
quán nénɡ yín hánɡ
  • universal bank
  1. 全能银行&我国银行业的发展方向和现实选择

    Universal Bank & Development Direction and Realistic Choice of the Banks in Our Country

  2. 该报告的主要攻击目标,是融商业银行和投资银行业务于一身的全能银行模式。

    Its main target is the universal bank model , the combination of commercial and investment banking .

  3. 不能仅仅因为全能银行所固有的利益冲突就取缔它们,或者重新采纳美国的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct)。

    The conflicts of interest inherent in universal banks are not enough to forbid their existence or to go back to the US Glass-Steagall Act .

  4. 对于全能银行而言,一旦《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii)资本金标准实施,它们扩大财富管理业务的动机就将更为强烈:财富管理公司消耗的智力资本要多于金融资本。

    For universal banks , the incentive to expand wealth management businesses will be greater under looming Basel III capital standards : wealth managers consume more intellectual than financial capital .

  5. 此外,此类改革可能影响银行效率,尤其是损害全能银行的放贷能力&欧盟(EU)三分之二的融资来自全能银行。

    In addition , such reforms could have a detrimental impact on the effectiveness of banks , particularly on the ability of universal banks , which represent two-thirds of financing in the EU , to serve customers .

  6. 美国在1990年废除了《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(Glass-SteagallAct),全能银行模式此后成为了常态,使不利于客户的利益冲突得以延续。

    And the universal banking model that became the norm after the abolition of the US Glass-Steagall Act in 1999 entrenches conflicts of interest that continue to disadvantage clients .

  7. LIBOR丑闻将使英国的全能银行更难以阻止或者弱化那些限制银行业务范围的极端提议。

    And the LIBOR scandal will make it far more difficult for the British universal banks to block or soften the most extreme proposals to limit their scope .

  8. 也没人强迫德国各州立银行(landesbanken)和瑞士的全能银行大举投资问题资产。

    Nor did anyone force the German Landesbanken and the Swiss universal banks to invest heavily in toxic assets .

  9. 然而,只要政府不屈于压力,要求拆分全能银行模式重新启用《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(glass-steagall),迫使投行和零售银行业务分离乐观主义者认为,优秀的银行集团目前还是可以继续蓬勃发展的。

    But as long as authorities do not weaken to pressure to split the universal banking model forcing investment banks and retail banks to separate in a reprise of the Glass-Steagall legislation optimists believe good banking groups can , for the time being , continue to thrive .

  10. 现在我们迫切需要对全能银行模式提出质疑。

    Questions must be asked urgently about the universal banking model .

  11. 全能银行面临的第一个基本问题是风险管理。

    The first basic problem that universal banks face is risk management .

  12. 在全能银行,利益冲突无所不在。

    In universal banks , conflicts of interest are ubiquitous .

  13. 这表明,全能银行模式是有效的。

    It shows the universal banking model is working .

  14. 他们引发了一场就该国全能银行迟来的辩论。

    They have unleashed an overdue debate on the country 's universal banks .

  15. 通过两者对比,说明了建立全能银行的重要性。

    The comparison of them indicates the vitality of establishing the versatile banks .

  16. 该法案之所以被废除,是因为客户需要全能银行所能提供的服务。

    It was abolished because customers wanted the services universal banks can provide .

  17. 从实证角度分析全能银行范围经济的存在。

    The most important advantage of universal banking may produce economies of scope .

  18. 中国金融业发展的全能银行研究

    A Study of Universal Banking Based on the Development of China 's Financial Industry

  19. 第二节介绍了当今世界主要的三种银行混业经营模式&全能银行模式、金融控股公司模式和子公司模式,并且进行分析比较,从而为下面部分分析我国混业经营的模式选择打下基础。

    Secondly , it introduces three important modes of mixture run and compares them .

  20. 全能银行多样化经营的策略分析框架和绩效评估模型

    Framework of Strategy Analysis of Diversified Operations by Universal Banks and Performance Appraisal Model

  21. 全能银行和其他的金融机构都会向网络化发展和迈进。

    Universal banks will advances towards networking with other financial institutions in the future .

  22. 当前,经济金融的全球化推动着全能银行全球化的进程。

    Now , economic and financial globalization promotes the development of universal banking system .

  23. 而在此之际,金融危机加剧了人们对全能银行的批评。

    His remarks come as the financial crisis has fuelled criticism of universal banking .

  24. 美国花旗集团破产危机及对全能银行模式的反思

    Rethinking of the Crisis of American Citibank N.A. Bankruptcy and Mode of All-round Bank

  25. 全能银行是指能提供全方位金融服务的银行。

    Universal banks is such a kind of bank which can supply all financial service .

  26. 全能银行的金融产品:创新、替代与组合

    Some Thoughts about the Financial Products of Universal Banks : Innovation , Renovation and Integration

  27. 全能银行发展研究

    The Study of Development of Universal Banking

  28. 德国全能银行的优势主要体现在经济范围优势、资金优势、成本优势、网络优势以及抗风险优势等方面;

    The all-round banks embody their economic , found , cost , net and anti-risk advantages .

  29. 从总的方面来说,全能银行经营风险比专业金融机构的风险小,也比专业金融机构稳定;

    Generally speaking , the Universal Banking operation has fewer risks than the Special Financial Institution .

  30. 法国的银行都是全能银行,因此受到债券市场状况的影响并不大。

    They are universal banks ; and as such much less vulnerable to funding market conditions .