
jūn shì mì mì
  • military secret
  1. 这卖国贼把我方重要的军事秘密卖给敌人。

    The traitor sold our important military secrets to the enemy .

  2. 关于尾流的直接文献基于军事秘密而极少见到。

    There is few direct reference on ship wakes duo to military secrets .

  3. 除开军事秘密外,政治动员是必须公开的,而且力求普及于每一个可能拥护革命利益的人员。

    Except where military secrets are concerned , political mobilization must be carried out openly , and , what is more , every effort should be made to extend it to all who might possibly support the revolutionary cause .

  4. 今年6月,韩国公众对日韩历史问题的不满迫使政府取消了与日本的一项协议,之后不久李明博于8月10日视察了独岛。取消的协议原本将为日韩分享军事秘密提供工作框架。

    His Aug. 10 visit to the islets came after a public outcry in June over historical issues between the two countries forced his office to scrap a deal with Japan that provided a working framework for sharing military secrets .

  5. 为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供军事秘密的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。

    Whoever steals , spies into or buys military secrets for or illegally offers such secrets to the agencies , organizations or individuals outside the territory of China shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years , life imprisonment or death .

  6. 对他们的判决是由一个军事法庭秘密作出的。

    They were sentenced by a military tribunal sitting in camera .

  7. 系统的利用间谍获得军事或行政秘密。

    The systematic use of spies to get military or political secrets .

  8. 第五百五十五条附属事项军事预算中秘密的一项。

    A blind item in a military budget .

  9. 这项计划是保密的。军事预算中秘密的一项。

    The plan was kept under wraps . a blind item in a military budget .

  10. 在先秦时期中国军事法制从秘密走向公开、从零散走向集中、从不成文走向成文的发展过程中,古代中国早期的军事伦理思想起到了不容忽视的作用。

    In the period of Pre-Qin , the Chinese Martial legal system moved from mystery to publicity , from separation to concentration , from unwritten laws to written laws . Hence the military ethic thoughts in the early ancient China played an indispensable role .

  11. 在肯塔基州一个军事基地举行的秘密仪式上,他授予他们总统团队奖(PresidentialUnitCitation),这是美国军队最高荣誉。

    At a private ceremony at a military base in Kentucky , he awarded them the Presidential Unit Citation , the highest honour of its kind for a military unit .

  12. 由于其中有一些图像信息可能涉及到国家安全、军事机密、商业秘密或者个人隐私,一旦在网络传播过程中被恶意攻击者浏览、传播与非法复制,会带来非常严重的后果。

    Since some image informations may be related to national security , military secrets , commercial secrets or personal privacy , it will be very serious that malicious attackers browse , copy and spread the images in the dissemination process of the network illegally .