
nóng yè jī xiè
  • agricultural machinery
农业机械[nóng yè jī xiè]
  1. 农业机械广泛应用于不同的农业领域。

    Agricultural machinery is widely used in various agricultural sectors .

  2. 该厂生产农业机械,外带修理农具。

    This factory produces agricultural machinery and repairs farm tools on the side .

  3. 按现在的速度,可以推想两年内我们县就能实现农业机械化了。

    At this speed , we expect our county 's farming to be mechanized within two years .

  4. 要加强高标准农田、农田水利、农业机械化等现代农业基础设施建设,提升农业科技创新水平并加快推广使用,增强粮食生产能力和防灾减灾能力。

    In this regard , efforts will be made to optimize modern rural infrastructures including high-yield farmland and water conservancy and agricultural mechanization projects , raise agricultural technological innovation capability and speed up promotion and application , and enhance the capability of grain production and disaster prevention and mitigation .

  5. 基于WebServices的分布式农业机械信息共享系统

    Based on Web Services distributional farm machinery information sharing system

  6. 三维参数化CAD在农业机械设计中的应用

    Three-dimensional Parametric CAD Application in Designing Agricultural Machine

  7. 我国农业机械CAD的发展思路

    Development Strategies of Agricultural Machinery CAD in China

  8. 基于BP神经网络的农业机械化水平预测

    To Forecast Agricultural Mechanization Level Using BP Neural Network

  9. 我国农业机械GPS导航技术的发展

    The GPS-navigation Technology of Farm Machine in China

  10. 基于ASP技术的农业机械Web数据库的查询实现及结果显示

    Using ASP Technology to realize the retrieval and displaying of the results of the Web Database of Agricultural Engine

  11. 在有限元法(FiniteElementMethod)基本思路的基础上,介绍了ANSYS软件的主要功能及其在农业机械中的应用情况。

    The basic ideology of FEM ( Finite element method ) is summarized . The main functions of the ANSYS and its application in agriculture engineering machine are researched .

  12. 用CIMS改造传统的农业机械

    CIMS rebuild the traditional agriculture machinery

  13. 基于MSP430的智能农业机械终端

    Agriculture Intelligence Machinery Vehicle Terminal Based on MSP430

  14. 采用基于Linux操作系统,以Apache为网络服务器,利用Mysql系统数据库和PHP网络服务器语一言搭建基于网络的农业机械装备管理信息系统平台。

    ( 3 ) Describe setting up the management information system on Linux with PHP , Mysql , Apache Web Server in detail .

  15. 分析结果表明,影响葫芦岛市农业机械化进程的主要因素有:相对较高的农业人口比例,占整个生产总值(GDP)比例较低的农业总产值,庞大的第一产业从业人员等几个主要方面。

    The results show that the influence factors are relatively high agricultural population ratio , relatively low agriculture output value in GDP and hugeness practitioner in industry .

  16. 本文介绍针对农业机械工作特点,采用AVR单片机AT90S2313技术开发的一套发动机转速及非挥发计时系统。

    This paper mainly mentions about an engine speed and non-volatile timing system specially designed for agriculture machinery .

  17. HST在农业机械上的应用及前景

    Application and Trend or HST on Agricultural Machinery

  18. 之后,利用C-D生产函数模型定量地研究了农业机械化对农村经济的影响。

    By using C-D production function model , effect of agricultural mechanization on agricultural economy was studied quantificationally .

  19. 仿真结果表明,DGPS、电子罗盘和速度传感器组合用于轮式农业机械的导航定位是可行的;

    The simulation results indicated that it was feasible to applying the DGPS 、 digital compass and velocity sensor for the position estimates of wheeled agricultural machinery .

  20. 农业机械动力中CSIM自适应控制系统设计和实现

    Design and implementation of an adaptive control system for CSIM drives for power supplies in agricultural machinery

  21. 石油密集型资本设备可能不得不废弃:例如,所有SUV、农业机械及燃气电站的使用寿命都可能会缩短。

    Oil-intensive capital equipment may have to be scrapped : the useful life of all of sports utility vehicles , farm equipment and gas-fired power stations , for example , may be shortened .

  22. 一般利用ANSYS或其他常用有限元软件进行有限元分析的较多,而利用CATIA的比较少,尤其是应用于农业机械的有限元分析,更是少见,本文做了一个很好的尝试。

    ANSYS and other commonly used FEA software are often used in the FEA , however , CATIA is less used , and it is especially least used in the agricultural machine . So this paper makes a good try .

  23. 通过分析结果可知,在其他变量保持不变的情况下,农村人口人均科研经费每增加100元,农业机械装备水平可以增加0.0168kW/hm2。

    It can be known from analysis of the results that research funding every increased 100 Yuan per capita of rural population , agricultural mechanization level can increase 0.0168kW/hm2 in the circumstances of other variables keeps invariant .

  24. BZZ系列全液压转向器具有操作轻便、转向灵活、安装布置方便等诸多优点,在工程机械、农业机械、起重运输机械、矿山机械等领域应用广泛。

    Because many merits of the BZZ series hydraulic redirector with operation handiness , turning agile , installment arrangement convenience and so on , by extensive application in the project machinery , the farm machinery , the hoist transport machinery , the mining machinery and such .

  25. 农业机械标书评价指标体系设计原理

    Designable Principles of Index System for Bidding Evaluation of Agricultural Machinery

  26. 关于推进和提高慈溪农业机械化水平的分析与思考

    Analyse and Consideration on Pushing and Improving Agro-mechanization Level in Cixi

  27. 农业机械定周期维修的可靠性边界条件

    Study on Reliability Boundary Conditions for Periodic Maintenance of Agricultural Machinery

  28. 农业机械设计中的安全系数与可靠度

    Factor of safety and reliability in the design of farm machine

  29. 用有限元法测量农业机械工程材料的弹性模量

    Elastic Modulus of Agricultural Engineering Materials by Measuring Finite Element Analysis

  30. 山西省农业机械信息管理系统的研究

    Research on Information Administrative System for Agricultural Machinery in Shanxi Province