
bīng xīn
  • pure mind;BX;ice core;Secret Garden
  • bright heart like ice
冰心 [bīng xīn]
  • [brihght heart like ice] 象冰一样晶莹明亮的心。比喻心地纯洁、表里如一

  • 洛阳亲友如相问,一片冰心在玉壶。-- 唐. 王昌龄《芙蓉楼送辛渐》

  1. 理县地区气候演化更接近于印度季风强度记录的变化,而与格陵兰冰心和深海氧同位素记录相似性稍差。

    The environmental variations in Lixian County are close to Indian monsoon records in intensity changes , but its similarity to the Greenland Ice Core and deepsea oxygen isotope records is slightly lower .

  2. 纳拉海峡固定冰和上浮雪厚度钻孔测量以及冰心钻取;

    Direct measurements of fast ice thickness and snow cover , as well as ice core sampling in Nella Fjord ;

  3. 冰心短篇小说的主位推进模式

    The Patterns of Thematic Progression in Bing Xin 's Short Stories

  4. 试论冰心的《先知》翻译

    On the Translation of 《 The Prophet 》 by BING Xin

  5. 冰心、庐隐的创作与基督教文化

    The Creating Novels of Bing Xin and Lu Yin and Christianity

  6. 论冰心、朱自清笔下的孤独感

    Loneliness in the Works of Bin Xin and Zhu Zi Qing

  7. 冰心的作品主要有诗歌、散文和短篇小说等。

    Her writings ranged from poems , prose to short stories .

  8. 天上一轮明月,映证两颗冰心。

    The sky a bright moon , video card two Bingxin .

  9. 冰心从不隐讳自己同宗教的关系。

    Bing Xin never covered up her relation with religion .

  10. 冰心《关于女人》在女性主义视域下的解读

    Bing Xin 's about Woman under Feminine Principle Sight Explanation

  11. 爱的建筑&记福建长乐冰心文学馆创作设计

    Creation of Bing Xin Literary Hall in Changle , Fujian

  12. 社会的记录深邃的思考&读冰心的问题小说

    Social Record , Deep Thought & Reading Issue Novel by Bing Xin

  13. 大海给冰心留下了深刻的印象。

    The ocean left a deep impression on Bing Xin .

  14. 巧用翻译技巧,译出散文风格&冰心散文的英译技巧拾零

    Expressing the style of essays by using translating skills

  15. 基督教文化与冰心早期文学创作

    Christian Culture and Bing Xin 's Early Literary Works

  16. 文摘:介绍了冰心文学馆的创作构思。

    Abstract : the thesis introduces the creation of Bing Xin literary hall .

  17. 冰心作品中的童心意识探析

    Bing Xin 's Childlike Innocence Consciousness Analysis in Works

  18. 冰心与台湾当代女性散文

    Bing Xin and Woman 's Prose in Contemporary Taiwan

  19. 重塑理想的现代女性&试论冰心之理想女性期待

    Re-portray Ideal Modern Females & on Bing Xin 's expectation of ideal females

  20. 冰心是爱的哲学的典范代表。

    Bingxin is the classic representative of love philosophy .

  21. 翻译家冰心研究

    A Study of Bing Xin as a Translator

  22. 冰心将它译为:愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。

    May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset .

  23. 冰心文本世界的外来因素及在铸型白话文学中的作用

    Bing Xin 's Acceptance & Reception of Foreign Matters to Mould Modern Chinese Literature

  24. 冰心散文对建立现代汉语的典范卓有贡献。

    Modern Chinese language standard was established through the help of Bingxin 's prose .

  25. 冰心研究是文学艺术界的重要论题之一。

    Bing Xin research is one of the important topics of literature and art .

  26. 人间真情的激荡&评析冰心《笑》中的第三幅画

    The true feelings in the world - A remark on the third picture of Smile

  27. 冰心是中国最有名的作家之一。

    Bing Xin is the best-Chinese writers .

  28. 冰心:爱的哲学

    Bingxin : the Philosophy of Love

  29. 满蕴着温柔微带着忧愁&浅析冰心早期散文创作风格的形成与发展

    The Formation and Development of the Tender and Melancholy Writing Style of Bing Xin 's Early Prose-writing

  30. 冰心小说叙事模式的建构和分析,是将新叙事理论中女性叙事方法运用于现代小说的初步尝试。

    It is expressed the female narration theory attempt to expound new connotation of Chinese modern literature .