
  1. 河南省发展农产品区域品牌的意义探析

    On the Significance of Developing Agricultural Product Region Brand of Henan Province

  2. 地方特色农产品区域品牌建设策略探索

    On the Strategies for Establishing Regional Brands of Native Special Agricultural Products

  3. 农产品区域品牌推动产业集群转型升级机制研究

    The Research of Domain Cluster Transformation and Upgrading Mechanism by the Agriculture Area Brand

  4. 积极建立和完善农产品区域品牌的供应链体系;

    Establish and perfect the supply of the regional trademark of agricultural products actively chain system ;

  5. 基于产业集群的农产品区域品牌生成机理研究

    Study on the Formation of Agricultural products Regional Brand Based on the Theory of Industrial Cluster

  6. 区域品牌建设实证研究&以福建省农产品区域品牌为例

    An Empirical Research on Regional Trademark Construction & With the Fujian Regional Trademark of Agricultural Products as Example

  7. 农产品区域品牌建设中的公共物品私人自愿供给问题研究

    The Study on the Game of " Private Supply of Public Goods " in Constructing Agricultural Regional Brand

  8. 基于农产品区域品牌创建的政府职能定位研究&以江苏沿海欠发达地区为例

    Research on Location of the Government Functions Based on Creating Regional Brand of Agricultural Products & Take Less-developed Areas in Jiangsu Coast as an Example

  9. 基于“公共物品私人自愿供给”理论和博弈理论,对农产品区域品牌的建设问题进行初步的探索。

    Based on the theory of " Private Supply of Public Goods ", we design game models to study the problems which live in constructing agricultural regional brand .

  10. 农产品区域品牌建设对于福建省经济发展特别是农村经济的发展起着关键性的作用,意义重大。

    The regional trademark construction of agricultural products develops for Fujian province economy , especially rural , is economic to develop the role of crucialness , meaning is significant .

  11. 作为农业品牌中的一种特殊形态,农产品区域品牌的建设有利于农业结构调整和农业转型升级,有利于农业的产业化、规模化、商品化。

    As a special form of agricultural brand , agricultural regional brand is conducive to transformation of agricultural structure and upgrading , is conducive to the industrialization and commercialization .