
  • 网络Dachshund
  1. 事实上,腊肠犬在德语中是‘猎獾犬’的意思,表明饲养这种犬是捕猎獾用的。

    In fact , the name Dachshund is German for " badger dog ," indicating why these dogs were originally bred-to hunt badgers .

  2. 这只腊肠犬曾是纽约杰弗逊堡的一只救援犬。她身穿橙色外套,戴着红边护目镜,她的主人蒂尼斯·肖尼西替她领了长寿奖。

    The dachshund , a rescue dog from Port Jefferson in New York , wore an orange sweater and red goggles as her owner , Denice Shaughnessy , accepted the award marking her longevity .

  3. 你想了解腊肠犬,谁会责怪你?

    So , you want to learn about Dachshunds .

  4. 腊肠犬也”放下屠刀“啦?可不,在德国,它和鹈鹕鸟做起了朋友。

    A baby pelican and a dachshund who have reportedly become friends in Germany .

  5. 软骨发育不良症会导致短腿的现象,这也成为了许多狗类的特征,比如说最出名的德国腊肠犬和威尔士柯基犬。

    Short legs , a phenomenon known as chondrodysplasia , are characteristic of many dog breeds , perhaps most famously dachshunds and corgis .

  6. 常见的患肛门囊腺癌的犬种有英国可卡犬,德国牧羊犬,阿拉斯加雪橇犬,腊肠犬和英国激飞猎犬。

    Breeds that may be more commonly affected include the English Cocker Spaniel , German Shepherd Dog , Alaskan Malamute , Dachshund , and Springer Spaniel .

  7. 当路过唐宁街时,你会听到解说员说:“财政大臣菲利普·哈蒙德家的威尔士梗犬雷克斯和腊肠犬奥斯卡最近被拍到在唐宁街11号门前摆姿势,为每年的圣诞贺卡拍照。”

    When driving past Downing Street , you might hear : ' Chancellor Phillip Hammond 's Welsh Terrier , Rex , and Daschund , Oscar , were recently pictured posing outside No. 11 for the annual Christmas card . '