
  • 网络Metallurgical crane;metallurgy crane
  1. 三菱重工冶金起重机疲劳寿命设计技术跟踪研究

    Study of fatigue life design technology of Mitsubishi metallurgy crane

  2. 冶金起重机疲劳寿命的可靠性评估

    Reliability Estimating of Fatigue Lifespan of Metallurgy Crane

  3. FX(ON)型PLC控制的电力拖动系统在冶金起重机中的应用

    Electric Drive System Controlled by PLC Used for Smelter Crane

  4. 某150t冶金起重机投产运行10多年后,主小车架马鞍形端梁局部产生了一些肉眼可见的裂纹。

    The saddle-shaped end beams of the trolley structure of a150 t metallurgical crane , which had been in use for10 years , came to have a lot of visible cracks .

  5. 镶嵌石墨轴承在大型冶金起重机上的应用

    The application of bearing with inserted graphite to large metallurgical crane

  6. 吊钩三维定位检测装置在冶金起重机上的应用

    Application of 3D hook positioning and measuring device to metallurgical crane

  7. 冶金起重机卷筒断轴事故分析及维护措施

    Drum Shaft-broken Accident Analysis and Maintenance Measures on Metallurgic Crane

  8. 冶金起重机金属结构主梁的疲劳断裂失效分析

    Failure Analysis of Side Ride Box Imitating Chief Beam of Metallurgy Crane

  9. 现代冶金起重机的发展趋势

    Development trends of cranes for metallurgy industry in the years ahead Modern workwear

  10. 冶金起重机主梁开裂原因分析及启示

    Causes of main girder cracking of metallurgy crane

  11. 冶金起重机大吨位主梁结构设计专家系统

    Expert system for design of main girder in heavy duty crane used in metallurgical industry

  12. 讨论了疲劳寿命的可靠性评估方法,并对冶金起重机的疲劳寿命进行了可靠性评估。

    This paper discusses the reliability estimating method of fatigue lifespan . Reliability estimating of metallurgy crane is introduced .

  13. 介绍了冶金起重机金属结构偏轨箱形模拟主梁的疲劳失效分析研究结果,提出疲劳失效的原因及改进措施。

    Failure analysis of side rail box imitating chief beam of metallurgy crane was studied . Cause of fatigue failure and improving method were given .

  14. 本文讨论了起升140吨钢水包、钢锭等物料用的冶金起重机的卷筒的铸造工艺。

    This paper discussed the casting technique of the winding barrel used on metallurgical crane of 140 ton capacity for lifting and transferring spout ladle or ingots etc.

  15. 冶金起重机金属结构的事故时有发生,一些大中型冶金企业对起重机的安全检测评估工作已经提到议事日程上来。

    Owing to the accidents occuring now and then in the metal structure of metallurgical cranes , assessment of the measured data for the safety of cranes has been brought to the notice of some large and medium metallurgical enterprises .

  16. 本课题以事故再现的基本理论为指导,运用模拟法对安阳钢铁公司某炼钢厂125/30t×16.5m冶金桥式起重机发生过的一次桥架副梁被顶弯的事故进行再现分析。

    The secondary beam of a 125 / 30t 16 . 5m metallurgy crane bridge in Anyang iron and steel Corporation was damaged , and this accident was reappeared by computer . The ANSYS , a kind of FEA program , was used to build model of small carriage .

  17. 冶金铸造起重机桥架主梁使用安全评估

    Safety Evaluation for the Bridges of Ingot Casting Crane in Service

  18. 随着钢铁行业的迅速发展,冶金专用起重机的需求越来越大,对其结构和性能要求也越来越高。

    With the rapid development of steel industry , there is an increasing demand to metallurgical crane , so requirement of structure and performance have become more and more higher .

  19. 冶金桥式起重机是钢铁厂最主要的设备之一,在其频繁地使用过程中,其结构强度、疲劳强度和可靠性水平均随着使用年限的增加而降低。

    Metallurgical overhead traveling crane is one of the most important equipment in steel factory , structure strength , fatigue strength and reliability of crane are reduced gradually when used frequently .

  20. 当前,我国对起重机的报废年限还缺乏强制性的标准,且冶金专用起重机的造价较高,许多起重机已经达到甚至超过了设计使用年限,却仍然还在使用,造成了很大的安全隐患。

    Nowadays , China has lacked mandatory standard for service life of crane , as high cost of crane , so many cranes have run out of design life , but used also , which bring about security risk .

  21. 冶金行业桥式起重机小车计算机辅助优化设计

    Computer Aided & Optical Design of Ass Wagon of Metallurgical Bridge Crane

  22. 冶金厂用起重机的设计要点

    Design of Crane Used for Metallurgical Plant

  23. 冶金行业用起重机主梁结构疲劳强度评估方法

    The Fatigue Strength Evaluation System for the Crane Main Girder Structure in the Metallurgical Industry

  24. 桥式起重机可分为普通桥式起重机、简易粱桥式起重机和冶金专用桥式起重机三种。

    Bridge crane bridge crane can be divided into ordinary , simple beam bridge crane and metallurgical three special bridge crane .

  25. 介绍冶金行业用起重机主梁结构疲劳强度评估方法、技术路线以及在一台120/30t-27.6m起重机上的应用实例。

    This article has described the fatigue strength evaluation system for the crane main girder structure used for metallurgical industry , as well as the technical route and the application example on a 120 / 30 t-27.6M crane .