
nóng chǎng
  • farm
农场 [nóng chǎng]
  • [farm] 用机械进行大规模农业生产的企业单位

  • 国营农场

农场[nóng chǎng]
  1. 孩子们在农场期间健康活泼有生气。

    The children had bloomed during their stay on the farm .

  2. 他们住在边远地区的一个农场里。

    They live on a farm somewhere out in the wilds .

  3. 他拥有法国某农场的一部分。

    He is part owner of a farm in France .

  4. 他为独自一人留在农场的母亲担忧。

    He feared for his mother , left alone on the farm .

  5. 水果在农场洗净、分拣并装袋。

    The fruit is washed , sorted and bagged at the farm .

  6. 农场已改用有机肥料的耕作方法。

    The farm has changed over to organic methods .

  7. 小山那边有一个旧农场。

    There 's an old farm over yon hill .

  8. 我们商店里卖的肉均从英国农场购进。

    We source all the meat sold in our stores from British farms .

  9. 农场和周围地区遭洪水淹没。

    The farm and surrounding area was flooded .

  10. 那个农场只能开车去。

    The farm is only reachable by car .

  11. 那边的农场是谁的?

    Whose is that farm over yonder ?

  12. 那是个宜人的老农场。

    It 's a lovely old farm .

  13. 农场被淹,收成损失了一大半。

    The farm was flooded , with the result that most of the harvest was lost .

  14. 这些高原农场能继续存在下去非常重要。

    It 's important that these upland farms continue to survive .

  15. 他没有经营农场的专业知识。

    He hasn 't got the know-how to run a farm .

  16. 农场雇用了一名拖拉机手和两名杂工。

    The farm employed a tractor driver and two general labourers .

  17. 各家经营各自的农场,收获各自的劳动成果。

    Each family farms individually and reaps the benefit of its labor

  18. 他见过工厂工人、矿工和农场工人。

    He met mill hands , miners and farm labourers .

  19. 雇用了工人来改造和扩建农场建筑。

    Workmen were hired to remodel and enlarge the farm buildings

  20. 他们现在拥有并经营着一家位于罗切斯特以南50英里处的农场。

    They now own and operate a farm 50 miles south of Rochester

  21. 1970年,法国农场的平均规模为19公顷。

    In 1970 the average size of a French farm was 19 hectares

  22. 很多农场正赶潮流宣传有机食品。

    Many farms are jumping on the bandwagon and advertising organically grown food

  23. 我来到该农场住下纯属偶然。

    I came to live at the farm by happenstance .

  24. 看到那么多的年轻人放弃了合作农场的生活,他感到很痛心。

    He was pained to see many youngsters deserting kibbutz life

  25. 他们经营着杂货店和农场的乳品店。

    They ran the general store and the farm dairy .

  26. 她与丈夫隐居在他们在巴拿马的农场。

    She lived in seclusion with her husband on their farm in Panama

  27. 他母亲继承了一处年产值为1.5万美元的农场。

    His mother inherited a farm worth 15,000 dollars a year

  28. 你回美国之前一直生活在农场吗?

    You lived on the farm until you came back to America ?

  29. 他父亲40年前租下了这个农场。

    His father took over the tenancy of the farm 40 years ago

  30. 雷求学期间会在当地的农场干活赚取生活费。

    Ray will earn his keep on local farms while studying