  3. 军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来。

    Army personnel is often forbid to fraternize with the civilian population .

  4. 有人告诉我你推掉莫斯科得军职。

    I 've been told you 've refused a post in moscow .

  5. 他结婚后辞去了军职。

    He resigned his commission when he got married .

  6. 战区司令是美军最高军职之一。

    Combatant chief is one of the most senior in the US military .

  7. 略论我国军职犯罪的立法得失

    Success and failure : a Brief Discussion on our Country 's Legislation on Military Crimes

  8. 试论对军职罪的处罚原则

    On the penal principle against military offences

  9. 军职人员,包括海外执行任务的人都不能按时发放工资。

    Military personnel , including those deployed overseas , won 't get their paychecks on time .

  10. 实际上,这个故事传奇在是乔治华盛顿总统他自己亲自授予她这个军职称号的。

    In fact , legend has it that George Washington himself gave her the special military title .

  11. 在长期海外任军职后回国的路上,我喜欢上了一位年轻人。

    A young man I had crush on returned home from a long overseas tour of duty in the Army .

  12. 大多数军职专业除对体力有严格要求之外,还有野战行动的艰苦性。

    Aside from the heavy physical demands of most military jobs , there was also the strenuous nature of field operations .

  13. 我们也应考虑合并采购制度,成立一个由来自每一军种的文职及军职人员组成的单独机构。

    We should also consider integrating the acquisition system , creating a single organization staffed by civilians and military officers from each service .

  14. 联合部队司令部的某些职能及其军职和文职人员将调往其它地方,包括华盛顿城外的五角大楼。

    Some of its functions , and military and civilian personnel , will be put elsewhere , including at the Pentagon outside of Washington .

  15. 在暴力不断升级的情况下,解除军官军职只不过是时髦的空话,游击队不会因此而放下武器。

    In the context of escalating violence , decommissioning is no more than a fashionable buzz word , and will not lead to the guerrillas laying down their arms .

  16. 缅甸军政府第三首领杜雅瑞曼上将,退出军职后准备大选后担任重要职务,政府方面消息人士称。

    The Burmese junta 's third-in-command , General Shwe Mann , has retired from his post in preparation for taking the top position after elections this year , government sources say .

  17. 唐代后期宦官掌握军权主要是通过宦官担任军职、专典禁军和宦官监军制度而实现的。

    In late Tang Dynasty , the eunuch 's monoply of military power was realized by the systems of the eunuch taking military positions , governing the imperial army and supervising the army .

  18. 这一进程,需要他们遵循,严格的学习及体能的训练,以便他们顺利接掌重要的军职,及其它公共服务事项。

    Throughout all of this , they are subjected to a course of rigorous study and physical training that will lead them to adopt prominent positions in the military and other branches of public service .

  19. 该委员会建议,政府在某些事务中应逐渐停止使用私人安全承包商,加强机构间的协调,并扩大负责紧急合同的文职及军职官员的职权。

    The commission recommended that the government should phase out the use of private security contractors for certain functions , improve inter-agency co-ordination and expand the authority of civilian and military officials responsible for contingency contracting .

  20. 在此结论的指导下,对犯罪主体的范围进行了合理的界定,将危害国家军事利益的军职人员和从事军事活动的普通公民均纳入犯罪主体范围中。

    Under the guidance of this conclusion , this thesis provides a proper definition of the crime subjects , which , it claims , include army men who jeopardize the military interests of our country and the civilian who go in for military activities .