
  • 网络rural cooperative bank
  1. 投资人为境内商业银行或农村合作银行;

    Being a domestic commercial bank or rural cooperative bank ;

  2. 福建石狮农村合作银行引入优先股研究

    Study on the Introduction of Preferred Stock to the Fujian Shishi Rural Cooperative Bank

  3. 泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力的实证分析借助AHP方法对泗洪农村合作银行核心竞争力情况作了实证分析。

    We use the AHP method for empirical analysis for the competitive power of Rural Cooperative Banks in Sihong County .

  4. 特大中心城市组建农村合作银行的可行性

    Feasibility of Setting up Rural Cooperative Banks in Large Central Cities

  5. 而农村合作银行就是农村信用社改革发展的结果。

    Rural cooperative banks is the result of the reform .

  6. 农村合作银行产权结构的思考

    Reflection on the Property Structure of Rural Cooperative Ban

  7. 农村合作银行经营效率评价指标体系设计

    Operating Efficiency Evaluation Index System of Rural Cooperative Banks

  8. 本文对农村合作银行的股权结构和法人治理结构进行了深入的研究。

    The paper has study carefully the ownership structure and corporative governance of the RCBs .

  9. 本文回顾了我国农村合作银行产生背景和发展历程。

    The paper reviewed the development background and history of rural cooperative banks in China .

  10. 三是朝农村合作银行方向发展;

    Orientation to rural cooperative banks .

  11. 江苏宜兴农村合作银行

    Jiangsu Yixing rural cooperative bank

  12. 构建以人为本的农村合作银行内部控制研究

    The Research on Constructing the Inner Control of the Rural Corporative Bank on the Base of Humanism

  13. 贷款公司是由境内商业银行或农村合作银行全额出资的有限责任公司。

    A loan company is a limited liability company solely invested by a domestic commercial bank or rural cooperative company .

  14. 有人已出高3倍的价钱买龙湾农村合作银行的股份,但也难买到。

    Some people have a high-3 times the price of buying Longwan rural cooperative bank shares , but also difficult to buy .

  15. 但是由于历史原因和条件限制,农村合作银行的信贷风险管理水平一直不高。

    However , due to historical reasons and constraints , the management level of credit risk has been low in rural cooperative bank .

  16. 本指导意见中的银行包括政策性银行、商业银行和农村合作银行。

    The term " banks " as mentioned in these Guiding Opinions includes the policy banks , commercial banks and rural cooperative banks .

  17. 本文以浙江农村合作银行为例,对农村合作银行的产权结构进行分析,并对如何更好地促进农村合作银行的发展提出了政策建议。

    This paper analyzes the property structure of rural cooperative banks in Zhejiang Province , proposes policy suggestions to promote rural cooperative bank development .

  18. 研究结果表明农户兼业与否、农户家庭收入和借款用途等因素显著影响了泗洪农村合作银行的违约率水平。

    The result shows that factors including part-time job , household income and the use of loan significantly affected the credit risk of Sihong bank .

  19. 在进行了多方面的综合分析后,本文提出,甘肃榆中农村合作银行也应着手进行类似商业银行全面风险管理平台的建设。

    In the aspects of comprehensive analysis , in this paper , Gansu Yuzhong rural cooperative bank also undertake similar commercial bank risk management platform construction .

  20. 利用内部评级法,对信贷风险进行测度;第五章是泗洪农村合作银行信贷风险的成因分析。

    And we use the IRB approach , to measure credit risk . Chapter five is the analysis about the causes of Sihong rural cooperative bank credit risk .

  21. 农村合作银行多跨地级市发起;注册资本的平均水平较高,但分布无规律;主发起人的出资比例较低。

    Rural cooperative banks cline to intercity ; with higher but irregular average level of registered capital ; the ratio of capital invested by the main shareholder is low .

  22. 针对泗洪合作银行信贷风险的现状及其成因,提出相关对策及建议,加速泗洪农村合作银行向农村商业银行的转变。

    Sihong cooperative bank credit risk for the status of its causes , and suggestions put forward relevant measures to accelerate Sihong rural cooperative bank changing into rural commercial banks .

  23. 本文以我国首家农村合作银行&宁波鄞州农村合作银行为例对农村合作银行治理结构的特征进行了实证研究。

    This paper studies the Characters of corporate governance of rural cooperative bank by taking Ningbo Yinzhou Rural Cooperative Bank , the first rural cooperative bank in China as an example .

  24. 本文开篇介绍了兰山农村合作银行柜台业务量考评系统的开发背景,国内类似研究开发现状。说明了系统需要解决的主要问题和主要工作。

    Firstly this paper introduces the bank counter volume testing system the development background , the domestic research and development present situation , explains the system needing to solve the main problems and main work .

  25. 广大中西部地区,甚至是沿海发达地区的一些地方,将农信社改制为农村合作银行作为其改革的首选。

    In the majority of central and western regions , even in some parts of developed coastal regions , restructuring the rural credit cooperatives to be rural cooperative bank is still the preference of its reform .

  26. 在农信社不断发展完善的同时,大量经营状况相对较好的农信社也开始有序转制为农村合作银行或农村商业银行。

    At the same time of the rural credit cooperatives ' continuing improvement , a lot of rural credit cooperatives of which have good operating conditions are orderly restructuring to rural cooperative bank or rural commercial banks .

  27. 至此,农村合作银行作为一种既坚持合作又包含股份制改革的新型社区性地方金融机构登上了历史舞台。

    Thus , the rural cooperative bank , as a new kind of local financial institution that both adheres to cooperation principle and also adapts to joint stock system reform , mounts to the stage of history .

  28. 泗洪农村合作银行作为2005年全省第一家由农村信用社成功改制为农村合作银行的金融机构,信贷资产占银行总资产的90%以上,银行利润近90%来自于存贷息差。

    Sihong rural cooperative banks , as the first rural cooperative bank successfully changing from rural credit cooperatives in Jiangsu Province in 2005 , having 90 % of profits is from the interest rate differential between deposit and lending .

  29. 本文剖析了我国农村合作银行存在的这些问题,并借鉴欧洲合作银行的发展经验,对如何推进我国农村合作银行的发展进行了思考。

    This paper analyses the problems existing in the rural cooperative bank in China . And by referring the experiences of European cooperative bank , we consider on the measure of advancing the development of the rural cooperative bank in China .

  30. 本研究选取转型期的农村合作银行员工为研究对象,通过访谈法、文献分析法、问卷调查法,评估银行员工的工作压力源状况,并分析银行员工工作压力源与心理健康的关系。

    This research selects employees of rural collaboration bank as subjects and evaluates the status of the occupational stress of the banking employees through method of questionnaire , interviewing and documentary analysis , meanwhile analyze the relationship between occupational stress source and mental health .