
Rural vulnerable groups own rural household registration , living at the bottom of the rural areas or at the edge of the city .
The legal member identity is based on the rural household registration and the legal person performs its membership right on the principle of fairness .
The problem of providing compulsory education to children of rural migrants working in cities was basically solved , and 12.6 million children with rural residence status are now receiving compulsory education in cities .
The 1980s or 1990s have born in the rural town of residence and employment in the new generation of migrant workers has been created and then large-scale , farmer-workers has become the main force .
Our country is the large agricultural country . The rural population is about 950 million of household register . It accounts for about 72 % of total population . Agriculture is the foundation of economic development and social stability in China .
From the establishment of " national urban and rural comprehensive reform pilot area " Chongqing has made exploration and reform on rural household registration , employment , education , health care , endowment insurance , public rental housing , residential land and contracted land .
More important is the fact that registered population in the villages remains large , although many people have floated away .
System of China 's Rural Land , Household System and the Transference of Extra-labour in the Countryside
However , because of household registration system , rural migrant women workers are excluded by the current social welfare system .
The new ideas should be brought forth for the reform in rural tax system , administrative organization , rural household register system , financial policies and agricultural structure adjustment .