
  • 网络decision method;methods of decision;AHP;Multiple Criteria Decision Making;Factual approach to decision making
  1. 第三方物流供应商选择的模糊决策方法

    TPL Provider Selection Based on Fuzzy AHP Method

  2. 本章针对经济合理区域,应用多准则决策方法确定其配送路线。

    The chapter uses multiple criteria decision making methods to determine their distribution routes in a certain economic rationality .

  3. 动态CAPP系统及其加工资源决策方法的研究

    Research on Dynamic CAPP System and Its Decision about Manufacturing Resource

  4. 物流系统供货商选择的AHP评价与决策方法

    Logistical System Supplier Choosing AHP Evaluation and Decision-making Method

  5. 多目标随机决策方法研究及其在RD项目选择中的应用

    On the Multi-Objective Stochastic Decision-Analysis Method with Its RD Project Selection Application

  6. 提出了一种基于熵权系数与vague集的多目标决策方法。

    An approach to multiple objectives decision making based on entropy coefficient and vague set is proposed .

  7. 基于Pareto最优的概念结构方案多目标决策方法

    Pareto Optimality Based Multi-Objective Decision-Making Approach to Concept Selection

  8. 基于ANP支持下的农机产品设计选型决策方法研究

    The Study on the Design Selecting Scheme of Agricultural Machine Based on ANP

  9. 还给出了一个实例说明这种基于Vague集的模糊决策方法。

    And then an example is also presented to illustrate the application of the proposed fuzzy decision making method based on Vague set .

  10. 本文分析了军工产品生产外协管理现状,针对军品外协制造过程的特点,总结了敏捷供应链基础理论和AHP决策方法,为军品生产外协研究提供了理论基础。

    According to the character of military productions ' manufacturing , the theory of agile supply chain and AHP is investigated , which provides the research fundamental .

  11. 针对具有证据结构的多源信息融合结果,提出一种基于距离测度的D-S证据决策方法。

    Fourthly , to decision-making problems based on multi-source information fusion results with D-S evidence structure , a decision-making method based on distance measure is proposed .

  12. 多决策方法多交流方式的群体决策比较研究了基于AHP的评价指标的权重确定策略。并采用集结原理对多决策方法结果进行综合,并给出了决策算法的仿真运行实例。

    COMPARATIVE STUDIES ON DECISION-MAKING OF GROUPS USING MULTI-METHOD UNDER MULTI-COMMUNICATION CONDITIONS In our algorithm , the AHP is used to calculate evaluation weights and we utilize integration method synthesize the results by different decision algorithms .

  13. 研究民营科技企业集群的综合评价问题,运用Delphi群决策方法,经过三次反馈,得到有可信性的指标项目,使用层次分析法,获得各层指标权重,因此得出完整的指标体系。

    Studying how to evaluate enterprise cluster . By Delphi method , after feedback of three times , obtaining credible indices . By AHP , obtaining the weight of every layer of indices . 4 .

  14. 评价结果表明,本文所提出的IDEA评价决策方法不仅弥补了传统DEA方法的不足,而且克服了常用方法主观性强的弱点,因此其评价结果更加全面、更加符合实际情况。

    The evaluation results shows that established IDEA model not only remedies the shortcomings of the traditional DEA but also surmounts the weakness that the general assessment methods possess subjectivity , so the evaluation should be more overall and more objective .

  15. FDF鲁棒决策方法研究

    The research of FDF robust decision method

  16. 与绿色设计、绿色制造研究相比,绿色CAPP决策方法研究相对滞后,进行绿色CAPP决策方法研究具有十分重要的意义。

    The research on decision-making method of green CAPP system is relatively dropped behind the research of green design and green manufacturing . It is very important to focus on the research of decision-making method of green CAPP system .

  17. 在文章的最后,对于Vague集在方案的准则权重是完全未知的情况下,提出一个新的基于熵权重的权重相关系数的多准则模糊决策方法。

    At last in this paper , a new multicriteria fuzzy decision-making method based on the weighted correlation coefficient using entropy weights is proposed under vague sets for some situations where the information about criteria weights for alternatives is completely unknown .

  18. 在AHP(层次分析法)决策方法的基础上,提出了一种考虑安全性的油气钻井核心技术筛选方法。

    A method of screening the key techniques for oil & gas drilling in consideration of safety is put forward in the paper on the basis of analytic hierarchy process ( AHP ), and it can make judgement matrix and safety matrix at the same time .

  19. 模糊灰色物元空间(FHW)理论与实践&宏观复杂大系统决策方法

    Fuzzy Gray Matter-element Space Theory and Practical Application and Development & The Policy Decision Supporting System in Macro Complex System

  20. 传统的投资决策方法是贴现现金流(DCF)方法,其本身隐含了对项目未来发展状况的预先假定,因而无法准确地对当前不确定性日益增大的投资机会作出合理的评价。

    Traditional investment decision-making approach is the discounted cash flow ( DCF ) method , which itself implies the future status of the project presupposes , and therefore can not accurately increasing the current uncertainty in the investment opportunity to make a reasonable assessment .

  21. 作者借助多阶段决策方法和贪心算法,设计出一种6∶8优化映射等重调制码(OCWMC)。

    Therefore , a 6 ∶ 8 optimal mapping constant weight modulation code ( OCWMC ) is designed by the multistage decision method and the greedy algorithm .

  22. 本文基于最小二乘统一理论和连乘层次分析法(MAHP)提出了一种统计性群体决策方法。首先介绍了MAHP的要点;

    This paper proposes a statistical method for group decision making ( GDM ) based on unified theory of least squares and multiplicative AHP ( MAHP ) .

  23. 该文介绍了农业气象预测系统的总体设计,并重点阐述了系统采用的预测模型后验差(P.C)检验方法及模糊决策方法。

    Agrometeorological Forecast System plays an important role in making agricultural management decisions . This paper presents the general design of Agrometeorological Forecast System and mainly describes the methods of small error probability ( P. C ) test and fuzzy decision applied by the forecast system .

  24. 部分权重信息下的三角模糊数型多属性决策方法

    Triangular Fuzzy Number Multi-attribute Decision Making Method Under Partial Weight Information

  25. 基于环境因素的企业项目投资决策方法研究

    Research on Enterprises Projects Investment Decision Method Based on Environmental Factors

  26. 勘查基地选择的灰色模糊决策方法

    Decision Method of the Gray Blur for Selection of Prospective Base

  27. 城市污水处理厂规划决策方法探讨

    Discussion on decision-making approach for planning of city sewerage treatment plant

  28. 一种项目投资多元风险决策方法

    A method for the item investment multidimensional riskful decision Chen Liwen

  29. 交互式多目标决策方法及其在海洋平台方案综合优选中的应用

    Interactive Multiobjective Decision-Making method and its application in preferred marine platforms

  30. 航空照片中高炮阵地判读的决策方法研究

    Research on interpretation decision method of flack battlefield in aviation image