
  • 网络Agricultural Buildings;Agriculture building
  1. 当前农业建筑中值得重视的几个问题

    Problems in Agricultural Buildings

  2. 建筑整体构架尊重传统,就像周边其它农业建筑一样,融入环境,同时在材料上创新。

    An out-scaled structure , like the agricultural buildings that surround it , the house is both traditional in its morphology and innovative in its use of materials .

  3. 索穹顶结构的有限元分析及其在农业建筑中的应用

    Finite analysis of cable dome and its application in agricultural structure

  4. 农业建筑群体的互补型生态模式

    An Eco farming Pattern With Building Complex inner Mutual Complementary

  5. 农业建筑与环境工程专业现存问题及其对策的探讨

    Existing Problems and Correspondent Strategies for the Specialty of Agric-constructional and Environmental Engineering

  6. 农业建筑蒸发降温技术研究与应用的现状及展望

    The Development of Evaporative Cooling Technology for Farm Buildings

  7. 面向21世纪农业建筑环境与能源工程专业教学改革探讨

    Study on the Teaching Reform Facing 21st Century for Agricultural Architectural Environment and Energy Engineering Major

  8. 建筑物一般是指人们进行生产、生活或其他活动的房屋或场所,如工业建筑、民用建筑、农业建筑和园林建筑等。

    The building generally refers to the house or place where people produce , live or other activities such as industrial buildings , civil construction , agriculture and landscape architecture .

  9. 铝被广泛应用于机械电器、石油化工、文化卫生、冶金及电力、电信、农业建筑、交通运输、航空航天、国防军工等重要行业。

    Aluminum is widely used in mechanical electrical , oil chemical industry , culture , public health , metallurgy , electric power , telecom , agriculture construction , transportation , aerospace , defense military and other important industry .

  10. 农业建筑工程是农业工程学中一个分支,现代农业牛产要求控制环境,这个环境就需要建筑工程来保证。

    The paper states following points : Agricultural building and structure engineering is a branch of agricultural engineering science . The modern agriculture needs the environmental control for its production . Agricultural buildings and structures are the guarantee of the agricultural productive environments .

  11. 第三家新晋IPO公司是中西部农业及建筑设备零售商TitanMachineryInc.。

    A third offering , from Midwestern agricultural-and construction-equipment retailer Titan Machinery Inc. , priced within its range and began trading on Nasdaq .

  12. 美国机械集团卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)昨日宣布,计划通过中国一家新制造厂,向亚洲客户供应产品。这突显出全球市场对农业和建筑设备的需求活跃。

    Caterpillar , the US machinery group , yesterday announced plans to supply Asian customers from a new manufacturing plant in China , underscoring buoyant global demand for agricultural and construction equipment .

  13. 摘要聚丙烯(PP)由于原材料来源丰富,力学均衡性好,耐化学腐蚀,价格低廉等特点,广泛应用于包装、农业、建筑、汽车、电子电气等行业。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) is widely used for abundant material , good mechanical performance , chemistry-resisting , and low price . Polypropylene have been widely applied in fields of Packing , agriculture , building , automobile , electrical equipment , et al .

  14. 他转而关注于规模太小、中国人不感兴趣的利基领域:他为农业和建筑车辆生产定制轮胎(共2000个型号),供应给卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)等跨国企业。

    Instead , he focuses on niches that are too small to be of interest to them : he makes customised tyres ( 2,000 models in all ) for agricultural and construction vehicles , supplying multinationals such as Caterpillar .

  15. 他转而关注于规模太小、中国人不感兴趣的“利基”领域:他为农业和建筑车辆生产定制轮胎(共2000个型号),供应给卡特彼勒(Caterpillar)等跨国企业。

    Instead , he focuses on niches that are too small to be of interest to them : he makes customised tyres ( 2000 models in all ) for agricultural and construction vehicles , supplying multinationals such as Caterpillar .

  16. 他们通常在利比亚石油工业,农业或建筑业工作。

    They often work in Libya 's oil , agriculture or construction sectors .

  17. 温室已发展成为现代园艺设施中最主要的农业生产建筑设施之一。

    Greenhouse has developed as most important agricultural production facility in modern horticultural facilities .

  18. 产品广泛应用于工业、农业、建筑防水、医疗卫生、宠物等领域。

    It can be used for medical hygiene industry , agriculture industry , construction industry and pet field .

  19. 混合机械广泛用于制药、食品、化工、农业、建筑等各类工业生产和日常生活中。

    It is widely used in pharmacy , chemical , agriculture , construction and other industry and daily life .

  20. 全世界范围内,农业和建筑贸易等行业普遍被认为处于强迫性劳动的危险中。

    Around the world , industries such as agriculture and the building trades are commonly considered of forced labor .

  21. 用于农业、建筑机械等的磨损部分的堆焊,如大型推土机、动力铲的滚轮、汽车环链等。

    Fsurfacing welding the wear out parts of agriculture architecture mechanic , as grbulldozer , roll-wheel of dynamic spade ringy chain of car .

  22. 根据人力资本法、市场价值法等方法,计算了徐州市区2003年大气污染对人体健康、农业、建筑材料等造成的损失及增加的清洗费用。

    The economic losses caused by air pollution in Xuzhou city in2003 are estimated by using market value method , human capital method etc.

  23. 工程分包在农业及建筑业中是很常见的,这使得处罚那些雇用非法工人的公司变得很困难。

    Subcontracting , which is common both in farming and in the construction business , makes it difficult to punish companies for employing dodgy workers .

  24. 在防止雇主盘剥黑工、减少人口贩卖行为的行动中,佛拉蒂尼将目光锁定在了农业、建筑业和餐饮业。

    He has his sights on the farming , building and catering sectors in an effort to prevent employers exploiting clandestine workers and to reduce people trafficking .

  25. 用途:广泛用于工业、农业、建筑、交通运输、采矿、球场、草坪、养殖等各行业的围栏、装饰、机械防护等。

    Uses : used wide in industry , agriculture , building , transportation , mine , field , lawn , cultivation etc professions'guard . , decorate , machine protection ect .

  26. 在现代军事、农业和建筑业领域中,履带车辆以其良好的越野性能发挥着十分重要的作用。

    In the areas of modern military , agriculture , and constructions , because of good cross-country performance , endless-track vehicles played a very important part in country construction undertakings .

  27. 检索了国内外综合利用粉煤灰的有关文献,由粉煤灰特性入手,介绍了它在农业、建筑、环保等行业的资源化现状。

    This paper reviews the current situation of the coal fly ash utilization in agriculture , construction and environmental protection on the basis of analysis of related domestic and foreign literature .

  28. 介绍了国内合成树脂的生产现状及其在农业、建筑、汽车、电子工业、包装业等领域的应用情况,并对其发展趋势进行了预测。

    The production situation and the application of synthetic resin in agriculture , construction , automobile , electronics and package in China were introduced , and its development trend was predicted .

  29. 他说,在过去的五年,被贩卖的男性和小男孩大量增加,主要用于从事农业,建筑,捕鱼和国内服务行业。

    He says there have been large increases in the last five years in the trafficking of men and boys to work in the agricultural , construction , fishing and domestic service sector .

  30. 伸缩臂叉装车是传统叉车、轮式装载机、高空作业平台和小型汽车起重机有机结合而形成的一类新兴产品,并逐步成为农业、建筑、厂房建设等领域不可或缺的小型工程机械。

    Telescopic handler is a new product combined with traditional trucks , wheel loader , aerial work platform and small truck cranes . It is indispensable to the agriculture , architecture and other projects .