
  • housing accumulation fund system
  1. 第二,对我国现行住房公积金制度进行了研究。

    Secondly , study the perfect housing accumulation fund system of our country .

  2. 基于委托代理理论浅谈住房公积金制度改革

    To Discuss on Reforming of Housing Accumulation Fund System Based on Principal-agent Theory

  3. 军队住房公积金制度设计

    A study of the accumulation fund system design of troops housing

  4. 因此,我国现行的住房公积金制度改革势在必行。

    Therefore , the existing housing fund system reform is imperative .

  5. 住房公积金制度的住房保障作用研究

    A Study of the Housing Security Function of Housing Accumulation Fund

  6. 首先是住房公积金制度层面的问题。

    The first problem is about the housing provident system .

  7. 住房公积金制度为住房制度的改革开辟了一条新的道路。

    The housing accumulation funds system paves a new way for housing reform .

  8. 完善住房公积金制度的探讨

    Probes to the System Perfection of Housing Accumulation Fund

  9. 非公有制企业推行住房公积金制度的思考

    On Carry Out Housing Common Reserve Fund System In Non-public Ownership System Enterprise

  10. 关于住房公积金制度现状与发展的探讨

    Approach to the Current Situation and the Development of Housing Accumulation Fund System

  11. 非公有制经济组织建立住房公积金制度的思考

    Ponderations on the Establishment of Housing Accumulation Fund System of Non-public Ownership Economic Organization

  12. 住房公积金制度在我国建立已有十六年。

    The system of housing accumulation fund has already been established for sixteen years .

  13. 中国住房公积金制度研究

    Study on the Chinese Housing Accumulation Fund System

  14. 推广住房公积金制度存在的问题及对策中国住房公积金制度运行中的问题与出路

    The Problems Existing in Chinese Public Accumulation Fund for Housing Construction Loaning and Their Countermeasures

  15. 所以,为他们建立住房公积金制度显得尤为重要。

    So , build system of housing accumulation fund to appear for them particularly important .

  16. 基于博弈的角度论我国住房公积金制度的生成

    The Forming of China 's Housing Accumulation Fund System Based on the View of Game Point

  17. 住房公积金制度是住房制度改革的配套产物。

    The legal system of housing public accumulation fund is the product of the housing reform .

  18. 基于公平与效率视角的完善我国城镇住房公积金制度研究

    Research of Improving Our Housing Provident Fund System from the Angle of the Fair and Efficiency

  19. 建立住房公积金制度是中国住房制度改革的一项重要内容。

    The establishment of public reserve funds is a major part of housing reform in china .

  20. 明显的标志是,住房公积金制度开始普遍建立。

    An obvious sign of this is the housing accumulation fund system starting to be commonly established .

  21. 同时,作为一项新生事物,住房公积金制度也遭到诸多质疑。

    At the same time , as a new-born thing , it also gets lots of doubts .

  22. 完善住房公积金制度,促进城镇住房货币化

    Perfecting the system of public accumulative fund for housing and promoting housing monetization in cities and towns

  23. 但是,我国的住房公积金制度也面临着日益增多的争议甚至是遭到了彻底否定。

    However , the housing accumulation fund system in China is facing an increasing number of disputes even denial .

  24. 论述了完善教育系统住房公积金制度是稳定教师队伍、促进教育发展的一项重要任务。

    Perfecting housing public accumulation fund system is an important task for stabilizing teacher team and promoting education development .

  25. 但是,在看到这些成就的同时,我们也应该看到住房公积金制度面临着越来越多的问题。

    But , we should also acknowledge that the system has faced more and more problems except the above achievements .

  26. 住房公积金制度是中国城镇住房制度改革的产物,是城镇住房制度改革的一项重要内容。

    The Public Housing Reserve Fund system is the outcome and an important content of the Chinese town housing system reforming .

  27. 住房公积金制度是我国城镇住房制度改革中的创举之一。

    Housing Provident Fund System is one of the pioneering work in the system reform of our country 's urban housing .

  28. 本文针对住房公积金制度实施过程中存在的问题进行剖析,提出了解决问题的相应措施。

    Problems on implementing the policy of public accumulative fund for housing are pointed out and their relevant measures put forward .

  29. 我国目前的住房公积金制度无论在其管理模式还是运行机制方面都存在着许多问题。

    It has been proved that there are some problems about management mode and operation mechanism in housing accumulation fund system .

  30. 刍议我国个人住房公积金制度的完善与创新

    Study on perfection and innovation of private house accumulative fund system Restricted Factors and Countermeasure of Housing Public Subsidized Fund 's Popularization